Harry Potter: THE ORPHAN

The Discharge Part 1

Here with a new chapter


Iris POV

It's been 3 days since i came to the hospital, It has been a bliss here,I get a soft bed to sleep on and given many fruits on everyday basis and now i am thinking to just hurt myself to stay here more but every good comes to an end.

On the evening of the third day i got the message i would be discharged from the hospital Tomorrow.It was a sad news for me but a happy one for the policeman and the doctors as i this shows i was recovered.

Now that i think about i haven't asked the name of the policeman who saved me.I was getting a little ashamed that i did't even ask the name of my beneficiary who even gave a place to stay for some time.

I will ask him the next time I meet him.

While i was thinking these things a knock came from the door.

"Come In" I said

There was the nurse who has been taking care of me from the last 4 days.

"There will some physical examination for you before you discharge"She said.

She was a young women of what seems like to 22 years of age she was a great helper for me the last 4 days as she helped me to ease my trauma and lessen my fear of men.

"Okay" I said while flashing a big smile.

"Will meet you in an hour then" she said and left the room.

This is going to be my last day here so I very well enjoy it by sleeping in this soft bed.

I closed my eyes and even if i woke up just a hour ago,I still dosed off.

Nurse POV

It was like any another day for me at the hospital.Like any other day there was an emergency,i rushed to the patient but what i saw was enough to give me chills who saw bloody bodies almost everyday.

There was a small girl in the arms of the sergeant, her head was bleeding profusely there her clothes were nearly torn and the jacket of the sergeant was only thing that saved her modesty.

Before i could ask what happened, The sergeant gave the girl to the doctor and said to treat her until he comes back after reporting the incident.

We took her to the operation theater and started treating her.

For the first time i was felling cold while seeing a patient.

"Who could do this to a child" I thought 

But we saved her and admitted her in a single room.

I was also thinking of her parents, what would they be going through and when they will face the truth what would happen.

After 12 hours of the operation i was placing some fruits for her when she suddenly started moving and saying 

"Save me,save me" while crying.

I hugged her and stroked her back and said 

"It's okay" And she slept again.

I don't what has she went through but it was something terrifying from what i could make out.

I was just waiting for the sergeant to come and ask him what happened.

Before he came she woke up again and i was still in her room as soon i saw her waking up i rushed to call a doctor to check her situation but when i doctor opened the room there she was holding a scalpel in her hand and shouting to the doctor don't come near me again and again .

Before i could do anything the sergeant came and started going near her while saying it's okay,he took the scalpel from her hand and hugged her to calm her down. She cried for 15 minutes and then calmed down.

There would be 2 parts for this chapter the next one i would post tomorrow.Please review my writing by some comments.

Thank you for reading.


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