Harry Potter: THE ORPHAN

A new Home

Hello everyone,

I am sorry for a month delay there was some personal problem

Anyways, I will upload 2-3 chapter today as redemption for my sins

Thank you for coming again and reading my novel

Iris POV

After my examination got over the policeman came to take me to his home as he had promised. As a mannered person i went to every docotr and thanked them and also thanked Sophia for taking care of me.

Just before i Got out the door Sophia said "If you have any problem you can come to me"

I beamed a big smile and said "Thank you"

As I stepped out of the hospital after a week. The felling of cold air hitting my face and blue sky above me was very calming.

While I was enjoying the nature the policeman(whose name i have't asked till now) said\

"come with me to the parking"

I slowly started following him after reaching to the car parking he opened the door to a police car and said

"Get in"

I climbed up the the front seat and he put a seat belt around me.

After that he came in from the other side and started the car

Brwr brwr

The noise of the engine after a long time felt pleasant to me.He took the car out of the hospital parking and the there were not so modern buildings outside.

It looked like it was late 20th century.I eagerly saw outside of the window of the car.

Everything looked so colorful for the first time in my whole life.

The care that i was shown in the hospital was first time experience of being cared for me.

After like 30 min we reached a place where there were a lot of houses lined up and he stopped the car in front of a 2 story European style house.

He parked the in the garage of the house and said 

"We have reached,Let me show you the house"

Before he could get out of the car i asked hesitantly 

"what is    your   name?"

He replied

"I haven't tell you till now, Sorry my name is Ralph"

"Oh!"I replied

After that he got out of the car came to my side of the door opened it and took out my seat belt and he picked me up and started walking towards the door.

I got a little flustered and asked him to put me down but he replied

"You know,You need a little more rest,We can't have you faint now can we"

As he opened the door the what i saw was not at all expected.

His home looked liked an abandoned house,dust here and there clothes everywhere nothing was clean

"you live here"I asked him a little shocked.

"Yes,Is there any problem"

"No"I said

He climbed the stairs which were situated just a little right of us.

There were two rooms on the second floor and he stopped n front of the room with a name plate with a name Anna.

He opened the door and let himself in.The rooms wall were in light pink color whereas there was a wooden bed with a swarm of soft toys and a study table neatly arranged.

After i observed the whole room i asked him

"Will I stay here"

"yes'He said

"But isn't your daughters room and by the way where is your wife and daughter?" I asked him

Just as I asked him this there was a very pained expression on his face and a deep regret came to when i saw his face

"Don't make that face"He said to me

"My daughter and wife came into an accident about 6 months ago and after that my life got upside down,My house never looked it like it is now and also i asked you to stay with me as you reminded me of my daughter and now if you hate me for it it's okay" he said.

The next chapter would be in the POV of Ralph.

Thank you for reading.



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