
Chapter 181 – Reconquista 2


- Teron -


So that's an insect princess.
I need to admit, its piercing glare is something else, but from what I see she doesn’t have too much else going for her.
It's not the first time I’ve met an officer who wants to appear confident and starts spouting nonsensical orders just to appear so.
Part of my group's bad reputation might be because I refuse to listen to such idiots.
This insect, as weird as it's to say this, is certainly this kind of person.
If you know what to look for one can easily see the signs.
How she's covering up her lapses of judgment, and does things without proper consideration.
Therefore, it's difficult to watch how much that officer, who I came to know is by no means an idiot, is sucking up to her.
That's not only because she just ruined the biggest deal I’ll ever have the chance to make.
Seriously, pulling out that much wealth.
Could you announce any more clearly that you have no idea what you're dealing with?

Yet as I know that Captain, pardon, Commander Lorata, is by no means an idiot, there have to be reasons for this.
Those probably have to do with this big ass army behind that "princess".
A dangerous combination.
I'm sure the men she brought back can attest to that, the way they're looking.
From what I got by asking around a bit, they tried to imprison one of them.
It seems they have quite the value to fight for something like this.
Still, it was apparently not well-received.
Makes me not want to join in on this foolishness.
I mean, hostage scenarios seldom end well.
At some point, something inevitably goes wrong.
And given the apparent resources those creatures can draw from this wouldn't end great for the perpetrator.
On the other hand, taking advantage of this apparent idiot of a princess could pay really well.
However, her unpredictable actions may as well turn into a problem.

Like in this particular example.


"You want what?!" (T)

"I requisition you to lead your troops into my world. From there, we'll prepare the attack." (C)

"Shouldn't we first plan this through?" (T)

"Of course, that additionally. I have created all the mandated facilities for such a thing as well. Everything is already prepared for this." (C)


Yeah, that one really fits the bill of a noble child using fancy words cause they sound good.
So she wants us to lead our troops under the earth, where we'd also discuss our strategy?
That's... unusual.


"I can give the orders, but it will take some time to mobilize all our troops. Also, I'd like to avoid that they have to wait for too long." (T)


Yeah, that's actually an issue.
People tend to underestimate how impeding it can be if a soldier who was ordered to stay at attention for hours eventually hears the call of nature.
It's not like they can just piss themselves.
At least, that probably wouldn't make them all the more nimble.


"If you say this is necessary. Then accompany me." (C)


Of course, I follow behind.
Half of those who might die if this goes wrong are my guys after all.
The princess leads us down the hole, through a number of similar tunnels, until we reach one peculiar hall that looks like a room.


"Here we are close enough. Once you're completed your preparations we can start the invasion." (C)

"Then, Princess Chera, I'd like to discuss how we'd be going about reconquering our settlement." (T)

"You're repeating this, but what is there even to discuss? Everything is prepared. Just attack them!" (C)


Is she for real?!
Of course, you need to properly plan out an engagement if you can do so.


"I'm sorry, but our officers require clear instructions in advance. There are certain priority targets we should concentrate on." (T)

"I thought something as elementary as this would've already commenced." (C)

"No, it couldn't. After all, we don't even know yet how exactly our collaboration will commence. Also, we should wait for the right moment to surprise the enemy." (T)


The commander still seems terribly inclined to appease that princess, while urging to get her own strategy through.


"Fine. Then I will explain it to you. By now, my drones already achieved to complete the required tunnels below human dwellings. All together with the necessary protection activities, in case your human operation endeavor should fail." (C)

"What do you mean by this?" (T)

"Naturally, we can't allow hostile forces entry to our tunnel system. Therefore, I assigned a partition of my units to destroy the connections should it seem like you'll be overwhelmed. Naturally, only in the gravest possible development." (C)


While it seems like she at least put some thought into this, I'd like to know better where exactly I would send my men.


"I don't doubt your kind's ability to dig, but how exactly are you planning on finding your exit point? It's not like you can see where you're going before you break through." (Teron)


I wouldn't want to get out right before the castle wall.


"A simple matter. Our messengers in advance prepared them. For a considerable number of activity intervals we scouted the dwelling location from above. It only needs a messenger to mark the location with a certain pheromone sign that can be traced even through greater walls of earth. You can be sure those emergence excavations are placed at convenient spots from where you can spread easily." (C)

"Great! In that case, why don't you show the locations to me on the map, so I can incorporate them into my strategy?" (T)

"As you wish. They would be here, here, and there." (C)


Is she playing an act or does she truly know the location by heart?


"I see the central plaza, the main street, and the administrative district. That could actually work. Now if we attack so that we reach the barracks and officers' quarters quickly enough we might be able to overwhelm them before they can put up any resistance." (T)


It would certainly be an advantage to have the ability to show up right in their ranks.
Yet if we can already decide this, I would think it's much more effective to open as many passages as possible.


"If you can identify the exit points, why don't we open as many as we can to attack them everywhere at once?" (Teron)

"This shows again how little you humans know. More tunnels would destabilize the ground. Even with the applicant, there's a limit to how much you can dig away without stabilizing elements. In addition, further egresses could cause confusion, as your troops wouldn't be able to control counterattacks into our territory." (C)


What kind of surprise assault does she think this is going to be?!


"Listen you..." (Teron)


Before I can finish, Commander Lorata raises her arm in front of me, ordering me to stop.


"I fear that we don't have resources to spare on this. Our only shot at victory will be to go all in and hurt them as much as possible with everything we have. There won't be any troops left to defend the exit points." (T)

"That won't do!" (C)


Of course!
It was so clear that something would go wrong.
Not the first time I've seen an internal dispute in command screwing the whole battle.
Maybe I should get my men out of this mess before it explodes.


"There are no real alternatives in that regard." (T)

"We cannot afford to leave paths to our system exposed. So the only passable solution would be that we deploy units at the entrances so they may protect them." (C)

"Sorry, but there's not much of a choice." (T)

"Yes, there is. I'll deploy my drones. Make sure to adapt your orders." (C)




"W-wait a momeent! I was told we wouldn't receive direct support in the sense that you'd fight at our side?" (T)

"This is only partly true. You are supposed to win here through our help. In addition, we'll only provide defensive assistance to guard the main emergence points. You won't find them at your side out of these areas." (C)


That doesn't matter.
Already having them guard the retreat points is basically guaranteeing that we won't lose.
They're numerous enough to smash any force the garrison could throw at them.
If the enemy can't attack they basically have already lost.


"Then I would suggest we wait until nightfall." (T)

"Nightfall? Explain!" (C)


Wait! Does she seriously not know what night is?


"Uh, it's when the sun goes down and the world goes dark." (T)

"Your world goes dark? Periodically? Is this going to happen soon?!" (C)

"Uh, yes. If you'd be outside you'd see the sun slowly approaching the horizon. Then it gets much darker. This marks the usual rest period." (T)

"Fascinating! It only makes sense to wait for this 'nightfall'." (C)

"Uh, yes. That's what we planned for. So you're willing to wait a bit longer?" (T)

"Yes. With this, my tactic should be established. I hope I was able to convey my plans to you." (C)


I try to avoid rolling my eyes.
This princess is... something else.
However, it seems like I was a bit hasty with my assessment.
If things proceed as planned, this more and more seems like a ridiculously well-paid easy win.


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