
Chapter 182 – Reconquista 3


- Temia -


"Are you ready?!" (T)

"Yes!!!" (soldiers)


There's a good mood going here, despite the ominous atmosphere within these insect-created caverns.
However, I'd like to think that the prospect of finally being able to get back at the Koresoans by delivering a real blow will boost morale.


"In mere moments, the passage will open and our forces will stream into Bravi to reclaim what these damn peak-noses took from us!" (T)

"YEAAAHH!!!" (soldiers)

"Alright, alright. Now hold that in for the time being. You know the drill. You can start shouting once the enemy brings up an actual resistance. Before that happens we'll hope we can keep them unaware for as long as possible." (T)


Seems like I got the troops sufficiently riled up.
Maybe even enough for them to forget that they're fighting alongside giant murder insects.
But who knows, for some of them this might even be a reassuring thought.

As my army separates and each officer directs their troop into their assigned branching tunnels, my designated portion follows me towards the surface.
I decided to lead from the frontlines.
Nowadays, leading by example might not be as usual an occurrence anymore, as the first line is, for good reason, where you put the troublemakers you want to get rid of, but I find that my troops could benefit from the additional motivation.
Also, no one but me can direct my insect unit.
Those should make for a very efficient breaker, as already their sight makes some enemies get out of the way.
The workers at the end of the tunnel do make their last strikes, and soon the surface cracks and gives way.

Just as Princess Chera said, we're getting out in the administration district.
It's only a guess, but with some luck, whoever the Koresoans put in charge here might be in the town hall.
If we get this person, this battle is already as good as won.
At least, they probably won't be able to coordinate effectively without orders from their leader, which will impede any kind of resistance they could show.



"For Tarsona!"


As much as I would've loved this part of the operation to draw out, the sound of battle is to be heard shortly after we leave the tunnels.
Soldiers start engaging each other.
Sigh, it was probably asking too much for us to kill them all in their sleep before they even have a chance of fighting back.

So it's only a question of all too little time until the first soldiers are getting in my way.
Well, actually, the first I gain sight of is courteously getting out of my way once he sees my insect assault group rushing in behind me.
Yet, as I said before, it's only a question of time till enough gather to draw us into a real fight.

My cold blade "Frostheart" being drawn, I slash my way through the enemy soldiers barring my path.
This magical weapon, said to be forged from the scales and blood of a frost wyrm of the high mountains, is the grand heirloom of House Lorata.
Any true heir needs to learn to wield it, both in body and mind.
Many might question if a chilling effect is actually of any help in battle, but I can only respond "Yes, it is".
The cold my blade is spreading quickly crawls over anything it touches.

To some, the surprise of their own blades turning to ice is enough to let go of them.
At the very least it should be awfully unpleasant to hold onto them nonetheless.
But also the numbing freeze that encompasses the body it strikes, the spreading feeling of crawling death that claims the very will to fight on.
If not for the mastery craft the blade was forged with, and my ability to guide the magic with my own innate power, I might as well succumb to it.
However, the effect I'm using it with now shows it was all worth it.

I manage to drive my small force a considerable distance down the road.
Just in front of the town hall I have to come to a stop, as a greater enemy formation gets in my way.
However, this only supports my assumption that I'm here at the right place.

Looking back, I see that the human troops might need a minute to catch up with me and the insect forces.
For this reason, I might rather hold the position, as it's ill-advised to storm in there all by ourselves.

The enemy formation advances slowly, but I'd say they're not completely into it.
I raise a torch and fireiron I prepared for this exact moment.
The moment the first spark flies it instantly ignites the specially drenched surface in a bright red flash of light.
Yes, this one isn't thought to burn for long.
Only for a short while.
Long enough the signal can be recognized and understood by the reinforcements to support us here.

As our opponents weren't too inclined to rush straight into the murder insects to begin with, calling the reinforcements has bought some time.
It would probably also disrupt their formation, as they'd have to leave the plaza in front of the town hall.


"Drop your weapons and you may live! Otherwise, a look behind me should tell you enough about what you have to expect instead." (T)


Already that they're thinking about this idea is a win, as it means we're buying time for our reinforcements.


"Seems like we have quite the show going on down there! Are you artists?" (tribune)


There's someone looking out of an upper window.


"So you're the enemy commander. A night attack? I need to say, this is a bit of a low blow regarding the rules of engagement." (tribune)

"Seriously? The slaver scum wants to tell me something about fairplay in war?!" (T)

"Fascinating that you mention this! You see..." (tribune)


At this, the door opens and out of there, people are stepping.
They're wearing collars.
And knives.


"What are you planning?! Our forces are already everywhere in the city! You've already lost! This is pointless!" (T)

"You might be right, but at this point, this is all about causing as much damage as we can!" (tribune)


The collared people are looking unsure.
It's not like one death beats another.


"As I said, we already won! Why would these people fight a battle that will certainly end with their death? Don't you see how ridiculous this is? Just give up!" (T)

"Ah, right. You got me. I should give realistic orders. Then how about this? Hey, slaves! If you can bring down those creeps and bring me this woman you may live! So head out and take those creeps down!" (tribune)


He wants to capture me?!
Probably to take me as a hostage.
If he manages to fit one of those collars on me, he might even have a chance to use this against our troops.
While I don't know how they work exactly, it's clear to me that their effect is terrifying to those affected.
So many enslaved civilians who rushed at their own fellow people of our nation.
Damn, this might mean I'll have to kill them for the sake of the greater good.


"You have one last chance! Surrender, and I'll take you into custody with all the treatment befitting an officer of your rank, or fight, and I'll flay you and torture your mangled body until your agony makes up for all the suffering you caused!" (T)


The collared cease their advance and look helplessly to the man on the balcony who still holds the remote that seals all their fates.
However, the man acts as expected.
Possibly even worse.




"Aaaaaaahhhhhh!" (collared)


All those people bend down in pain, as that monster up there presses down the button.


"I gave you an order, useless rabble! Do as you're told or die wriggling on the ground like the worms you are!" (tribune)


So much for my willingness to show mercy to this man.
However, I need to do something!
I give the workers an order I'm not sure I won't regret.

"Leave my side!" (T)


The workers are reluctant but are conditioned to do as told and therefore comply.
So I stand alone in front of these civilians, none of them being a fighter.
I might even be able to cut them down all by myself, yet this wouldn't be a win.


"Hah! Already giving up?!" (tribune)




"People of Tarsona, fear not, as your country did not forget you, neither will it let you down!" (T)


For the second I need they're surprised and stop in their tracks.
As softly as I possibly can while still being sure to be received, I speak.


"You don't need to do as this pig says. He probably wouldn't let you go anyways. However, we are here for you and help will arrive, right about... now." (T)


The last word I neither shout nor scream, as it can stand for itself when I point at the balcony.
The shadows might've been difficult to see before, yet they become all the more clear once they approach the light of the building.
Messengers, or rather interceptors now, ready to take out this man.
I just hope I bought enough time to capture him.
The collared people are too confused to act on this development, which is good enough for now.


"Ah! Guards!" (tribune)


Unfortunately, the officer reacts the tiniest bit faster and jumps back through the door.
He vanishes inside, the interceptor clanking against the closed door.

Now the people are even more confused, as the escape might mean the officer could still kill them.
Unfortunately, those damn collars have quite the reach, so they can't feel safe.
It isn't even clear if following that order would help them, as he might just push the trigger out of spite.
So it is on me to soothe them.


"Don't worry." (T)


I say so with a hopefully reassuring smile.
Yet once I notice movement from the second floor of the town hall, I know this time it was founded.




Yep, seems like the reinforcements I waited for just arrived.
When Teron asked if we truly couldn't build more tunnels, the answer wasn't no.
Only not as many as it would destabilize the ground.
Yet only one more at just the right location, like for example, an emergency escape tunnel, was still within the limits and exactly what we needed!
Speaking of him...


"I might not be the most outstanding character myself, but even I get sick when I see someone using people like this!" (Teron)




He just dropped the officer from the second floor!


"One should at least be allowed to fight." (Teron)

"Groan!" (tribune)


He's still alive.
Yet certainly doesn't look well.


"Hey! This is what you're looking for, right?! Here!" (Teron)


He throws the device, right in the group of people in front of me.


"I suppose the good officer is still alive! You lot might settle your issues with him now!" (Teron)


The collared people, now having hold of what kept them under control, lurk slowly closer towards the man who's trying his best to crawl away, but is too injured to really get moving.


"No, no! You can't! I'm... Ahh!" (tribune)


Now it comes back to him that he gave them those shabby knives.
A quality weapon would slice better.
While I would've liked to interrogate this man, I wouldn't want to mow my way through them and strike those down who are now enacting their vengeance.
But Teron certainly went too far here.

But this is for later.
Now we'll raise Tarsona's flag and show everyone that once again we are the masters of this place.

Finally, I can call my insect units back to my side with a silent pheromone signal, and also my human troops finally caught up.
For now, we'll secure our hold over the town hall and proclaim our victory.
In total, this was a good day for Tarsona.


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