
Chapter 180 – Reconquista 1

Map of the Tarsonian-Koresoan border



- Temia -


It's finally time!
During the last few weeks, I led my insect troop, supported by the Crimson Hounds mercenary forces, with remarkable success into a number of battles.
Using the guardians as breakers or to draw attention so the other units could move freely worked reliably well, while the workers did a great job against the slave forces.
Untrained fighters simply don't have a great resistance to panic.
However, aside from maintaining the status quo, which was a feat in itself, given our nation's dire state, we didn't accomplish much more.
Also, it was only a question of time till the first guardians would break down under the constant attacks, the exhaustion from wearing their armor, and the accumulating wounds. Thus, it was inevitable that their number dwindled down to merely two, one of them barely scraping by, while only a dozen workers remain.
It would've been impossible to continue my campaign like this.

However, apparently, this won't even be necessary anymore.
We'll stop with these meddling skirmishes and do something that really matters.
Reclaiming our border towns!

I can't wait to do just that.
The mere thought that Koresoans are subjugating my people is agitating.
It should've happened long ago.

Who would've thought that those negotiations would take this kind of turn?
Apparently, the higher-ups somehow made a deal that allows us to use the Formicean assets to go fully on the offensive.
Though, I don't know what this will entail in detail yet.

For this operation at least, while it was said that we'll only receive minimal support for the actual fighting, the indirect support should be extensive.
It might be for the better, as civil panic, caused by invading monster insects, could turn messy really fast.
From the brief message I got, their help is going to be about stuff like opening tunnels right behind the town walls.

Also, I was told that the honor of leading the attack would fall to me, as due to my experience with handling my units, they believe me to be the most fitting choice to coordinate with the Formicean support forces.
This also means that I now have a set meeting with the Formicean representative.
Therefore, I established a camp on a hill to the south of Bravi, the southern small town the enemy conquered during their second offensive.
Something that can't stand any longer.

Abruptly, the ground starts to shake.
A not entirely unexpected event, as some of our lookouts spotted messengers before, but nonetheless, it's distressing, knowing what it announces.

Next, a hole opens in a single instance in the ground and they begin streaming out of it.
Before long, the insects gather in a huge bulk in front of my camp.
The soldiers have every right to be afraid at this sight.
Those familiar with them due to our joint battles ironically even more so, as they know what they're capable of.

But seriously, what is this kind of escort?!
If you bring such an army with you, you could just as well conquer that town right away.

But then I become aware of the reason for this.
Among the insect units emerges one kind I'm familiar with.
Both in sight as pure pheromone presence.
Apparently, they're sending a princess as my contact.
Aren't those supposed to be too rare and important to expose them like this?
Well, "exposed" might be the wrong term here, given how it's almost buried by the drones.

It's not surprising that eventually, the whole assembly starts marching in our direction.

I quickly give some orders to receive them and to avoid panic.
Although a bit hasty, I manage to prepare a proper receival in the short time I was given.
I can neither afford to look too imposing on this group, which they may take offense to, nor allow my troops to become too lax, as someone may lose it in front of them.
The princess in question walks straight up to me.


"You are the human directing unit?" (C)


Human directing unit?


"If you're asking if I'm their leader, the answer is yes. I'm the responsible commander for this camp and the reclamation efforts." (T)

"That's what I said!" (C)


Is she angry because I corrected her?
Well, if I learned one thing about princesses it's that, just as with nobles, you best appease them with some nice words.


"I'm sorry. I just wasn't sure if I understood you." (T)

"This just shows the faults in your communication system. Your human breath tubes are so primitive." (C)


While I'm somewhat impressed that her pronunciation is so flawless, despite the fact that I don't know who this is, and therefore, this princess can't have spent all that much time among humans to gain experience, it also seems like she has difficulty finding the right words for their meaning.


"Uh, well. Be that as it may, I'm Temia Lorata, commander of these troops.

"Princess Chera, self-installed controlling unit of this territory." (C)


She's not making this easy for me.


"Excuse me, my primitive human speech can't decipher your words." (T)

<Scrkchhh!/Damnit!> (C)

"Ehm, if it helps, I can also speak and understand Formicean pheromones." (T)

<Imbecile! Why not say so sooner?! I'm Princess Chera and I own everything in this region!> (C)

<Ehk, scraak!/Ehm, could you elaborate on this?> (T)

<My hive is located in close proximity. Therefore the surrounding area is as well part of my territory. This is the reason why I came personally to deal with the problems that arose through your kind's underwhelming performance.> (C)

<Ahem, 'deal'? In what way?> (T)

<In the way that we're going to drive out all hostile forces so I may finally be allowed to concentrate on developing my base so my territory may prosper!> (C)


Sigh, you have to take a princess as she comes.


<In that sense, I was told you'd support our endeavor. Is this true?> (T)

<Yes. And I'll begin by sending something you apparently desperately need. Troops.> (C)


I thought we wouldn't get any direct support from them for the attack?


<I thought we wouldn't obtain any of your soldiers to fight for us?> (T)

<Who spoke about our units? You're merely receiving back what your kind recklessly threw away in a fruitless endeavor.> (C)


At this, out of the formerly mentioned hole, humans emerge.
No, not just humans, but according to their worn-out uniforms, soldiers.


"Apparently, I'm forced to return them as part of our agreement. So here you have them back." (C)


I'm slightly confused about this development.
These people don't look too great.
They squint at the light and are bruised and battered.
This isn't what I would consider reinforcements to look like.
Especially, as they don't seem to be great with the surrounding insects.


Then I spot one particular man who, by the way the soldiers and insects alike move around him, seems special.
To be precise, respected like I would think a leader would be.
Of course, I step up to him.
He promptly salutes in the typical Tarsonian fashion.


"Liaison officer Diroen, at your service! Me and my men were captured during Lord Gioras' reconnaissance campaign." (D)


In other words, you were the fools who fought the Formicea to recapture Erys.
It's nothing short of a miracle that they're still alive.
Given the circumstances, they're even in incredible condition.
Of course, they're all rather exhausted, but it doesn't seem like any of them is in critical need of aid.


"As you see, I took proper care of them, despite the outrageous attack they undertook against me. Diroen will attest to my generosity." (C)


Well, it probably is generous.
But even if their physical state isn't concerning, and this Diroen apparently agrees to that statement, I'm not exactly sure if these people will be much of a help.
We have here the sad remains of a lost campaign instead of the fresh troops I'd need.
They certainly don't look like the kind of people willing to fight.
In the worst case, I will even have to spend resources on them without anything in return.
To be honest, the troops I was given could, even with the advantage on our side not be up to the task regarding the grand endeavor in front of us.
We may have morale on our side, but urban warfare can turn very, very messy.
Yet as I lack troops, I'll be forced to rely once again on the Crimson Hounds if we're already talking about messy things.
It just stands to hope that their overly aggressive tendencies will pose as an advantage in what I plan to be a surprise attack.
The man in question is even right behind me, giving the new arrivals a quizzical glance.


"Are you sure that with this meager force, you'll be able to take down the garrison?" (Teron)

"This is for you to answer. After all, I intend you to fight at the front." (T)

"Listen, 'lady'. While your army pays us rather well, I won't just send my men to their deaths. In this occupation, you must balance risk and reward. This isn't balanced at all!" (Teron)

"It's not like I'm asking you to storm the gates by yourself. With our support here, we will appear right in their midst." (T)

"This still doesn't completely compensate the numerical disadvantage. Especially not if this is the kind of reinforcements we can hope for." (Teron)


Damn, now this guy is a strategist.


"Fine, you'll receive a risk bonus? Does that satisfy you?" (T)

"Well, it's a start. At least, my men will be the first in town." (Teron)


I hope I misheard!


"By the way, I hope that it's a given, but just in case it isn't obvious enough, this town belongs natively to our country. Therefore, by no means I will allow any pillaging of our very own populace!" (T)

"What!? You can't deny my men the right to pillage. That's against proper mercenary customs!" (Teron)

"You are already rewarded more than generously for your acts!" (T)

"Apparently not enough!" (Teron)

<Screeak!/I already left you quite some time to your bickering. What seems to be the issue?> (C)

<Excuse me, but this man doesn't understand Formicean, And just because I'm aware of this tendency, it would be a bad idea to suddenly sting him.> (T)

"Fine, so back again to this underdeveloped form of communication. What seems to be the issue?" (C)

"Uh, basically, he wants more out of this fight." (T)

"Ah, the human peculiarity to demand individual validation for actions. Well, if this issue can be solved in such a manner." (C)


What does she mean?
She makes a gesture, and soon a partition of workers under heavy guard approaches.
Just then I see that they're carrying crystals.
Can this be?
Is this truly adamantium?
Even Teron gawks at this sight.


"How much of this will be necessary for you humans to perform in your role?" (C)


Never mind us being overwhelmed, did she truly just ask how much the mercenary would like to receive?
I need to intervene here!


"They're already properly compensated by our side. A fifth of this would equal everything they'd gain!" (T)


Can't have her ruin the prices.


"I receive your information. Then this fifth should suffice, isn't this so?" (C)


I suppose.
Now that she already put everything on the table it will be hard to press the price any more than this.
The mercenary leader still needs a moment to process this.


"Okay, understood, no pillaging. What about the Koresoan facilities?" (Teron)

"Fine. They're fair game. But pay attention that the damage stays contained. I don't want any fires to spread within the walls or such." (T)

"I would never ma'am. I'm a professional after all!" (Teron)


I sure hope so.
At least I'd love to work with some once in a while.


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