
Chapter 179

Just why did I have to blabber out the first idea that came into my mind?!
Should someone like me really be making crucial decisions on a nationwide scale?


<A wall? How would a detriment to passage help in our situation? Please, elaborate.> (U)

<Well, I thought rather than seeking a direct confrontation and probably losing quite a lot of our drones in doing so, we might avoid fighting altogether. So to say, by keeping them out of Tarsona as a whole with a physical impediment.> (E)

<So you want to merely stack up some earth to separate the parties? How would this work?> (H)

<Well, isn't this the point of a wall? To separate?> (E)

<But wouldn't it be easily overcome?> (U)

<I don't think so. We shouldn't use our standards for the humans. After all, if they use it for their settlements to protect themselves from each other, it must work in some way.> (L)

<Ah, naturally! The surface doesn't offer the same conditions as the underground! This means we need to incorporate this knowledge into our strategies.> (U)

<Also, I don't just have a little wall in mind. We would build a gigantic fortification to protect this country.> (E)


It might sound farfetched, but one shouldn't underestimate the Formicean capabilities to create structures.
Heck, I know for certain that all of my brood is currently here.
That means I absolutely have the necessary workforce to bring this project into reality.


<So you'd set an enormous effort of drones on this task. While your approach might have its merits, I need to say that it seems like once again the humans are on the receiving side for little return.> (U)

<But wouldn't their win also be ours? If we could truly arrange for the humans to be loyal it should be possible to draw benefits from their improved situation. A stable hive can yield better results.> (L)


Thanks for the assist, Liseti.
Though, I'm not sure if Chera appreciated this comment.


<In any case, while this project may need many drones it would mean we could avoid a fight. In this sense, I think no effort could be too grand.> (E)


At this, I perceive something like pheromones of approval from Uma.
I guess a mindset that is about preserving our brood is to her liking.


<The question is, how would we avoid a confrontation while building this 'wall'? Not to forget, it seems like they're also moving quite freely through the realms directly over our hive.> (L)


I... I need to admit that I didn't think this part through.
According to my knowledge, Koreso already partly broke through the border and their raiding units are ravaging the east of the country.
They even took some border towns, and their soldiers have an established presence within Tarsonian territory.
Needless to say, they probably won't just sit around while we build fortifications against them.
Suddenly, one of the men from the human delegation, which we've honestly excluded quite a bit from this talk until now, steps forward, raising his arm as if asking for permission to say something.
Of course, he speaks nonetheless, the moment he can be certain of our attention.


"Ahem. This speech-smell sense is quite new to me, but do I understand this right that you're debating now about a strategy to turn this war around? In this case, I think I might be able to contribute." (Stormheart)


Uma looks questioningly at us, before Chera translates again, also offering to continue doing so for further answers.


"Ie, I would as well like to know, is such an endeavor truly realistic? We're talking about a structure that would run along almost the entire length of the country." (Ki)


At least this is something I can answer confidently.


<King Kieran, if you can believe me about one thing, then it’s that our side can finish creating such a thing much faster than your most benevolent assumptions. When it comes to moving dirt, we are extremely efficient.> (E)

"So you're sayieng, saying you could build such a massive wall along the whole border, faster than the Koresoans can even march?" (Ki)

"If I might make a suggestion, the northern Garanas should pose the best natural position for this kind of structure. If we can claim control of the bridges, all we need to do is hold them until this project is finished. In addition, it also lies around our old border." (St)


He points at the map and makes a line along the Tarsonian border.
Of course, they want to regain their territory.
But these exist for a reason, as natural terrain defines them.


<Liseti, looking on the map, how long do you think erecting a simple, but massive, earthen barrier would take?> (E)


It's fine if it starts out simple, as long as it's defendable.
Everything can be further fortified to satisfaction afterward.


<At this size, assuming the drones would immediately start working without delays? Probably twelve to fifteen activity intervals. As we can approach from the ground, we may also prepare in advance, which might allow for a headstart.> (L)


That's around two weeks.
Fairly impressive, but it would still leave us exposed for a considerable length of time.
Not to forget the impediment of being attacked.


"But wouldn't this still leave a path through the mountains?" (noble)

"Nobody in their right mind would lead troops through the Drega mountains. Such a thing would only shake up what rests there." (St)


The Drega mountains.
One of the biggest mountain ranges of the inner continent.
It's said, on a safely assumed basis, that some of the most terrifying creatures known to the world exist there.
Ancient creatures, so old that they simply don't care anymore about taking part in the fighting within the Evergrove.
Basically, the whole mountains are a bit of a resting place for monsters that want peace.
Only suicidal people would disturb them.


"Under different circumstances, I would say this plan borders lunacy, but presented like this it might truly work." (St)

<But wouldn't you still need to reclaim your old territory first? This sounds to me like you'd seek out a confrontation.> (E)


I can't blame them, but an escalation could prompt their army to attack before we are ready.
On the other hand, having those garrisons at our back could be bad as well.


<If we would attack with our full army, reclaiming our lost border towns might be possible. However, if we go in with everything we got, it would leave us all too vulnerable on the rest of the front.> (Ki)

<What if this wouldn't be a concern?> (E)

<Without fear of retaliation, a decisive attack should be possible. Yet we cannot afford a siege if this plan is supposed to succeed. However, as I see it there'd be a way to increase our chances of success as well as to reduce our losses in this endeavor.> (Ki)

<That would be?> (L)

<Well, if we could slip past their fortifications, the enemy would lose the advantage of their defensive position and probably fall into panic, making freeing the city a simple matter. As far as I'm aware, you would have just the means to do so.> (Ki)

<See? I still can barely understand how anyone can expect something like a wall to prevent entrance.> (H)

<The point still remains that they rely on this. Therefore, they shouldn't have an answer to our tactic.> (E)

"But this still leaves the question open of how you intend to avoid a Koresoan counterattack. The northern Garanas isn't easy to pass, but we can expect heavy resistance at the bridge forts and an even heavier assault once we take them." (Ki)


Yeah, doesn't seem like we'll completely do without a fight.
Suddenly, pure presence bursts through the room.


<Skruuuuoooooohhhhh!/I'd like to speak!> (U)


Well, she was a bit left out here.
She leans down to the general, who audibly gulps for a moment.


<Please tell! Am I right with the assumption that you humans fear our combat-oriented drones?> (U)

"Uh, y-yes. Your kind can be a rather... unsettling sight for humans. We had somewhat successful operations by utilizing troops your Princess Honiu graciously lent to us. There might possibly be a degree of familiarization with the enemy troops, but I'd assume they still have a rather intimidating reputation." (Ki)

<In this sense, how would your opponents react to a massive deployment of our brood, gathering right above my hive, at this place?> (U)


It kind of has impact when a titan's claw points on a strategic map.


"ThEy, they would probably be afraid of an attack and... Oh!" (Ki)

<Right! And this is what we'll do!> (U)


Map of the Tarsonian-Koresoan border


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