
A Path Forward 2


I might've just damned the remaining people in our camp.
At least it looks that way, considering I'm now leading a small army towards them.

While I might not be the most selfless kind of guy, I'd feel bad if they were to be slaughtered.
On the other side, I actually had a thought process here.
The thing is, I think it would be more beneficial to redeem ourselves in front of this princess.
If we can improve our reputation again she might be willing to do more for us than just letting us live.

It was actually quite the revelation to realize that the insects have an established base in this realm.
A major powerhouse so to say.
Now that Lord Gioras' plan has failed, we should again try to make amends and get them on our side.
As spineless and hypocritical as this might seem, having them on our side when Koreso invades here would be preferable.
Maybe we could use her place to evacuate or even make her understand that Koreso is a threat and has to be dealt with.

In regards to this chance, an almost vacant military camp is basically worthless.
However, I have no idea what it is she's even looking for there.
She seems very interested to see it, but I can't tell what it would be that makes it worthwhile for her.

Anyways, eventually, the tunnel comes to an end and I see the light again.
However, I need to stay realistic.
There's no way I can escape from her side.
I'd be dead before I could make it to the camp, and it would thwart all of my efforts to make her more favorable.
Speaking of which:


<Your Highness, I'd like to apologize. The recent events were unfortunate. I hope you're aware that me and my men only followed the orders we were given by our superior.> (D)

<I see. So it seems one can never be sure about you humans. Either you have your own mind and do as you please, or you follow a superior will you're willing to die for. It would be a far easier task to deal with you if you'd be more consistent.> (C)


Did I mess up?
For now, she only feels slightly agitated.
Or frustrated?
This smell sense is still new to me and the peculiarities are difficult to deal with.


<You seem experienced in dealing with humans. I want you to negotiate on my behalf.> (C)


Yeah, this could be difficult if she can't even speak human words.
Though, it's not like she's the only one with that kind of problem.
I guide my hand to my throat to massage it a bit.
It still feels raw.


<Your Highness, I fear that due to your sting I won't be able to talk very well.> (D)

<Rudimentary speech will suffice. You should be able to do this much. After all, I applied a weak version.> (C)

<You did!?> (D)

<Naturally. You wouldn't function well in your role to relay my will to your group. So only an imbecile or critically careless being would do such a thing.> (C)


With this new revelation, I try working my throat again.
I was slightly afraid of making the effort, fearing what would become of me if I couldn't speak normally again.
Yet with a bit of reassurance on my side, I make new earnest attempts.


"HE-HEello! Urkh. Good dayee... Heello... LEt meee tEll youu... Heello, good day. Leet me tElll you what leead to thies." (D)


Well, at least for an introduction it should suffice.


<Are your preparations concluded?> (C)

<I'm sorry. It just feels important that I can do this.> (D)


Okay, switching back is slightly weird.
As if something is snapping into place.
However, given that it allows me to communicate with the one who decides over all our fates this is probably worthwhile.
While most of us remained at the other end of the tunnel, the princess brought as many units as she could spare.
This many, especially the heavy ones, will certainly pose an effective intimidation potential.


<You're going to head out with me. Convey to the humans we'll meet that there will be corresponding consequences for not meeting my demands as well as for hostile behavior.> (C)


Of course, there will be.
Yet I need to say, I'm in some way impressed.
This special speech isn't exactly using words, but concepts instead.
But already from this, it becomes clear that she's able to convey incredibly complex concepts.
If it's presented to you this directly, there's not much of a way to deny her intelligence.
Yet this might be good.
Intelligent beings can be easily convinced to listen to reason.
If I can prevent the guards from acting rashly the situation might be solvable.

So I approach the exit of the tunnel, shadowed by four of the big guys and two of the really big guys.
It certainly doesn't take long till this kind of approach draws attention.


"Wh-wha-? Alarm!" (guard)


We built the camp right around the tunnel so we can be sure to surround everything that emerges from this abyss.
Of course, this strategy has its limits.
One is that the camp right now lacks the troops to effectively do so.
Nonetheless, in the shortest time, several soldiers take their positions between the small gaps of the wooden barricades that point their sharp ends towards the hole.
However, it’s not like the single line the soldiers are forming now could even hope to hold out against those towering monstrosities.
For this reason, I need to act now to prevent greater harm.


"CEeease! No fieeghting!" (D)

"D-Diroen!? What is this?" (guard officer)

"Wee lost, Gerard! That'z what it iz!" (D)


Shit! I'd really like to rein in my voice.


"What do you mean 'we lost'? What about the lord?" (Gerard)

"In captivity. ThEy were brienging him to thee capital thee last time I saw him. Which iz why I'd reeally suggEst you to coopeerate! Belieeeve mee, I saw what you'd bee up agaienzt. Theere's not much of a choieeze!" (D)


The troop takes the news as expected.
I don't really care how they think about me here or if my news will be devastating for the morale.
They still should know how hopeless continuing this already lost fight would be.


<Human! Can I assume that you managed to quell any futile resistance?> (C)


I should answer in human words.
I am sure anything else would lower my credibility.
To my knowledge, it should be possible to still convey meaning, even without creaks.


"I'm makieng good progrEss heere." (D)

"Who are you talking to, Diroen?" (G)

"Thee prinzEss who beeat uz! Shee's going to make some deemands. As Ie said, iet would bee bEtter to heear her out." (D)


I just hope she won't be too unreasonable.
The space before the barricades might be crowded, but we make what space we can to allow the princess to come out.
Of course, she is completely covered by guards, so no idiot may get the bright idea to use a distance weapon on her, or even start threatening.


<Such brightness. This "surface" isn't easy to endure. Let's quickly conclude this.> (C)


She takes a moment to adjust before turning to me.


<I will speak now, human. Relay my words exactly the way I say them and don't differ. I will be able to tell by your pheromones.> (C)


I nod, as there's nothing else left for me, and turn to the still-waiting soldiers in front of me.


"I'm now goieng to tranzlaete for thee princEss so you caen speeak directlye to her." (D)


Might not be perfect, but should be good enough.
That's what I'm thinking till she starts to speak.


<These structures. Do you truly think they're going to impede my gladiators?> (C)


Just why did the first thing she had to say be a threat?
Yet as I don't have a choice, I relay what she said.
The officer, of course, seems to be slightly taken aback at this.


"Y-yes, I think so. They should be sturdy enough." (G)


He might want to push against her aggressive demeanor.
Nonetheless, I repeat the words with pheromones for the princess, so as to not upset her by lying or omittance.
Suddenly, she makes a single gesture, which prompts one of the big guys to rush forward and strike at the wooden base of the palisade with giant claws and tail spear.
The guards are already about to fight back when the creature abruptly retreats by an invisible pheromone command of the princess.
The palisade still stands, although a bit roughed up.
Yet her reaction is different from what I expected.


<Magnificent! I want those.> (C)




<What are you waiting for? Tell them!> (C)


Okay, okay!
The reaction is this time as expected.


"Uh, she wants what?" (G)


Yep, that's what I'm thinking too. I guess, I should ask her to clarify.


<Those people are asking what you exactly wish for.> (D)

<As I said, I want those structures. Also, any food, tools, or weapons they can spare.> (C)

<Uh, spare?> (D)


This would imply she doesn't intend to take them by force.
On the other side, after this display of power, I can't see anyone going against her.


<Yes. In return, they can for now have the injured humans we brought. I have no use for them, so this should pose as an agreement that should suit both sides well enough. For the able ones, I wish to receive more, as they have a greater value.> (C)


So she intends to trade the prisoners.
This is probably better than becoming slaves or, god forbid, their food.
Also, it isn't unreasonable for a winning side to ask for a ransom.
Especially not with the kind of things she's asking for.
It's not like we even intended to bring the barriers back with us.
In fact, this confirms that she's planning on letting us live.
Also, she won't work us to death, which is soothing.
So I relay this again, in the hope of getting this favorable agreement going.


"Huh, that's odd. Diroen, what do you think we should do?" (G)

"I thienk you should taeke her up on thiez. She stiell has our soldiers at her mErcy. Thies is the bEzt way to do this. And all iet costs you ies a small paliesaede." (D)

"You're probably right. It's just rather disillusioning." (G)


We're making progress.
Now I just have to tell the princess that the deal stands.


<Ehm, they’ve agreed to give in to your demands.> (D)

<Good. Then the workers will carry them out. I expect the humans to prepare all the exchange goods. Tell them.> (C)

< Exactly how much do you expect?> (D)

<All they can offer. As weapons are to be found in abundance at the site of the battle, I demand foremost food as well as tools that can break hard stone and materials for these fortifications. Some of those strangely flittering structures as well.> (C)

<You mean the tents?> (D)

<Yes. That is if you think your fellow humans would require them as quarters.> (C)


The requests get weirder and weirder.
However, she made it clear that it's in our interest to follow her demands.
In the end, there's not much to stop this from happening.
Gerard might not be the lord's brightest follower, but even he got the idea to not further aggravate the situation.

Moreover, as the lord’s former right hand, I am likely the best person for him to push the responsibility of his decision to, leaving him free to follow my advice.
Add to this that he only has to give up some provisions and useless materials to get our soldiers back and the answer should be clear.
Not to mention the fact that he certainly doesn't want to risk a fight.

Thus, it's only a question of time till the deal is settled and prisoners as well as materials switch sides.
Though, she seems slightly disappointed at the lack of mining tools.
With the earthmages we brought they simply were of secondary importance.


<This should suffice. They shall know that for the functional humans I demand either the requested tools in acceptable quality or an abundance of food. The latter should be a given, and compensate that I'll be the one to have to feed them.> (C)


I can only once again relay what she said.
Gerard doesn't seem thrilled about the idea of abandoning the men still below the earth, but he isn't stupid enough to order a suicide attack.
Thus the things the princess just acquired are brought below, carried by the great effort of many, many workers.
I can see how much they're straining to dig out the palisades and carry them away, yet with how many there are it's only a question of time.
Then it also goes down.
I naturally don't have a choice either.

After glancing one last time at the sun, I'm forced to dive once again into the dark.


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