
A Path Forward 1


Here now starts a longer interlude regarding what Chera did before she arrived at the council.


After the battle at the wormpath.


- Diroen -


The situation seems untenable.
So to say, hopelessly dire.

Surrounded by these creatures as we are, it's clear that the sad remnants of us no longer stand a chance of fighting.
While most of the enemy forces separated with the two princesses, the last third remains.
They took our weapons and are more numerous and in better condition than we are.
From one thousand who entered this tunnel system, only between two to three hundred remain.
About their general condition, I don't even want to get started.
All of this because the lord couldn't let go.
He was literally obsessed.
The way he sacrificed our men in the palace.
Or how he chastised me for not pushing for the princess against the overwhelming forces we faced.
Serving this man was truly a chore.
And see where it got me!

Sigh, but complaining once things go wrong is easy.
If he would've succeeded, this could've decided the war in our favor.
Every single one of us knew this and was willing to give their lives.
Now blaming the one in charge is unreasonable.
As a simple troop commander, I don’t carry much authority on the battlefield, yet as Gioras’ direct aide, I held significant responsibility for his operations.
Of those assembled here, quite a number were selected by me to be part of this army.
Men and women who love their country enough to risk death in this devious underworld.
Yet, at this point, many of them have found it, and as such, left me tentatively in charge of the survivors.
However, the ones to whom they were directly loyal to are dead, and defeat and subsequent captivity by giant insects have left them all frightened.
As am I.
The one positive point seems to be that the insects don't intend to kill us this instant.
Some of the so-called nurses even treated the injured, which is probably going to dramatically reduce the expected number of causalities.
Yet who knows if this might change in the near future, as none of us knows what they're planning?
When I look at this princess, she seems to be in a mix of eager proactivity and questioning contemplation about how to deal with us.


<Scriik, scriak, scruuk! Skruuu.../Workers, make sure the path beyond is safe to traverse. I don't trust these humans to have properly secured the tunnels. Also, carry any humans too injured to walk by themselves. Hunters, scout for any hostile entities that might approach us. Stay ready in case any humans try to fight back during the transport. Guardians, take position around the column. Be ready to strike at my command if necessary! Now, what else? Anything I overlooked?> (C)


It comes in handy that my lord made me use one of these potions that allows one to understand these creatures.
No idea how he got it, but the ability to anticipate their movements was very helpful during the fight.
Now it might serve me in other ways.
That is, if there even is a way for us.

I continue observing this peculiar princess.
And yes, she is very peculiar, as her mannerisms are of the kind I'm just all too familiar with.
It's almost funny how much she resembles my lord in this regard.
The same nervous twitch, the same inability to stay still, repeatedly checking everything for an upcoming problem.
The typical signs of an overworked person in charge.
The question now is if I can make use of this.
For now, no, as the circumstances won't allow me to approach her.
From all I know about the fanatical relationship these insects have with their princesses, I wouldn't be in one piece by the time I came anywhere in range.
What I can gather for now is that she has something in mind.
Which could be good for us survivors.
Plans usually involve keeping the utilized functional.

Our treck continues back through the same tunnel we traveled to this cave.
Once we reach the junction that theoretically would lead us back up, things get a little problematic.
The princess set a wall of those guardian units in advance to block the exit, but that doesn't prevent some of our group from trying.
They know it's their last chance and the darkness is taking its toll on their ability to make rational decisions.
I don’t even attempt to hold them back.
They wouldn’t listen to me anymore, and who could hold it against them after everything that happened?
Especially, as our base camp is just up there.
Of course, still quite a distance away.
Yet we had to set up camp if we wanted to claim our chance the moment the princesses left this hive.
There wouldn't have been any other chance.

Actually, that was the main function of the earth mages accompanying us.
My lord brought the kind who's proficient in scanning the ground in preparation for his plan.
Usually, this kind of mage is used to find good locations for a mining operation, or a suitable foundation for a building, yet in this case they were supposed to check the vicinity of the fortress for approaching insects.
Yet then they became handy during the chase.
We couldn't risk approaching the hive with its thousands upon thousands of voracious inhabitants.
Instead, it was their job to scan this particular fraction of the tunnel.
Earth magic might not be as profound to allow for detailed information, yet skilled earth mages can feel noteworthy tremors in the ground.
If they know where to look, they can at least do that much.

Yet now all this preparation went to waste.
There's no way for us survivors to get back up, as the ones trying are now to realize.
They're quickly dealt with.
It wasn't surprising how easily those huge monstrosities took care of unarmed soldiers.
There was never a chance to begin with.


<Tsk, uncontrolled. Erys was telling the truth about each of them having a mind of their own.> (C)


Now her drones are gathering the bodies, but I'm not sure where they're taking them.
Though, it seems like reinforcements are coming from the direction they're going with them.
Even some of those terrifyingly huge behemoths they used against us.


<Maybe they'll be of use. But now we need to figure out how to proceed.> (C)


Is she aware that she's talking in front of us?
Though, it's not like she's in a position where she can't allow such things to happen.
The way her forces surround us now, we are completely at her mercy.
But then she walks up to us and speaks up.


<Is there a representative for you humans?> (C)


Does she expect us all to understand her?
Yet this might be my chance.
As selfish as this thought might be, as the designated spokesperson for my people, it would also tremendously improve my personal situation.


<I'm expecting an answer!> (C)


Yeah, just as unreasonable as my boss.
I should act before she loses her temper.
So I walk out of our throng of people and raise my voice.


"Your Highness, I fear that these people won't be able to understand you." (D)

<So one of you is willing to come forward. The way you're addressing me, I suppose you are capable of understanding. Though, this primitive speech is utterly incomprehensible to me. A pity.> (C)


She intently focuses on me.
Then a tailspear emerges from behind her.

Oh shit, I know that from the reports!



"Graah!" (D)


It hurts!
It hurts!

Shit, if I wouldn't know what happens here I could swear I'm about to die.


<This should simplify our communication. Inefficiency is something I abhor. Be aware of this, human!> (C)

<Scruaahh!/Fuck, this hurts!> (D)

<Conduct yourself appropriately in my presence!> (C)


And I thought the smelling potion was bad.
The burning agony I now experience is worse by a multitude.
Even when it settles, everything in the area she hit feels raw.
While I'm trying to work my throat, the princess addresses me again, pointing at the corpses of the ones her troops just massacred.


<I don't wish to see something like this again. Rein your humans in!> (C)


My humans... As if I would have any kind of control over them at this point.
Only a few remain of my small command, and I was never trained to lead an army.
Much less a defeated one.


<I'm sorry, but I fear if the underlying issues aren't attended you'll still have to deal with it.> (D)

<What would these underlying issues be?> (C)


Hmm, she seems truthfully interested in the subject.
This could be good.


<Eckh, scruuh!/Ahem, they, they're afraid. Most of them believe that you're about to eat them. The recent events took a toll on their mentality. They're on edge and terribly frightened so to say.> (D)

<Interesting. I don't plan to. At least not for those who survive.> (C)


Well, if this doesn't sound ominous.


<Then tell me, how to alleviate this situation?> (C)


As if I would know. It's not like just telling them they won't get eaten is in any way convincing.


<It's complicated. If you could procure some kind of proof of your non-hostile intentions this might help.> (D)

<Proof? As if I would require something like that. I'm a princess. My decisions should matter by themselves.> (C)


This seems to become excruciatingly difficult.
It's clear that she has no idea how humans work.


<What even were those humans trying to achieve? There's no way they'd have managed to escape at their speed.> (C)


Should I disclose this?
It's not like it matters much for our situation at this point.
We already lost.
The few guards left behind at the camp won't change anything about this.


<They were probably trying to get past the fortifications into the protection of our camp. It's not too far away.> (D)

<Fortifications? I can't completely comprehend this concept. You speak as if they would be able to block out my guardians.> (C)

<Well, yes. That's what they were made for. Though, I doubt they could prevail against your current forces. However, there's not much point for another fight.> (D)

<Fortifications... Something that can block out large creatures... This might work.> (C)


What is it now with her?


<Ehm, your Highness?> (D)

<I decided! I will visit this 'camp'!> (C)


Damnit. Is she planning on attacking the surface?
But even if her forces increased compared to before, this much is certainly not enough to conquer noteworthy territory, not to speak of holding it.


<Your Highness, is this really smart? Your troops are injured as well.> (D)


I'd even say she got the half that was worse off than the other.
It shouldn't end well to just attack without any thought.


<On this, I decide. Not you! And I'll figure this out. Stay close, human. But be aware that one wrong movement will be your end.> (C)


What else would it be?
Seems like I managed to get in.


<Sceek!/As you wish.> (D)


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