
A Path Forward 3


After a short adjustment period back at the junction, our convoy is ready to depart again.
The princess was so generous as to offer a part of the acquired rations from the camp to the soldiers.
So it seems she at least cares for our wellbeing.
Also, she used this time to separate the materials from them, which is smart, as it denies them access to the weapons.
However, for some reason, I wasn't allowed to leave her side.


<Your Highness, is there a reason for this?> (D)

<Your insight is beneficial in deciding how to deal with humans. For this reason, you're going to stay close.> (C)


She says this as a matter of fact.
It's pretty obvious that she doesn't intend to leave me a choice.


<Also, while you convey this term as a title of honor, which may suffice, it's nonetheless incorrect. I'm Princess Chera. Address me as such.> (C)


How would I be able to deny such a request?
With forced encouragement by the heavy drones, we are compelled to move further through the tunnel that will eventually lead us to our destination.
In this direction should be the insect hive.
Yet this isn't exactly a soothing thought.
Especially not for the soldiers who grow more fidgety by the second.
Yet I probably have even more of a reason, with that princess being right next to me.
I should add here that her guards are still prepared to end me the moment they feel I deserve it.
This can be slightly off-putting.


<I was very intrigued by how you humans were able to defeat my gladiator. It didn't even manage to inflict substantial losses. What is the secret to this?> (C)


The gladiators.
Those were terrific opponents.
Yet, in the end, not the greatest threat one could face.
Especially if they're as static as they are.
They don't compare to the greater threats the Evergrove has to offer and the people fighting them developed more than enough techniques to deal with them.


< Long-range weapons and discipline do the trick. Our tactics focus on reaching a common goal.> (D)


It's actually kinda ironic that the swarm insects in turn fight each for themselves by savagely attacking their opponents without much of a strategy in mind, despite proclaiming their unison so often.


<That can't be all there is to this. I saw your units not even slowing down when their weapons were broken.> (C)

<Well, it helps if the weapons aren't part of your body. They can be broken and the wielder just has to swap them out.> (D)

<Fascinating. So with sufficient preparation, these humans, who are supposed to be part of a warrior role as I was told, can defeat dedicated fighter roles like my gladiators. Maybe even without having to suffer losses as they did the first time?> (C)


What kind of question is this?
Is she trying to gauge our nation's military potential?
If this is the case, it might suit us more to convince her that we're worthy.


<I suppose it would depend on familiarity. How well the threat can be contained. The tailspear might be a problem, but sufficiently big shields and experience with their attack pattern should do the trick. In the end, it very much boils down to individual circumstances and if the creature can be contained.> (D)

<Contained you say. You mean defeating them in a safe manner? Keeping them at bay without suffering any losses themselves? The idea that something like this could be possible. Are you someone who could make this happen?> (C)

<It was at least part of my duties to command a partition of the troops.> (D)

<I'm interested. Very well, we'll see.> (C)


What will we see?
This princess, or rather Princess Chera, is just a trove of cryptic statements.
The journey through the dark continues, with Princess Chera constantly asking me all kinds of things.
Of course, the mood is rather low under these circumstances.
The increasing noise of insectoid clicks in this oppressive darkness, which is only curbed by the interspersed glowing stones and tiny patches of luminescent moss, doesn't help in the slightest.
I can't tell for sure, but it might be that we already entered the compound.

We are led through many more corridors, the constant sound of movement a reminder of our situation.
All the time, Princess Chera seems to administer orders to those flying insects, which buzz off the moment she's done with them.
If she does that constantly, I can see how she got so overworked.

Then we reach some kind of hall.
The illumination through these stones here is a bit better than in the surrounding areas.
From the first look, it seems like many pathways lead here from the side we came from, but only a single hole is on the other side.
There, many insects are working to expand it and perform various tasks around the opening.
I even see some of the barricades that were acquired.
Is this the place we'll end up?
Is she intending to turn our own barricades against us to confine us?
I have a rather ominous feeling about the way it's presented.
Like there's no way back from the other side.


<Ahem, are we supposed to pass through there?> (D)

<Not all. I saw how some of you could manipulate the dirt in ways foreign to me. I want you to show me who they are.> (C)


So she's interested in the earth mages?
Certainly, some survived the battle.
Not to a small degree because especially this kind of mage is usually useless in a fight, not to speak of close combat.
A magical alignment is in terms of physical training a disposition that is holding them back.
So many of them weren't close to the frontlines.
Basically, she wants me to rat them out.
But the reason could spell their doom.
After all, they could help dig us out with their powers, once they had time to rest and aren't watched.
I think I should draw a line here.


<I don't know them personally. With all the chaos of the battle, formations are gone now and I lost track of them.> (D)


This should be believable enough.
It's not like she can order me to remember them.


<Then tell all those humans who can perform this feat that I have a suitable task for them. They will be given an adequate role that will be in many ways advantageous to what the others are given. If they perform well, I plan to reward them greatly and grant them their freedom if they succeed. That is if they still wish to leave. Alternatively, they could stay and claim more if they wish to do so.> (C)


That's terrifically smart.
If she truly does so, she provides the earth mages with an easy way out.
Therefore, I can assume that they'd rather take this easy route instead of supporting the others in a possible escape plan.
Not to forget, if I judged distance and direction right, we are currently below the great northern mountain range.
The Northern Edge.
It wouldn't be a simple matter to just dig us out of here.
However, in this matter, I don't have much of a choice.
She can tell what I'm saying, even in human words.

It comes as no surprise that those who offer concerns are tempted, but at the same time, wary.
Who knows if this isn't just an elaborate trick to separate dangerous elements out of the throng.
But, in our limited experience, the insects aren't prone to lie to one's face.
Yet this princess may be different.
It’s still unknown how much they vary from one another.

Eventually, one of the mages steps out of the group.


"Y-you're not going to harm me if I do this, r-right? I'm going to be treated well?" (earth mage)


I quickly translate this for the princess, before she again decides to make use of her stinger.


<Naturally! This is my decision as a princess and there's no greater authority to decide otherwise.> (C)


Some more are seemingly convinced by this.
But not all of them.


<Is something the matter? Are these truly all?> (C)

<Could be. But they might also be afraid that you might not keep your word, or that they could lose the favor of their peers.> (D)


Promptly, I feel another wave of decisive frustration.


<Listen! I'm a princess of the swarm! My word holds meaning! My word holds truth! If I offer you something, you can be certain I will keep my part! If I say that I will do something, I will! This is my realm, and I will see it grow as it has to! Failure is not an option! Indecisiveness is not an option! Your livelihood falls and stands with me!> (C)


Oh, damn.
I'm rather sure she just got angry.

I begin to translate again, to inform the others of the nature of this, for all apparent, outburst, adding that I think she's rather emotional about this, before she resumes to speak.
Although, a bit calmer now.


<In addition, I'd like to add that those who possess the ability I'm looking for will receive personal quarters, but may also choose to dwell with the other humans if not in action.> (C)


So she's still going to let them stick with us?
Probably to convince other mages that the ones in the mage group are going to be alright.

What can I say, it works.
Not for all of them, but some more come to the conclusion that she's probably not lying if she promises something that can be easily verified by everyone.


<The ones with the special ability will be brought to their working area. I will instruct them later on their task. But first, I wish to confirm if they truly possess the skill I'm looking for. So let them present it.> (C)


A simple test that is quickly done.
The ones who chose to be part of the formed mage group just need to manipulate a bit of earth, which is the most basic thing an earth mage can do if their focus isn't completely exotic.
Afterwards, they're guided away by one of the flying insects.


<Now as this is taken care of, I wish for things to commence. You humans will settle on the other side of the tunnel. There you will find these "tents" as well as the food you are supposed to consume.> (C)


Looking at the hole, I still feel a certain kind of dread.
There's actually a number of workers still busily passing through it, but it feels ominous.
However, I once again convey the words of the princess.


"We are supposed to go through there?"

"YEs! The princEzz apparently wants to establish our quarteers there." (D)

"Why are you suddenly so chummy with those fiends?!"

"I onlye don't want to die! Anything else you can gladly discuss with the huge superinsect if you prefer them over me. Howeever, I doubt thEy're going to bee as friendlye to you as I am." (D)


It's still the truth.
We simply have no chance of fighting them.
The others seem to concur, but halfway through the tunnel, I hear some banter.


"We need to escape!"

"You saw what happened with the last ones who tried."

"I only know what happens if we stay here!"


This is dangerous talk happening behind me.
However, the best course of action isn't clear to me.
We are in a delicate situation, so it might be better to rid us of those who tend to act rashly.
On the other side, we others might be held accountable for their actions.
Also, I doubt my ability to keep them in check, as agitated as they already are.

But then, I perceive something else.
An almost inconceivably faint message.


<I hope this experiment will bear the results Erys promised.> (C)




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