
Chapter 177


How did Chera manage to attend?
The last thing I remember of her was how she returned to her hive with the prisoners of war from the rest of the surviving human army.
She must've travelled extremely fast to get here in time.


<Chera, you managed to attend? I was informed you retreated back to your hive.> (U)


Thanks for that question.


<I was able to set out again once I resolved the tasks in regards to the prisoners Liseti made. Of course, nothing less should've been expected of a princess.> (C)


I roll my eyes thoroughly, but do my best not to emit pheromones that would give away my honest thoughts.


<If you say so, my little Chera. But what were you trying to convey with your objection?> (U)

<Simply that before you finalize your decision, I would like to add my own insight.> (C)

<Insight? What kind of insight can you offer on humans, my little Chera?> (U)


When Uma says little it seems to carry the meaning of still-too-young.
I can basically feel Chera clicking her tongue at this.


<I recently discovered a manner to put humans to use in my hive and need to say that they were performing extraordinarily. I was able to go about certain challenges in completely novel ways. So I'd like to speak about the advantages cooperation with humans brings.> (C)

<You are aware that, until now, it only brought us a temporarily captured princess as well as several notable attacks against our swarm? I don't know if this hostility or their incompetence, as it was proven in their inability to contain our dear Erys, is what speaks more against them.> (U)

<Naturally. I wouldn't be who I am were I unable to assess the broader situation. Yet this also means that we need to pay attention to the positive aspects as well.> (C)


Why do you have to make it so hard on me to not shout out that you're a fraud!?
However, I suppose she is advocating for my side, so I shouldn't sabotage her.


<Then please, tell us about these positive aspects.> (U)

<A certain kind of special humans were able to harness a form of power that was completely foreign to me. It enabled them to assess problems in ways I couldn't imagine of myself. If put to use, this power could be ours to harness through them. Maybe even made completely our own if studied properly. An option that will be gone if we abandon contact.> (C)


She's talking about magic!
Huh, magic-wielding insects would be kinda concerning, but could this truly become an actual possibility?
On the other hand, adaptability with their brood is kinda the Formiceans's thing.
It wouldn't be an impossible stretch thinking about it.


<So you think that the minor possibility of wielding this ability would outweigh the risks we would be exposing us to?> (U)

<No, this is only one aspect. However, the most significant should be their aptitude to process materials of almost any kind and use them as tools to accomplish greater feats. I witnessed humans fight battles that should've been impossible for them to win due to their physical inferiority and still emerge victorious out of them. Some even without causalities of their own. Just to think what our physically superior drones could do if they were to be improved in such a manner. Not even Vel-Rosha and Meriu together could overcome us anymore!> (C)


I remember those names.
They are the other two swarms that, together with Uma, decided to devour the fourth swarm that remained after the swarm wars and then agreed on a treaty to prevent further fighting.
Yet I'm wholly unsure if it's smart to inform the present humans of this factor.
As bad as this thought might sound, I'm glad that Gioras isn't here anymore.


<These are dangerous ideas, little Chera. You're speaking about a swarm war here.> (U)

<Naturally not! It would solely pose to be an improvement of our brood. I would never attempt to fight them without provocation. However, being prepared can't be wrong. Power in itself is not bad.> (C)

<Yet wouldn't they be provoked by your amassing of power?> (U)

<Why? Isn't it natural to gather the advantages that offer themselves? Should we feel inclined to stop evolving because of the treaty? A clearly positive change is presenting itself to you and you won't claim it? This isn't like you, Mother. Besides, who would tell them? How would they look so deep into our affairs if they're not directly pointed at it?> (C)


Wow, Chera is much more of a schemer than I gave her credit for.
Though, maybe that's to be expected, given that she was devious enough to keep the current state of her hive from her mother for decades.


<I see your point, little Chera. But this doesn't change that the humans didn't prove to be reliable partners. Would you simply continue granting them chances to 'deceive' us?> (U)


This last word hurts.
Because it didn't exist until now.
Formicea didn't know about lying.
The concept of betrayal is foreign to the swarm.
Or rather, it was.
Here Uma just created this concept in its most primitive form that conveys the intent and feelings revolving around it.
A concept brought over to them by humans.
It's sad in a way that this is the kind of influence this contact created.


<Certainly not. I am not incompetent! Naturally, we would need suitable methods to rein them in. I had to deal with similar problems. Of course, I was eventually able to put those unruly humans to order. Since then, they've been performing reasonably well under my guidance. The solution is simply to render them unable to ever extend their claws against us. The main concern would be that they could do even better if I would have access to the resources of this human nation to unravel their true potential. The performance of my hive would increase drastically through this.> (C)

<It nonetheless sounds like an unperformable task.> (U)

<Fortunately, we are in the position to create just this. Diroen, come forth!> (C)


At this, a man, probably in his early thirties, with a trimmed black beard and a somewhat tired look, enters.

Wait a moment!
That's the officer that almost caught me when I was on the run but then opted for retreat when he saw that there was no chance against the coming Formicean army approaching from Chera's hive.
Also... could it be he was there during my abduction?
In any case, he must be one of those captured after the fight in the worm cave.


<What is this human supposed to add to this meeting, little Chera?> (U)

<Please, let him talk.> (C)

<Ahem... As my princess already said, there are different ways to deal with our kind. It should certainly be possible to establish control structures that should prevent greater harm. On the other side, cooperation would be to both sides' benefit. The only question is how tight the leash should be.> (D)


At this, the humans on the side become quite agitated.
I notice several times the word "traitor" being mumbled.
Or at least thought by those who applied the speaking version.


<So you, as a human, want me to take away the very freedom your kind appreciates so much?> (U)

<Of course, not all of it. Humans can accomplish incredible things if given the freedom to do so. Yet at the same time, opportunity makes them ambitious. The trick is to know how much freedom to give them, so you may balance risk and reward. In any case, I suppose what you have to offer is still better than what they can expect from Koreso, Your Majesty.> (D)

<I need to say, you trained that one well, Chera.> (U)


Bad wording!
Bad wording!

That the princess in question is so proud of this doesn't make it any better.
Also, the fact that Formicea mean the things they say in pheromone speech just as they convey them doesn't make this any better.


<You raised new points that need to be put into consideration, Chera. Would you like to add something else?> (U)

<One more thing. How do you intend to deal with this other human nation? I hope not by ignoring them. It would be a great mistake.> (C)

<Why would this be such a concern? Do you have further information on this matter?> (U)


At this, Chera walks up to the round table in the center of the hall, with the map laid out in the center.


<As a matter of fact, I have recently ascertained that Venara's and Inati's hive is within the territory of this other human nation. Wouldn't this eventually put us at odds with the humans even if we would now withdraw?> (C)


She runs a claw gently along it, beginning roughly in the territory of Koreso, though quite deep in the south, then down into that huge forest lying there.


<Couldn't we just dig down and destroy all connections to avoid them?> (U)

<This would be an option. If the humans wouldn't dig on their own accord in our direction. They're looking for certain kinds of material that can be found deep in the earth. It's only a matter of time until they dig too deep. At that point, I'd rather have this human nation here under tight control to support us in this approaching conflict.> (C)


She has a good point.
While I'm not sure how bad our relationship with the people of Tarsona currently is, I doubt we did anything to them that would cause them to pursue us into the ground, or that they would even anytime soon be in the position to do so.
Koreso, on the other hand, might eventually think about dealing with us.


<Mother, we should search out the locations of these dig sites. But from what I know, those two haven’t encountered any humans yet.> (L)

<There's no need for this. I already did just that. My human relayed a very interesting piece of information to me.> (C)

<Then tell, instead of stalling.> (L)

<You should work on your composure, Sister. It helps to address a situation properly. What I wanted to tell you is that one of the sites where humans gather the aforementioned materials is right above our dear sisters' hive. Well, probably not exactly, but more than close enough. In this sense, it's only a question of time until they clash. Isn't this so, Diroen?> (C)

"It is, my princess. In the worst case, the Koresoans might even deploy the Aeterian legion, their major home defensive force." (D)

<This is a grand claim of greatest severity, Chera. Are you sure? Or rather, do you think this human can be trusted?> (U)

<I sent out messengers to confirm this. They shouldn't need too long. I doubt my human would tell such a blatant untruth that can be so easily confirmed. It would speak of poor sense, even for them. So you see, it's just as I stated. In this sense, we should instead apply appropriate measures to counter this.> (C)


I don't know if it speaks for her that Chera is the first Formicean to truly be able to handle the concept of "lies" so professionally.
However, even with all my reservations about Chera, I need to say that her entrance was flawless.
In such a short time, she managed to take full control of the discussion and guide it in her desired course.
Being able to stand your ground against Uma is nothing short of amazing.

If only I knew just how it came to be that she's now here like this.


Next week a longer interlude is going to start regarding what Chera was up to in the meantime.


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