Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 93

Two of my bodies will be staying in Dragon Roost until they give birth, and the other two will be headed back to Opal’s Home. My High Elf kids decide to come with us to meet their dad, and my High Human kids decide to split up. Mary coming with us to my fort, and Junior staying with his dad to learn how to be a proper man. It turns out high humans get those weird genetic memories like elves and the other monster born races. Too bad the normal human babies take so long to grow and have to be taught everything. The two bodies that are staying are the one’s pregnant with Pop’s, and Tom’s babies. Luckily Tom and Tasha want to take care of the ones from Tom, since I don’t think they’ll be high humans.

One of the bodies going back to my fort will be stopping to drop Cindy off back at Safety first, since it’s safer than letting her go alone. For the others that got pregnant, Sapphire and Amber both are going to have Darius’ babies. Ruby is staying for the day since she’s having Tom’s babies, while Snow is having Ruby’s babies and Penny didn’t get pregnant and will be returning to Ruby’s Rest. Oh, and Onyx is having somebodies babies, but she doesn’t remember who. She said she wasn’t checking her screen after every guy since that would be boring. She’ll be returning to Opal’s Home.

With everyone decided where they’re going, we finally leave. Since my high elf kids are from Lyle, who has black hair and turquoise eyes like me, they all have the same. They do have other different physical features though, like the only girl has really small breasts. That should make it easier for her to fight, and she almost has a better butt than mine, so she’ll be fine. Maybe. Two of her brothers look a lot like Lyle, but the third looks a lot like me and is shorter. After he grew up and had cloths on I had to double check that he didn’t have breasts and had a penis. Well he looks like me, so he’ll be fine too.

They decided to wait and see if Lyle wanted to name them, so they’re going unnamed for now, and talking to them can get confusing. Their high human sister Mary, ended up with brown hair, but she’s still my pretty daughter. Mary will be staying with us until she can make friends, but the elves will be finding a free place in Opal’s home to move in together. I had to promise to take good care of Mary, so I’ll be helping her level alongside her big sister Citrine. She’ll probably have friends before we go on our adventure, and it shouldn’t be a problem. I haven’t gotten to talk to any of my other human babies since they’re all still tiny and can’t talk, so I’m looking forward to it.

“So this mom is little because she accidentally ate a piece of a zombie?” Mary asks and I respond “Yup, I wasn’t closing my mouth when I landed on it and a piece of it got in my mouth. It was gross, so when you fight zombies, always keep your mouth closed. Which of you kids has Firm by the way?” It turns out that only Mary and one of the high elf boys got it, so I tell the others “The rest of you will have to be careful since you won’t be as durable starting out, but your big sister Jessica doesn’t have it and she’s even stronger than me right now. Well, Mary’s dad might be stronger than me too, and Sapphire… I did just reset a class so it can’t be helped.”

I pat Citrine’s head since she recently got all of her classes reset, so it might have been rude bringing up my one. She’s taken to biting my leg when she gets embarrassed and I’m on her shoulders, and it’s kind of cute, so I pat her head some more. “Don’t worry sweetie, you’ll be strong again in no time and you can take me flying.” I tell her and she bites my leg again, so I giggle. “Big sister Citrine, can I hold mom on my shoulders next, it looks like fun?” One of the masculine elf boys asks, but my golden haired daughter shakes her head saying “You’ll have to get a bunch of level’s first, even this small, mom is really heavy.”She’s right so I nod to him and say “I’d probably break a few of your bones and you’d have to be healed.” His shoulders slump, but Mary says “I’ll ride on your shoulders bro, just don’t drop me okay?”

He drops her, so he ends up getting yelled at. Poor kid, hopefully he gets some levels soon so he can carry people easier. Onyx offers to carry him on her shoulders and it cheers him up, it looks a bit silly since he’s bigger than her though. I see her tail wagging around more than usual, so she must be having fun.

Opal’s body with Cindy

“We’re friends now right Cindy?” I ask and she pats me on the back saying “Of course! This party was a blast. You and Sapphire are my people now, you listen to me better than any of my old friends ever did, and you aren’t jealous bitches.” I nod and say “Yup I reset Bitch, and I don’t think Sapphire ever had the class.” Cindy stops running and looks at me with a shocked face. She then asks “You had a class called Bitch? Why, and what did it do?” So I start explaining everything that happened with the Hounds and that particular class, and we are moving towards Safety again.

It really does feel nice to talk about things to a friend. Cindy chimes in with small questions and comments as I continue about the hounds. Her genuine seeming interest and her hateful comments towards the hounds in my story really make her a unique person to talk to. My daughters are all loving and supportive when I talk to them, so I didn’t know that someone hating something for you could feel so good. By the time I finish telling her how I ended up resetting my Bitch class, we are in front of Safety.

She tells me “I’m glad I could help a new friend Opal, I’ll have to spread the word about the hound’s addictive properties. I might ask for your help with something later, but I promise it’s not weird. Could you wait for me here?” I nod, feeling really excited for some reason. Talking to Cindy is exciting I’ve decided. I don’t know why I’m going to be waiting outside the camp, but I’m not really in a hurry to get this body back anyways. I still have quite a few hours before this body will need to give birth.

As I wait for Cindy, I notice that they’ve fixed their wall completely now. When we picked her up it was still being worked on. It makes me wonder how long it will take Jessica to get the new camp finished, and I’m excited to see what it will look like. She said it will be built from the ground up, since there wasn’t already a camp there, so maybe it will be interesting. It only takes about half an hour before Cindy comes back. She’s wearing a big bag on her back and is carrying a small human baby in her arms.

She walks up to me and says “Last night helped me realize that I don’t have to be the one in charge of the other survivors. I can look out for my own wants and needs now, and I never wanted to be someone in charge of other people. If Richard had just asked maybe… no, Richard was horrible. I left Safety with Dane, and even though he’s boring, he should be better at it than me.” I nod and say “Richard was horrible from what you told me, I’d beat him up for you right now if he weren’t already dead.” She laughs and says “Now you’re getting used to it, it’s fun to see you more expressive. The help I mentioned earlier has to do with moving away from Safety. There are too many bad memories and boring people here. So I need a place for me and my son to stay where he’ll have someone to watch him while I’m researching or leveling. I remember you mentioning last night that you have human babies that are being watched. What I’m asking is, can I stay at your place for a bit while I look for a place to get more settled? I promise not to be a bad roomie.”

I don’t know what a roomie is, but she’s my friend now, so I don’t see a reason she can’t take one of the free rooms. Everyone else staying there just sleeps in my room anyways. I use my body that’s on my way to Opal’s Home to ask Amber about it, and she says it’s fine. Sapphire says she’s looking forward to it too. I remember her and Cindy really got along last night.

I tell Cindy “Yup, you can stay with us for a while. We might have to think of something if you want to join our sleep pile at night, since we’re running out of room on the bed. For your son, Sara is always happy to take care of more human babies. She says she’s living a dream she never knew she had. I’m not sure what that means, but she’s very nice to babies.” Cindy lets out a relieved sigh and says “I won’t be leaving him there all the time like you do, but having someone willing to babysit is a relief. I doubt I’ll be joining your sleep pile, since I have some issues with sleeping in large groups, and I’d toss and turn all night. I thank you for the offer though Opal, you’re too good for this dump of a world.”

Cindy is really good at making me feel better about myself, so I’m looking forward to doing more stuff with her from now on. I decide to tell her “You’re a fun person Cindy, you should join a party with Sapphire and me when you decide to go into the dungeon for levels. It’s always safer with more people, and we’d both enjoy your company.” She laughs happily and responds “That does sound like a good time, everyone else is so boring, but you and Sap are my kind of people. Okay let’s get a move on, I don’t want to have Daniel out in the wild too long.” I nod and say “I can carry that pack for you if it’s too heavy.” She seems to think about it and says “Thanks Opal, I was a bit worried about it getting in the way if we ran into monsters while I was still holding Daniel.” I see her shift her son around between her arms as she pulls the straps of the bag off. I then take it from her and put it on myself.

It reminds me of when I’d carry my daughters on my back while running and I smile. I should do that more often, but I don’t think it would be as fun now since they’re not that different from me in tiers. Maybe I can make an excuse to get Mary to ride on my back, she’s still tier 1 after all. It’s a little unfortunate she’s already reached Opal’s Home, so I can’t do it now. Cindy, her son and I all start making our way there.

Opal’s body with her High Elf kids

We split off from the others since I promised Lyle to bring his kids by when we got back. Onyx came with us, her younger brother still on her shoulders. When we get to the new camp’s site, they seem to still be clearing the area. Apparently, making space for a camp can take a long time, especially with all the dumb trees around. I spot Lyle talking to Jessica and lead the kids to them. “Lyle, these four are your kids, they decided to wait for names in case you wanted to name them.” He slumps a little, but I see Jessica perk up. He looks at them and asks “Why do their titles say High Elf?” I then explain about two 5th tier’s babies and Jessica seems interested, but I don’t know anything else. So I tell her she can ask Citrine tonight during dinner and she thanks me with a hug. Jessica is such a good girl.

Lyle then says “The two boys can be named Lyle like me and how about the two girls be named Opal after you?” I shake my head and say “He’s not a girl, there are 3 boys.” I point to my cute baby boy, and then ask “So do you kids want to use your dad’s suggestion or come up with your own?” I see 3 of them shake their heads. One of them nods though and says “I’ll be named Lyle like dad, it sounds like a good name.” One of the boys and the girl say they’ll name themselves, but the boy that looks like me asks “Could you name me mom, I can’t think of anything good, but it would be confusing to have the same name as you I think.” I give him a head rub and say “Sure, I can think of one, just give me a minute.”

I think for a bit and then say “What do you think about the name Marble?” He smiles brightly and gives me a hug saying “Thanks mom, I love it. My name is Marble now.” I’m glad he likes it, I did think about it a lot. Names are so hard if I have to give them now. I was okay with him being named after me, since he looks so much like me, but he’s probably right that it might get confusing. I know he’s not me, but other people might confuse us if it weren’t for my breasts. So I guess it’s better to have his name be Marble.

“Okay kids, now that you’ve met your dad, let’s head to the fort so I can get you introduced to how living there works and the dungeons.” We still have all day, and I have four bodies now, but it still feels like we’re wasting Jessica’s time being here. She’s my busy daughter, so I give her another hug before we go.

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