Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 94

It’s a couple days later that Onyx catches my little body leaving the dungeon with Citrine. It still hasn’t grown so we’re pretty certain now that it’s not going too. So Citrine and I are really spending a lot of time in the dungeons. “Mom, Citrine-sis, I finally found my cute boyfriend!” She says while smiling at us and wiggling. I pat her head and say “That’s amazing sweetie, is he a nice boy?” Citrine shakes her head and says “If I were religious I’d pray for him to the moon for extra quest points. I’m happy for you though Onyx, try not to drain him too dry.” Onyx huffs and then points at her saying “That’s rude sis, I’m a perfect lady to my Lyle.” I recognize the name so I ask “Jessica’s husband?”

Onyx groans and says “No Opal-mom, everyone has been asking me that. Do you remember the cute boy I gave the shoulder ride to the other day? He’s Lyle-bro, you’re thinking of his dad.” Oh I do remember that, they did seem to be having fun. “Well that’s great sweetie, Jessica seems to be pretty upset with her husband lately, so it probably would have been a bad time.” Onyx crosses her arms and says “There’s no way I’d move into Jessica-sis’s territory, she can get pretty scary.” I nod, since she did seem a bit scary last night when Lyle pulled his penis out of her instead of finishing inside. I hope he can get her pregnant soon, I see she really wants it.

Maybe I should see if she wants to come to the dungeon later with Sapphire, Cindy and me. Sapphire is finally healed from her last birth, so I’ve been saving one of my bodies for a getting pregnant party. We plan to all go to the Lop dungeon and see what kind of kids we can make. Cindy came up with the idea, and she’s hoping for some bunny-girl children, whatever those are. She talked about that anime thing again, but it’s not as exciting as when she talks about other stuff. Her and Citrine talked about it for a few hours yesterday before bed, but my daughter didn’t share her interested in whatever a bunny-girl is.

I guess I’ll ask Jessica if she want’s to come along too, since I don’t think Lyle is all that interested in having more kids. “Well Onyx, let me know if you want to bring him to the sleep snuggles, we already managed to get the two beds set up. So there should be enough room for him now.” I tell my succubus daughter. She shakes her head and responds “Actually I’m going to try sleeping at his place tonight, so don’t miss me too much mom.” I give her a hug and tell her “Okay sweetie, just bring him by if you two want to join us after that, and I hope you have a lot of fun with him.” She wiggles more and runs off after kissing me on the cheek. For some reason I’m proud of my baby. She’s been talking about finding a cute boyfriend for a long time.

Citrine rubs my head and says “They grow up so fast right? I hope it goes well for sis, but first relationships usually don’t last forever.” My babies do grow fast, except for the normal humans, poor things. I should visit them more, they are still my babies, even if they aren’t very interesting. I tell Citrine “Let’s go see the human babies today.” My angel daughter wiggles and says “That sounds like a great way to spend our lunch break mom.” So we start heading to Sara and Daria’s place. It’s unfortunate that Darius won’t be there, since he’s staying with Steph while they set up another camp like Jessica.

She wants a place closer to Opal’s home, and she’s having her boyfriends help her build and manage it. Well, it’s not like I’d want him to get my little body pregnant anyways, so I guess it’s fine. Citrine and I knock on their door and after a minute Sara opens it. “Oh hi grandma and auntie. Are you here to see the babies, they’re being very cute today.” I nod and she leads us into her house.

-POV Ruby-

I push Tom’s face off of my chest again saying “I told you no, so stop it. Why do you keep insisting?” Tasha turns around from her cooking and asks “What’s going on with you honey, she said you can’t suck on her breasts. Why are you being so pushy?” Tom pulls back and his face goes red, but I don’t think it’s from embarrassment. He suddenly yells “What’s the point of having this thing here if I can’t get it’s milk!” I get confused, and I feel a bit hurt. Tasha asks “What the hell are you talking about Tom, Ruby isn’t a thing or an it?” I don’t know what to say, I can’t seem to even open my mouth. “You would say that, I see how much you like it’s dick in you. You’re lucky I took you back at all after those monsters ruined you!” Why am I being called a thing and it? Wasn’t he just telling me how much he loved me last night? “Tom… explain yourself, you’re being hurtful to both of us right now.” Tasha says. I can see tears gathering in her eyes, but mine start to get blurry too. “You heard me, if I didn’t have a reputation to uphold, I’d have never let you back in my bed. Why do you think I refuse to let you have any kids? We only have these little snots in our house now because I’m getting points for caring for them.”

He then turns back to me and says “If you want to stay in this house, you’re going to give me some of that milk that gives free points. There’s no other reason for you to be here, and I’m done pretending I have feelings for a monster like you. If you want to stay in my house and fuck my wife, then give me your milk.” How does he know about the milk? Then it hits me… the sex party, he must have gotten some from one of us during it. Mom and all of her wives have it, so it could have been anyone. It was probably mom or Sapphire though, since they lose themselves during sex more easily. I wipe my tears, since I understand now.

“I’m leaving.” I say and turn to Tasha saying “I’m sorry it didn’t work out, but I can’t be in this situation for you. I’m sorry that you’re going to have to deal with him alone.” He slaps me and screams since of course it’s going to hurt his hand. I just glare at him, since any hopes I had for the man are completely gone now. I say “I’m not going to hit you back because you are weaker than me, but if I find out you hurt Tasha after I leave…” I let the threat stand and give Tasha a hug before walking out the front door. I don’t think that house is safe for my little baby brothers and sisters, so I orient myself toward Pop’s place and start walking.

“Ruby wait!” I hear Tasha yell from behind me and feel a pain in my chest as I hear her footsteps running towards me. I stop and turn around. Tasha is there with red eyes and wet cheeks, she wraps her arms around me and says “I didn’t know, I’m sorry.” My eyes start to water again, but I hold them back. It’s not her fault, but I can’t seem to say anything, since I feel like I’ll start crying. She pulls back and looks me in the eyes saying “I’m coming with you, I’m just being used here like I was with the orcs, I just didn’t know it until today.” I can see her conviction grow as her body stops shaking and I see her fists tensing. Her voice gets clearer and she says “He’s been different ever since I came back, but I thought it was just me who changed because of everything I went through. I wasn’t lying when I told you I had developed feelings for you, but I understand if you can’t trust me right now. Can I go with you away from Dragon Roost though, I really don’t want to be here anymore.”

I can see she isn’t lying to me this time when I look into her eyes. They look very hurt, but her honesty warms something in my chest. I give her a hug, but pull back quickly saying “We can talk about it later, but right now we need to go see Pops, we’re going to have to get those babies a different home. Pops will also want to know that you’re moving away.” She goes to give me another hug, but stops herself saying “You’re right, and thank you for at least taking me with you. We can talk about the rest later after we’ve both had some time to think.” I nod, and kiss her on the forehead, since I know she’s hurting like me now, but it won’t be a good idea to have that talk right away.

We make it to Pops place and he opens the door with an angry face again. Sorry Snow, we must have interrupted some private time. He sees our faces though and his expression softens. Pops invites us in and to sit down, but I decline the seat and say “I’m leaving my relationship here and we need to get the babies new homes.” Tasha sniffles a bit and adds “We’re both leaving Tom, he was just using us the whole time, and he can’t care for the children. There are too many for us to take somewhere else alone. I know that many children would be an extra burden on anyone, so if we could just get a few people to go with us I’d owe you one Pops.” She has a point, they’d probably be better taken care of by someone like Sara. So we’ll probably be heading to Opal’s Home before Ruby’s Rest. Everything in my head feels so scattered right now though, so I think a hug from my wife would be good anyways.

Pops pulls Tasha into a strong hug and says “I’m sorry, if I had known I would have done something about it. I don’t like getting personal with my guards, but I consider you family. Snow was just talking about visiting her mom again soon, so she can help with a baby or two, and I’ll get a couple other spare arms to help.” He pulls back from the hug and sighs, looking at me and saying “Ruby, we aren’t that close, but if he hurt you too, then know you can tell me and I’ll set him straight. Can you tell Opal I’d like to talk to her about something next time you see her for me?” I nod and say “Don’t worry Pops, he couldn’t hurt me if he tried, but he obviously has some issues. So see if you can find someone who can help him. I can tell my wife for you, is it something she has to hurry with?”

He nods his head but then tells me “Oh that’s right, you’re in charge of a fort too. Could you come with Opal later then? Quicker will be better, but it’s not an emergency yet.” That’s good, because I don’t know how long my mom hugs, or the conversation with Tasha will take. I tell him I’ll do it and he leaves to go get a couple people. Snow gives us both soft hugs while he’s gone and lets us pet her fluffy tail which is always a treat. When he gets back he’s with two of my new High Human brothers, Junior and Neil. “These two are still first tier, so protect them, but they can carry some babies without dropping them, and need to learn some responsibility as men. You two, help your sister Ruby and Tasha go get the babies. I expect you to be good and greet your mother for me when you see her. Got it?”

They both nod and say “Yes sir!” in sync. Tom isn’t at the house when we pick up the children, so we avoid a potential argument. Tasha prepares some backpacks for us to help her carry some of her cloths and other things. It doesn’t take us long to finally be off, and on our way to my wife and her amazing hugs. We run into a few monsters and zombies on the way, which slows us down a little, but I easily take care of them with my blood skills. Neil and Junior are pretty quiet, so no one really talks on the journey, but they have these cute serious faces. So it’s kind of hard not to smile a little.

I know what I want to do with Tasha already, but I’ll get advice from my sisters first. I don’t have the best history when it comes to relationship decisions and I can admit that.

-POV End-

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