Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 92

Citrine and I ended up telling Amber’s son Darius about the party, since we ran into him exiting the dungeon. Daria told me yesterday he wanted to talk to me, but I forgot about it until he came up to me. It turns out that he just wanted to have sex with me, so I invited him to the party. I haven’t talked to my daughters yet about what’s going on with my little body, so It’s better to be safe with stuff. I have 3 other bodies here that he can have sex with after all. He got here before we did, since we wanted to do a couple more dungeon runs, but I already told Amber he was coming so it wouldn’t be a surprise.

“Well I probably won’t have sex with him, but I might watch since it seems interesting. Just so we’re clear, I can have sex with anyone at the party right?” Amber asks and I respond “Of course, there’s no one here that I don’t like. Cindy ended up being really helpful to me earlier. I’m not sure if she likes women though, since I only know about her being with Jeff and the penis guy.” Her and Sapphire explaining why they had their classes made me realize that I shouldn’t keep Bitch just for some bonuses I might get later. It’s not the kind of class I want, so I reset it. Now I have to build it back up from Tank, but it should be more me. Probably.

Amber gives me a kiss on the cheek and Penny says “Well I’d be interested if you’re up for it Auntie.” I see Amber look her up and down before responding “It might make Ruby jealous since you look like her but I haven’t had sex with her lately… Okay I’m in, it should be fun.” My wives like to tease each other a lot. I see that across the room Ruby is now talking to Tasha and her husband Tom. They seem to be getting along again, I was worried when they first showed up because of their past. I remember that Tasha was really good with her tongue, so maybe I’ll see if I can get some sex time with her during the party.

My little body is sat on Citrine’s lap on the couch, since we won’t be having sex during the party. She strokes my hair and it feels nice. “Everyone seems to be getting along, I thought with everyone here the sex would have started sooner.” She says behind me. I keep myself from wiggling since I don’t want to hurt her legs, and say “Well, everyone is still having fun meeting new people, I’m looking forward to the sex too though. Are there any people you hope to see having sex?” I feel Citrine shift behind me a bit and answer “I’ll tell you later.” I look back and see her blushing so I tell her “I think Sapphire and Pop’s will be fun to watch, and I’m hoping Onyx and Snow do something together since their colors should be interesting together.” I’ve learned that it’s rude to ask someone about something you’re not willing to answer yourself.

I hear her sigh and say “Fine, I’m hoping to see Amber give someone a boobjob with her new breast size. I’m curious if I’d enjoy doing it myself, and figure I can get a better idea by seeing her.” I ask “What’s a boobjob?” She pats my head and answers “It’s where a woman wraps her breasts around a penis and uses them to stroke it.” I think about it, and it could be fun to watch so I agree with her. Using my body near I Amber, I tell her about the boobjob thing and she says “That does sound like it might be interesting, if I find a guy to do it with I’ll make sure we do it near the couch for you two.” I nod and give her a kiss on the cheek.

I tell Citrine I got Amber to give it a try later and she stammers saying “M-mom you can’t just… okay, thank you for asking.” She then rubs my head some more and it’s hard not to wiggle. I hear Pops cough and say “Everyone quiet down a minute.” The talking around the large living room dies down and he continues “We’re about to get started, but first some rules. One, stay where others can see you, we don’t need people hiding activities from their partners here. That leads to drama that I don’t want in my house. It also keeps the rest of my house clean.” I see a lot of nods from the people in the room. “Two, listen to your current sexual partners wants, if a woman wants you to pull out then pull out. If a man doesn’t want to get you pregnant, then get Sapphire or Jen to use their skill on you. If your partner says to stop, then you stop. Got it.” I nod along with everyone else and he continues “Third rule, what happens here tonight is between the participants. Some of us have images to maintain and some people can be prudes.” Everyone who I would tell about stuff is here already so I agree with the others. “Last rule is to be as careful as you can with my house and furniture, that means helping to clean up after we’re all done. Does everyone agree to these rules?”

I see and hear everyone agreeing and I do the same. Citrine even agrees, although she won’t be having sex, the rules still apply to her. Pops then says “Okay let’s get this started then.”

A couple hours later

*Lewd Scene*



The next morning

We’ve finished cleaning everything up, and I gave Pops some credits since my heavy bodies ended up doing some damage to his walls and furniture. It was a lot of fun, and I think everyone got a chance to have sex with everyone else, except for my little body and Citrine of course. Most of the men didn’t actually have sex with each other, but they would share a woman, so I count it. The only exception seemed to be Jen’s lovers, I still can’t remember their names. My favorite was still when Snow helped Pops have sex with Sapphire, she seemed to enjoy herself more than I’ve ever seen.

I see Amber hit Darius in the shoulder saying “Getting your own mother pregnant, you can’t have sex with me anymore.” He shakes his head and says “You were supposed to yell out scrub, how was I supposed to know you were trying not to get pregnant tonight?” She sighs and says “I was busy giving Tom a blowjob and forgot. I guess I can’t blame you. Still, today was a special occasion, don’t expect to come by for sex now.” He raises his hands and tells her “Of course, not, I’m going to marry Stephanie once I can convince her I’m serious about our relationship.” So I guess not everything went as planned.

There is good news though. Ruby walks up to me and kisses me on the lips before pulling back and looking concerned. She says “Tasha and Tom have invited me to join their relationship, I’m already in a relationship with you, and I don’t plan on leaving it. So do I have your permission to join their relationship too?” She doesn’t have to worry though, I’m happy for her, I know how much she still liked Tasha. I tell her “I still want to see you lots since we’re still going to be in a relationship, but I give you my permission to join their relationship too. Just be careful okay sweetie, you know how humans can be sometimes and I don’t want to see you get hurt again.” She gives me a big hug and says “Thank you wife, you’re the best!” I wiggle since I probably am the best, and I’m glad it was so easy to make her this happy.

“Don’t forget about mom sis, or I’ll kick you out of the marriage myself, got it?” Amber says walking up to us. The other daughters decided a few days ago that Amber would be in charge of saying who gets to be a wife, since apparently she loves me the most. I don’t know how they all figured that out, but it made me happy, since I don’t tell them she’s my favorite wife. I give my beautiful orange haired wife a kiss and say “Ruby is a good girl, so she won’t forget about me.” Ruby responds with “Of course not! They know Opal is my number one priority, just like Tom and Tasha are each others. We’ve already discussed it. I can’t believe you didn’t let me have sex with you the whole night sis, it was rude.” Amber laughs and says “I told you didn’t I? Get better first.” Ruby is laughing now too and they give each other hugs. Watching my cute wives makes me feel lighter inside. This was a fun party.

Citrine walks up to us and says “I don’t know why I didn’t have sex with anyone, I regret it a little bit now, but it was a lot of fun watching. I think mom got better with her tongue as the night progressed too. Can I talk to you three somewhere private?” Little me is on her shoulders, so we’ll have to duck down in the doorways, but I have my other body nod. Ruby and Amber both agree as well and we find an empty room with a door we can close.

“So you want to be in a relationship with mom too now right?” Amber asks. Oh is that why she wanted just Ruby and Amber? “Kind of, but not exactly.” Citrine starts and then explains “I feel like I’m really reliant on Opal right now with everything that’s happened with the corruption. Basically I’m asking for permission to take her small body flying around on adventures with me. We might be gone for long stretches of time, and I didn’t feel like we could do that without asking you two first. She’ll have her other bodies to tell you what we’re doing of course. So can we?” We did talk about doing that, and I didn’t even think about asking for permission first, but I guess it makes sense.

“Only that? I don’t think you had to ask us about that.” Ruby confesses, but Amber asks “Are you sure that’s it? You don’t want to be in a relationship with her?” Citrine shakes her head which makes my little hands slide around in her hair. She answers “For now that’s it, I do enjoy my time with mom more than anything, but I don’t think it’s those kinds of feelings. If that ever changes you two will be the first to know.” I nod since I think the same way, Citrine is a lot of fun to be with, but she doesn’t make my chest do that weird thing.

“Okay then, keep us updated and remember to be safe, do you know when you’ll be leaving?” I shake my head and answer before Citrine can “We’re going to wait until she gets back to the 4th tier at least, so it might be a few months unless we can get a lot more experience from higher dungeon floors. I’m super excited for flying around and seeing things with her. I’ll be able to tell you two about all the cool things we see.” Amber gives Citrine a big hug and their large breasts squish together, it’s a fun sight from up here on her shoulders. “I’m glad you found something for mom to get so excited about. Once you leave you might miss out on more sex parties though.” Amber says and giggles.

Ruby says “I could always change that regretting not having sex thing for you right now if you want.” Amber hits her on the shoulder and tells Citrine “Ignore your sister, I don’t know how she could still be so horny after having so much sex.” We hear a loud knock on the door and Pops yelling “You better not be having sex in my pantry!” I find myself laughing.

This party was a good idea, we should have them more.

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