Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 91

-POV Cindy-

“Now could you go over that again, I’m not sure I heard you right.” I’m standing in front of my necromancy hut, and I just got asked the wildest thing by a blue haired elf and Jessica’s mother. Perhaps I do need to get more sunlight like people keep telling me. “We’re going to be having a sex party in Dragon Roost at Pop’s place, my daughter said we should invite you. So would you like to come with us, it will be fun?” She looks paler than me, but has a bright smile on her face. So that was what they asked me the first time. I look at Jessica’s sister and ask “Could you use that cleaning spell on me real quick. Your sister says it’s pretty refreshing.”

I feel the grime and sweat from the dungeon earlier just disappear off my body. I feel lighter. “You know what? Why the hell not, I’m in. I’ll probably regret this, but I’ve never been in an orgy before. Just don’t tell anyone where we’re really going and let me tell the babysitter I’ll be gone tonight.” I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this, but maybe some crazy shit is just what I need. I guess I’ll find out.

I can’t believe Pops of all people is having it, but those straight laced types are usually the freakiest right? That’s what I remember from the shows I used to watch anyways. I decide to grab and put on my good underwear before telling them I’m ready. Do people start out naked in orgies, or will my choice in underwear actually matter? It’s another thing I’ll just have to find out, and I have to admit, it’s kind of exciting. No people complaining about not having eggs or the zombies moaning too much, just me bumping uglies1A crude way to say 'having sex' with a bunch of strangers.

Well, not everyone is a complete stranger, I’ve talked to Pops many times, going over trade and who’s moving where. I’ve also met Sapphire, the blue haired elf a few times, but she’s usually not very talkative. Her and Jessica’s mom Opal seems nice, if a bit young and naive. From what I hear she’s basically the starting point for more than half the elves in the area, and a strong Player. From what I saw of her fighting against the 5th tiers before, she’s pretty good in a melee and durable. She’s kind of lacking in her offensive strength, but I think even Jessica would have a hard time hurting the woman.

Jessica’s sister is well known for her ability to hold a location with little or no help, and her rain was the turning point for our fight with the horde. Good company for an orgy I suppose, although if I’m trying to use it to take some time off, I shouldn’t be trying to establish work relationships. I’ll just hope they’re fun to get fucked next to then. I laugh to myself as we finally leave Safety.

Opal speaks up and asks “So you’re a necromancer right? Why did you pick that class? I picked Fighter because it said I could fight with my body, and I like my body. It’s my favorite class so far.” God I’m glad she didn’t ask me something boring. So I tell her “Well I always wanted to grow up to be a doctor when I was a kid. I figured I’d start as a nurse to work my way through medical school, since I’ve always been fascinated with the human body. Not in like, a serial killer way, but I guess making zombies might make that less believable now. I used to be religious and I thought I was marveling at god’s creation of the body. Well that changed as I got older, and I realized I just enjoyed learning, but I found anatomy to be my easiest subject. Sorry I’m rambling a bit I hope you don’t mind.”

I look over at my traveling companions in embarrassment, since I just went off again, but they are actually looking at me with interest and Sapphire says “Oh please continue, it sounds interesting so far.” I see Opal nod too, so I continue “The way muscles grew and how they moved. The way people were so warm when they hugged you. I seemed to be hooked on what a body could do and how it did it. The way I advanced my first Healer class was what led to me getting the option for Necromancer, and when I saw it I remembered reading Frankenstein my junior year.” I pause and take a breath “So I just had to pick it. It’s been really interesting so far, it’s too bad learning more about how the zombies work hasn’t given me any new skills or class options. I just hope it will help me understand how all this new magic works and help fight the wild zombies. If I’m going to approach learning about this new world we’re in, why not do it starting from something I’m passionate about?”

They still seem to be interested in hearing more, but I can tell them later, and it would be rude to hog the conversation. “How about you Sapphire, you are mostly a Healer right? Why did you pick the class that you did and stick with it?” It’s always more fun if everyone gets to talk after all, and I have to admit I’m curious how elves think. Jessica is obviously obsessed with being strong enough to help her mother, but they can’t all be like that. She opens her mouth and says “I originally got it because it said I could fight with help. I only really knew mom at the time, but I figured if I could fight with her I’d be invincible. It’s just a feeling I had. Later I decided to keep the class because of how much I was able to relieve the pain and suffering of the other women in the pillories.” Oh fuck, I forgot they were all orc breeders for a while. Jessica doesn’t really like to talk about it. Sapphire continues “I grew to hate the dirty things they’d cover us with during the day, and I ended up building my class towards healing people and keeping things clean. I have a few… different sexual tastes because of my relationship with gross things, but I wouldn’t ask for a different class. It let’s me help the people suffering around me, whether it be from damage or dirt.”

Ah, going by what she mentioned about sexual stuff… she probably likes getting spit on right? I can go for a little degradation sometimes myself, so I give her an approving nod. “I just have a lot of fun fighting and smashing things, so I try to get my classes to do that. I can’t reset my second class because of my Unique title…” she stops moving and talking, so I stop with her, wondering what’s going on. She then speaks saying “Sapphire, I’ve decided I’m going to reset my third class after all, I don’t want to be a Bitch. I want to fight and smash things.”

I’m not sure what she’s talking about but I can see the conviction in her eyes, and her daughter gives her a hug saying “You’re right mom, do what you enjoy doing. You wouldn’t want to get stuck with the class again.” I’d ask what’s going on, but it seems personal, and we aren’t really that close. Opal continues “Citrine is starting over, so I can to, even if it’s only one of my classes, I’m not going to be a Bitch anymore… I’ll make that skill I have permanent though, since Snow made a good point about her being a hound earlier.” She looks really happy as I think I watch her reset a high tier class. That must have been one hell of a horrible class.

Opal comes up to me and hugs me. I freeze as she says “Thank you Cindy, I wouldn’t have realized if we hadn’t come to pick you up for sex.” I relax in her arms. Why do I feel so secure in her arms, like I’m a child being held by my mother. It’s nice, but it concerns me a little bit so I pat her on the shoulder so she pulls back. I tell her “I don’t know how I was helpful, but I’m always glad to help another woman out. Now, did you two want to learn more about anatomy while we head that way?” If they like to hear me talk about it, then I’ll take advantage of that to get out all this cool information everyone else ignores me for.

I don’t know how long it takes, but it feels like a short trip. I had a lot of fun, and they even asked me questions about stuff like eyes and intestines. This really was a good idea, I’ll just hope the sex part is just as fun. I haven’t been laid in a very long time, so I have a hard time believing it will be horrible. Maybe disappointing at worst. Another Opal meets us at the gate and I do a double take before remembering that Jessica told me her mom had a skill that gave her multiple bodies. I wonder if she’d let me study her bodies a bit. I’ll ask her after the orgy, since she might think it’s sexual if I ask her now or during.

Opal says “Ruby came back already with Penny, but Tasha and her husband were invited to the party too, so Ruby and Tasha are arguing in another room. So be prepared for people in the house being quiet. I think they’re trying to listen to what they’re saying. Probably.” Oh so it’s drama, color me interested. We finally get to Pop’s place and we enter to everyone chatting, so I guess I missed the eavesdropping. Oh well, I’m sure there will be plenty of other juicy drama at an orgy. I see Pops, but he looks away and scratches his beard.

I guess it’s going to be awkward at the local Landowner meetings after today. I laugh and look around the room as Opal introduces me. I met Pop’s new wife before, but everyone else is new to me. Some identical twins with red hair walk up to us and one of them kisses Opal before saying “Welcome back wife, I got Penny to come too.” She then turns to Sapphire and says “We’re going to have to ask for your assistance with keeping us from getting pregnant tonight sis. We don’t want too much down time is our project.”

Everyone seems to be getting along in the room right now, it’s honestly more people than I was expecting the old coot to be able to get together. There are a few nice looking men though. One of them is even an elf. Oh I hope I get a chance with an elf tonight, that would make the worst case scenario be a good story. Let me count… there are 5 men and… 11 women? Wait, do I count Opal 3 times or just once? I hear an orange haired elf woman with huge breasts say “Pops, bring us more men, Ruby and the other penises are going to be outnumbered.” One of the red haired twins says “I am not a penis, I have a penis and there’s a difference.” I hear a bunch of laughing. So I guess I counted wrong, he must just be really feminine looking. Maybe it’s an elf thing.

Wait… didn’t he ask for help in not getting pregnant? I find myself getting more and more excited for this orgy. There are just so many interesting people, and with two or three elves to choose from, I’ll have more of a chance of trying one. Does that woman have a black tail? I hear the door open and see a small child walk in followed by a beautiful woman with large black wings. The tailed woman runs up and hugs the winged woman, who has blonde hair with black tips, saying “Sis! You decided to come after all, I’ve missed you today.”

The winged woman then responds “I missed you too Onyx, but me and little mom are only here for socializing. We won’t be participating in the sexual activities.” That’s a shame, I would have liked to see what the winged woman looks like naked, maybe she’ll let me study her body later. How do the wings connect to her back? I bet the muscles have to be different from humans. Did she say little mom?

Oh it must be another Opal, she just seems to be most of the people here’s mother. I don’t think I could go to an orgy with my mom, but I know elves are different. Pop’s wife is participating, so I should be able to get a better look at how her tail connects to her spine when she’s naked. This orgy is going to be so much fun.

-POV End-

I know that not everyone reading my novel is a native English speaker, so I was wondering if I should put footnotes for phrases like "bumping uglies" which might be difficult for some readers to understand. Here's a poll, and if it gets enough Yes, I'll try to remember adding them in future chapters.

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