Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 76

I’ve decided that goblins are boring. Well the ones that aren’t Snag at least.

*Lewd Scene*



By the time she finishes talking and I feel a tingling sensation in my tummy, the offending goblin is already dead. It doesn’t take me long to finish off the rest either, they seem to be much weaker after so much sex. Sapphire uses her cleaning spell on both of us and we start getting dressed. “I really liked those panties.” My daughter hugs me and says “They looked pretty great on you mom. Next time you come to do this with me I’ll just use the skill for you so we don’t have to worry about them ripping anything else.” I hug her back and say “Well I hope we can run into Snag more, we’ll need to see him a lot if everyone is going to get a set. Until then, if you don’t want to end up pregnant, bring me with you okay sweetie?” She pulls back from the hug and nods answering “You’re a lot of fun, and I’d probably forget sometimes without you, so of course. Now let’s get back to trying to find Snag, my lust is satisfied for now.”

A few hours later

By the time it’s starting to get dark outside, neither of the parties I’m in has run into Snag again. As we all meet outside the dungeon, we go through the potions we found from it’s chests.

(Breast Enhancement Potion)Consume to make your breasts slightly larger. x2

(Dexterity Enhancement Potion)Consume to increase your Dexterity by 2. x2

(Endurance Enhancement Potion)Consume to increase your Endurance by 2.

(Butt Enhancement Potion)Consume to make your butt slightly larger.

(Butt Shrinking Potion)Consume to make your butt slightly smaller. x2

(Strength Enhancement Potion)Consume to increase your Strength by 2.

Citrine asks for both of the breast potions, but nobody seems interested in the butt potions. They did all inherit my own perfect example, so I would be surprised if they did. Maybe we can see if someone from another camp wants them. We think all of the stat enhancement potions are permanent, so we decide to give them all to Onyx since she’s still pretty far behind the rest of us. She hugs each of us and thanks us “All-sis and Mom, you’re the best. I’ll be sure to catch up as soon as I can.”

With that all sorted we head back to the house. I notice the new elf kids are starting to set up dinner for themselves and I wave to them. The others decide to go say hi to their kids, but Sapphire comes with me since none of them are hers. When we get in the house I’m tackled by Ruby who gives me a big kiss after grunting. When she pulls her tongue out of my mouth she says “I’ll be able to knock you over one day wife.” I kiss her forehead and tell her “It’s okay to strive for things sweetie, just don’t set your expectations too high.” Her and Sapphire both laugh, but I’m not sure why.

I tell Ruby about my day, and Sapphire chips in saying “You should have seen the shocked look on her face when she noticed those sexy panties were destroyed. I don’t feel sorry for the little shit though, he interrupted my cleaning session from mom.” Ruby laughs but it irritates me for some reason so I humph and turn away, which only causes both of them to laugh. Rude. They are able to get me in a better mood again by paying me with hugs and kisses, so I forgive them for their rudeness.

Sapphire tells Ruby about the potions we were able to find and Ruby rubs her chin saying “I think some of my daughters might be interested in those butt potions. A few of them have expressed interest in finding a way to stand out from their sisters, and I think the potions from your goblin dungeon might be a good way for them to do that. I’ll take the ones you have now when I go back tomorrow morning and see if they’re interested. I’ll make sure they come in groups if they come, so they’re safe.” So I’ll have to make sure not to kiss more of Ruby’s daughters if I see them. It’s a good thing I have that arrow so I can make sure.

It’s not long after that when the others show up and Ruby gets hugs from everyone. Onyx asks her “Ruby-mom, will you be able to do some dungeons with us soon?” Ruby rubs her head and says “If everyone finishes eating dinner quickly, then I can join you all in that Dungeon mom said she upgraded tonight.” Oh right, I forgot we got that one to 20 floors. I should get everyone to eat faster so I can go in the dungeon with my red haired wife again. Sapphire says “Don’t I get a hug too wife?” and Onyx turns to her and rolls her eyes saying “Stop teasing me Sapphire-sis, it’s just making me want to find a cute boy sooner, and I have standards you know.” I giggle along with the others since my daughters are so cute.

The fire pit is lit and we are about to put the meat up when Sapphire says “I want to try and get the Witch title mom told us about. I think I’ll be fine with Firm and being in the 5th tier, but if it’s too much I can just rinse myself off and try again later.” I forgot about that title, but she’s right that she can probably take the heat now, so I tell her “Okay, just let us know if it gets too hot. Go ahead and strip so we can put the food on you for cooking. There’s no reason to waste dungeon time on cooking the food separate.” I see Onyx and Ruby both nod and my blue haired daughter quickly gets naked and stands in the fire.

We wait a minute but she says “I’m fine, it feels a little warm, but it shouldn’t be a problem so start putting that dirty meat all over me.” She sounds a bit like when she’s having sex with the goblins when she says that, but if she’s having fun I’ll help. I put some meat on her, and the other quickly join in, giggling at Sapphires obvious interest, despite her views on cleanliness. She looks kind of funny with all the meat cooking on her, but she’s smiling a lot, which is nice. She asks “Can you put some on for me too, I forgot to grab some before I got in here?” Onyx smiles and says “Anything for you wife.” and places a big slab of meat on her sisters head. Sapphire just laughs and says “Dirty me more wife.” and lets out a fake moan. I think it’s fake at least, it doesn’t sound as genuine as the ones when she’s having sex.

Onyx humphs and sits back down. Sapphire says “I think you all should try this when you get to 5th tier as well. It’s free stats at least and another title.” Onyx responds “Unlike my wife, I’m not a pervert…” but then after a few seconds she finishes by saying “But stats are stats, so I agree we should at least give it a try.” Amber and Ruby both agree, they were set back a lot by having to reset two of their classes, so they still have a long way to go for 5th tier. I say to them “I have to admit, I’m looking forward to seeing both of you standing naked in the pit.” Amber asks Sapphire “Are you sure we have to wait for 5th tier. Could we maybe do it now?” My blue haired daughter just shakes her head and says “I feel like Firm is barely covering for it, that’s why I’m still getting really warm. You can try, but I don’t think you’ll be able to last long enough for the title.”

Ruby and Amber both sigh when she says that and I pull them both closer to me for side hugs. “That’s okay my beautiful wives, we are all going to be naked in the bed tonight anyways, so I’ll just see you then.” We all sleep naked usually so we don’t ruin our cloths, and my daughters don’t have a problem with nakedness. I see Citrine pull out her breast potions, and she says “Well let’s see how much they help.” She starts opening the first one but I point out “Don’t you need to take your shirt off? What if they grow bigger than you think and break it?” She pauses and looks down at the fancy shirt she got from the dungeon earlier. Citrine then says “Thanks mom, I didn’t think about that.” before pulling her shirt off, exposing her breasts that look a lot like the rest of my daughters. I wouldn’t want her to have to go through the pain of having her nice cloths ripped like I did earlier.

My golden haired daughter then drinks the first potion and we wait a bit. She starts moaning and her breasts do seem to grow a little bit… probably. It’s hard to tell. She grabs them and says “Well that was a bit disappointing, I’m going to need a lot of these if I want to get to a good enough size.” She then drinks the second one and immediately starts moaning. I watch as her breasts grow much larger quickly. They expand to about twice their previous size within a couple minutes and I can see my other daughters with shocked expressions. Citrine stops moaning and looks down at her chest with a confused face. She hefts her breasts, which no longer fit snugly in her grip, and then smiles saying “This is bigger than I wanted, but I can definitely work with this. Thanks for letting me have those potions.” We all nod, happy that she’s happy and both Amber and Ruby start to speak at the same time. Ruby motions for Amber to go first who asks “Can we have sex later sis, I’m curious about how your new breasts will feel.” Ruby then nods and adds “I’d like to get a piece of that as well if you’re interested.”

Citrine gasps and then sighs saying “I’m not going to have sex with my sisters, so keep dreaming you two.” She jiggles her new breasts at them and I hear them sigh. Amber says “That’s alright sis, can I at least touch them, seeing them on you has gotten me a bit interested in using the potion too.” Citrine puffs out her chest and says “Sure that’s fine sis, just don’t make it lewd okay? Is anyone else interested?” Ruby nods at first and then shakes her head saying “I’d only be touching you for lewd reasons so I’ll pass this time.” The rest of us shake our heads since we aren’t interested. We do all already have my beautiful breasts, so it makes sense.

Amber scoots closer to Citrine and then grabs the offered breasts, moving them around in her hands and squeezing them for a few seconds. She then lets go and says “Thanks sis, I think I will go for it as well, now I just need two of them so I can hopefully get the same effect that you did.” If it makes her happy, then I’ll help her with any of the potions I find later. I’m also a little curious how they feel. Maybe.

We pull all of the cooked meat off of Sapphire and she steps out of the fire saying “I got the title, so that’s 10 more Wisdom, but this equip bonus… I don’t think I’ll be equipping it.” I think it’s useless to equip too, so I don’t blame her. Who want’s to get experience for stealing children?

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