Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 75

I managed to get it done, but this flu is frying my brain so expect errors. I'll go back and edit it once it's passed.

-POV Richard-







-POV Cindy-

I really thought Richard would be more useful if I made him into a zombie. Well at least he’s not trying to fuck everything that moves and has tits anymore. Progress. He didn’t keep any of his skills though, maybe when I get my Necromancer class to 5th tier my creations will carry more over. I cross my fingers for next time and put my newest zombie in with the others. I thought they’d smell bad being corpses, but they just smell like dirt for some reason. I never buried them, so maybe it’s another one of those weird magic things.

I lock their cage and leave my basement, I’ve been down there too long and need some sun. It’s too bad Health regeneration keeps me from getting a tan, I should ask some of my citizens if they can keep an eye out for some next time they go scavenging in town. I’m glad the people in camp are okay with me having necromancer as my third class, it’s just too bad I couldn’t control the wild zombies like we were all hoping. I think Steven and Lira are already third tier in theirs, so we just need to figure out how many we can each control at once, then kill the leftovers.

The dungeon has been our main source of monster bodies, but the Lizardmen zombies aren’t very strong. I need to find a way to turn them without their scales falling off, another reason to hurry the class to 5th tier. If Richard hadn’t been stupid and tried to poison me, taking the camp for his own, then I could still be leeching off him in the dungeon right now. Well if I hadn’t gotten the new class to 4th tier he would have succeeded, so I can’t really call it stupid. It was extremely rude though, maybe if I had let him fuck me after having Daniel. No, he was always a horrible man, he didn’t even care that the kid was his grandson.

Safety really did get the worst options of the camps nearby, we have to get food from Liberation and Dragon Roost. My camp didn’t get a single food making option, and the dungeon doesn’t have any potions or mimics. Luckily Pops and Jeff are good men and don’t charge us for the food still, I guess they are happy enough with the tax they get for the stamina use. I really should apologize to Jeff, walking in on Richard kissing me was not how I wanted him to find out I slept with Jon. God this is so complicated, everyone thought he died when his house exploded.

I know he’s too nice to use it against me or the rest of Safety, but after becoming a mother it’s hard not to imagine some slut doing the same thing to my son. I admit to myself that I was in the wrong, but it’s so hard to tell him that. I was so callous about it when telling him I married Richard, I was confused and thought that at least the kid would have his grandpa in his life. Well that’s out the window now, and I’m a single mother who cheated on her boyfriend and killed her husband. On the plus side, the whole higher tiers thing seems to do wonders for my looks, so maybe I can find someone who doesn’t care.

I laugh out loud and get a few concerned looks from the people I pass. Great, make myself look crazy on top of being a necromancer widow.

-POV Pops-

Ugh, how late did I sleep in. I rub my eyes and look over to see that my new wife is already up, probably making me some breakfast. How did my old bones get so lucky? I shake off my thoughts and sleepiness, I can already smell the bacon being cooked downstairs. I’m glad these levels let me keep up with her, I’d feel bad if she was stuck taking care of some old guy. I chuckle since that’s exactly how I see it, but she’s an angel and doesn’t seem to care about my age.

I put on my cloths with more ease than just a few months ago, and start heading to the kitchen. As I walk down the stairs the smell of bacon gets stronger, and I can hear her singing. She has such a beautiful voice, even though she only knows the one tune. I was surprised that she knew any with her background, but she says she remembers it because of that genetic memory thing her and the elves have. She only sings when she’s happy and sure enough, when I turn the corner into the kitchen she’s there next to the new oven, smiling as she wiggles her lithe body.

My white haired angel turns to me and says “Derrik honey, you’re staring again. Did you get enough sleep?” I chuckle and tell her “Of course honey, I just like looking at you smile.” She blushes and it’s always so obvious on her since she’s pale like her mother. “Stop it, you’ll make me blush.” Snow says, but it’s already too late for her. I walk up firmly and wrap my arms around her waist, giving her a big kiss. She giggles and pulls back, placing one of her delicate hands on my full and manly beard saying. “I made you some of that bacon stuff you taught me, I even added some eggs from that new camp. What was it’s name…” My stomach rumbles at the thought of bacon and eggs, but I tell her “I think Sue’s place was called Family Farm. Not very fancy, but Sue didn’t seem like the type to do fancy anyways. Did you make some for yourself too?”

“Of course husband, if I wasn’t hungry all the time I’d hardly want to learn how to cook.” It sounds a little harsh, but I know she’s just teasing me and my old bones, so I rub my beard on her neck until she pushes me away. “Okay fine, we both no that if I didn’t love you so much I’d be eating the meat raw. Now go wash off before breakfast, it’s almost done, so hurry.” She pinches my bottom and I jump a little, rushing towards the well I put in our back yard.

After breakfast she starts to get a little frisky, but we hear a knock on the door, so we fix our cloths and I answer it with a grumble. “What do you want?” It’s that Jeff kid standing next to Tasha, he says “Thanks for the guide Tasha, that’s indeed Pops.” I grumble again and tell her “Go ahead and head back to the wall, Jeff is a good kid.” Tasha salutes and starts walking back towards the gate. So I ask Jeff “So why are you visiting today?” I turn back and see that Snow is fully dressed and sitting on our couch, so I invite him in. He follows and sits on my chair so I take the spot on my couch next to my wife.

“I got ownership of Liberation, so we can work more closely from now on.” Snow gasps but he holds up his hand and says “Don’t worry, I was given it by your mom. Opal and the others made it out of the Dungeon safe.” My angel perks up again and asks “Is she in Liberation then? Where can I go visit her?” She’s always loved her mom, it’s one of the things that originally drew me to her. It’s hard to find kids these days who can respect their parent so much. “I believe she’s currently staying at Opal’s Home, and I’m sure she’d love it if you visited. You know how she is about her kids.”

I’d say if her title when she came here is anything to go by, she’s very protective. I got my Unique title a couple months ago, and I swear it’s trying to give me a back ache. (Old Pops) how could the system be so rude, well at least it makes people respect me more, and my inhabitants are more likely to follow an order. Did it really have to put Old on all my equipped titles though? Old Guard, Old Blacksmith, I look younger than I did a decade ago, but my titles taunt me.

“Head that way with Jeff here, I don’t want you traveling alone.” I tell her while rubbing her adorable ears. I’d go with her, but this place would fall apart without me, and I’m pretty sure Jeff has gotten his first 5th tier at least. “I’ll make sure nothing hurts her Pops, we’re practically family now, so you can rely on me.” I give him a stare and say “I better be able to, you don’t want to see what it’s like if I have to come set you straight.” My wife hits my should and giggles saying “Oh be nice honey, we’ll just go at night when the zombies can’t see.”

I stop giving him my ‘I mean it’ stare and sit back on the couch. “You two will be fine during the day, and Snow is too easy to spot at night, so I think it will be safer. Just avoid the main areas, and you’ll be fine.” She pulls a few strands of her hair in front of her face and then agrees with me. Now we just have to talk about what the kid can do with Liberation. They were already a huge help to a lot of the new Player camps in the area, so I have high expectations now that it can actually be developed.

-POV Jeff-

We finally leave Dragon Roost with a lot of plans for the future. I’m so glad Opal was willing to give me Liberation. I need to find a time to thank her, with my dick of course. I laugh to myself and Snow says next to me “What’s funny Jeff?” I respond “Oh I was just so happy seeing how well you and Pops got along, have you two had any kids yet?” She shakes her head and frowns saying “He thinks it’s because he’s old, but he hasn’t actually cum yet while we had sex.” God, how did that old bastard get such a fine piece of ass if he can’t even shoot a load when she needs him?

I stop and wave her into a nearby house, pointing at a large zombie passing by. We’ll have to wait here until the horde following behind it passes. So I ask “Are you two open in your sexual relations?” She looks at me and asks “What do you mean, I don’t think we’ve ever told people about them specifically?” Score! I tell her “What I mean is, are you allowed to have sex with other people?” Her face looks like she’s thinking and she says “I don’t think we’ve ever talked about it.” Of course an old timer like him wouldn’t talk about it and assume she knew married people don’t have sex with others. She’s naive like her mother and my girlfriends though.

“That means your relationship is open, since neither of you has closed it to others. I asked because if you two are having trouble getting kids I could help.” She tilts her head to the side and asks “Are you sure? I haven’t really thought about having sex with other people though. And what do you mean you could help?” Damn that’s so cute, I want to rub those dog ears and pull her tail while I ride her. Being the nice guy in Liberation has gotten me a lot of ass, and now I have the chance to fuck Pops’ woman? No way I’m going to let that pass me up.

*Lewd Scene*



This family is so great.

-POV End-

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