Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 77

I chew the last piece of meat Amber fed me, and it looks like the rest of my daughters are done eating too. Sapphire says “I’ll put out the fire and we can head out to the dungeon. What’s the plan for parties?” Onyx says “I wanna be in a party with Ruby-mom and you. That makes 4 with one of Opal-mom.” I nod and say “That would leave Amber, Citrine and myself in the other group. We don’t know what to expect from higher floor numbers yet, so if something happens I can warn the party that’s behind.” Since the first 10 floors were easy enough for a second tier party to finish, I don’t expect the next ten to give us issues. It’s best to be cautious though.

“I think we should upgrade Snag’s dungeon and do that one tonight instead. The lop dungeon has a lot of traps, and I feel like getting experience with higher floors before trying it is a good idea.” Sapphire says, but I’m pretty sure she just want’s more goblins. I like when my daughters are happy though, and the thought of even more traps at higher numbered floors hadn’t occurred to me. So I say “We have enough orbs, so I think it’s a good idea.” The others all nod, seeming to agree and Citrine says “Maybe the higher floors will have even better stat boosting potions.”

Ruby says “Maybe I’ll be able to see this gentleman goblin in action, so I’m okay with it. The easier dungeon being upgraded might also help everyone who’s leveling that doesn’t have Firm for the traps, or a Healer for the gas.” So it’s decided and we all head out to the goblin dungeon.

As we get to the dungeon and start splitting up I say “Don’t forget, if you see a rare boss on the 20th floor, don’t rush in. We can talk about it outside the boss room.” I wanted to say that before I forgot, sometimes I tell people things with one body and forget I didn’t tell the other party. Amber reminded me during dinner that I should have told them about having sex with the goblins sooner, even if they didn’t mind. It’s hard to remember that I have two of me sometimes, and if I’m not reminded it gets harder.

It’s decided that the body married to each wife will go with that wife. That way if the floors are bigger, we’ll be able to find each other in case of separation. With how the floors from 1 to 10 got slowly larger, it’s not strange to think that will continue on the following floors. “I don’t think they’ll get too big before the 20th floor, but it’s better to be cautious.” Ruby says, and we all seem to agree. We haven’t had the best relationship with dungeons, so of course we all tend to try to be careful.

After that we enter the dungeon in our two parties and head for the 10th floor. Both parties advance at about the same speed until we get to the boss room. My party with Ruby, Sapphire and Onyx actually run into Snag again. “I call this time!” Sapphire quickly yells. I think that’s fine, and Onyx and Ruby both say the same. “I can wait for my own lingerie set wife, so go ahead.” Onyx tells Sapphire, sticking her tongue out after. Ruby seems a little on guard since she wasn’t here for last time, but she knew about him since we told her.

“Oh my, so many beautiful women again, and Opal, it’s good to see you are still well. Now if the blue haired beauty means she would like to embrace me, she’ll have to wear this.” He then pulls out the same set as last time, and I’m missing my panties again. I’ll have to wait a long time since everyone else will get to go first. I tell the other party that we ran into Snag while Sapphire is quickly stripping. Amber seems a bit down, but Citrine says “Well, I’d like the lingerie, but I’m not really interested in the sex with a goblin part. I feel like that huge thing would rip me open anyways.”

Sapphire is already dressed in it and looks alright, not as good as me of course, but I ask Snag “Do you have them in other colors? I feel like Sapphire would look better in a blue one.” Sapphire nods and turns to Snag with sparkling eyes but he says “I’m sorry, if I knew beforehand she’d be the one to accept I could have. It’s black since you seemed to like it so much last time.” Sapphire sighs but says “It’s alright, I can give this one to Onyx after if you make it blue next time. We can just swap.” I see Onyx wiggle and say “Thanks Sapphire-sis, the only one who swapping for colors won’t work for is Citrine now since she got herself bigger boobs.” I nod, since swapping is actually a good idea. My daughters bodies are very close to mine.

“I can make it blue next time for the beautiful women then. You look stunning in it still, Sapphire right?” Snag asks and my blue haired daughter blushes and says “Mom was right, you’re so nice, I’ve been hoping to see that giant cock rip me apart too.” Snag coughs and Sapphire gets on her back on the bed. It’s cute watching him climb up on the bed again. The rest of us sit down on the chairs like last time and watch as Sapphire gets impaled by the gentleman goblin.

Sapphire screams loudly, which turns into a moan as she passes out. He wasn’t even able to get halfway in and looks a little frustrated. “I hope she wakes soon, I can’t bring myself to assault her in that state and the challenge won’t complete until I have finished.” Snag says. Poor guy, his penis is pretty massive, so this is probably what happens most of the time for him. I speak up “I still have my lingerie, except for the panties, but I can just borrow hers. She’ll probably be out for a while if her drool is anything to go by, so you can do me instead.” He looks relieved and says “That could work, and would be immensely helpful my beautiful Opal.”

So I undress everything except for my black lingerie, get on the bed, and take off Sapphire’s panties. I’m about to pull them up onto myself when Snag interrupts saying “Do you mind if I pull them up for you?” I nod to him and let go of the panties saying “Sure, sounds like fun.” he gives me a big smile and pulls them up, the band resting on my hips. He seems to have enjoyed that, judging by his even wider smile now. I then spread my legs for him and he lines up with my slit quickly.

*Lewd Scene*




I hear Ruby moan and look over as she falls onto Sapphires back. They look so cute there stacked on top of each other, but Ruby has to leave in the morning so I give her a playful slap on the butt. They start to get off of each other, so I say. “Since Sapphire didn’t get to fully enjoy Snag this time, I think she deserves to open the chest.” Onyx licks her lips and says “I don’t mind if my wife gets it.” she then giggles and Sapphire puffs out her still naked chest. Ruby has rolled onto her back and says “I’m fine with that, I had a lot of fun today. Sis has an amazing pussy to cum inside.”

Sapphire goes pale and I see her get that blank look when someone checks their screens. “Well… fuck..” she says and then sighs saying “I forgot to use the skill, Onyx you should probably check yourself too. Sorry” Onyx gets the same blank look and then just shrugs saying “I forgot you even had that skill Sapphire-sis, I was prepared to have some babies with Ruby-mom.” Oh yeah. I pull off the now cum-soaked panties and hand them to Sapphire. She uses a cleaning skill on them and everyone else in the room before getting dressed and walking to the big red chest.

As we all get dressed again she opens it, pulling out a potion. She looks at it and gets a confused face before sighing and handing me the potion. I look at it and it says

(Potion of the Accepting Lover)Consume to gain a title.*Only usable by Opal*

Well that’s new for items. I wonder if the boss has some control over what comes out of the chest. Probably. I show it to Onyx and Ruby too, so I don’t have to explain it. “Well you did a lot of work for it Opal, so I’d say go ahead, we can’t use it anyways. I can’t imagine taking something so huge for so long, my wife is truly a wonder.” Ruby says, and the other two don’t seem to disagree at all but Sapphire says “Use it when we get home, that way we have more people if something goes wrong with the title.” I nod since that’s a good idea, and the other party has already left the dungeon, having found another strength enhancing potion in the 10th floor chest.

We remember to grab the bed and the rest of the furniture in the room again, and have my other body, Citrine and Amber help us get it all back home. We put the new bed in Sapphire’s room, but it probably won’t be used much unless my wives want me alone for a night. Everyone likes the snuggle pile sleeping arrangement. I then remember what I got from the chest last time and go to my room and get it. Giving the coupon to Sapphire I say “This is what I got last time, and I think you’ll like it more anyways. I feel a little bad you didn’t get an item this time.” My blue haired daughter looks at it and then hugs me saying “You didn’t have to mom, but I’m looking forward to using it later.”

With everyone gathered around, I finally pull out the potion and drink it.


Title earned

I don’t feel anything immediately obvious so I check the new title to see what it does.

(New)(Accepting Lover)Increase maximum number of System marriages by 1.

You have been gifted a Potion of the Accepting Lover. You are allowed more spouses because of it.

I guess that’s helpful if someone else I like asks me to marry them. I’m not sure how often that will happen though, so I don’t think it’s immediately helpful. It doesn’t even give stats. I wonder if that’s one more marriage per body… which would mean two more. I guess I’ll find out at some point. I tell my daughters who are gathered around “It’s a title called Accepting Lover, it says it increases my maximum number of system marriages by one.”

They all get shocked faces, except for Citrine who says “It’s a super rare potion, but people at a high enough tier always seem to be able to get them.” Amber speaks up saying “Does it mean per body, or altogether? We should test it with people we trust.” Ruby nods and says “Why don’t we try it out with Sapphire and Onyx, that way they can just marry each other again afterwards?” Sapphire seems to think and says “That’s probably a good idea, why don’t you and Amber marry the same body first, to see what happens when she tries to marry someone she’s already married to with the other body?” Those are all really good ideas if we want to know how it works. I ask “Does anyone else have suggestions for things we should try?”

I see Citrine and Onyx shaking their heads but Onyx says “This sounds like so much fun, testing these potions has been so exciting today.” Amber says with an excited expression “Well let’s get started then.” She turns to my body currently married to Ruby and asks “Opal, will you marry me again, my wonderful wife?” I kiss her on the lips and then say “Yes my beautiful wife Amber.” Then I get different screens for my two bodies.


Do you agree to marry Amber? Y/N

I select yes of course and then see.



You have just gotten System married, may your marriage be blessed by both Father and Mother!!!

From my body that’s now married to both of my wives, and from my body that was married to Amber I see


Your Marriage with Amber has been annulled. Reason: Remarried

If it were any other situation I’d probably be sad seeing it, but I’m still married to both my wives. So I turn to Sapphire and Onyx, realizing I can see if it will let me marry two people at once. “Sapphire and Onyx my cute daughters, will you marry me?” They both wiggle and Onyx says “I know it’s just for testing, but it’s a nice feeling being asked. Yes Opal I will marry you.” Sapphire also says “Yes, I’ll marry you Opal. It does feel good being asked for some reason.” I then get another screen that says


Do you agree to marry together with Onyx and Sapphire? Y/N

It seems to be worded a little different since it’s two at once, but I still select yes and I see both of them spacing out, probably to do the same.



You have just gotten System married, may your combined marriage be blessed by both Father and Mother!!!

I think it’s worded a bit different too, and I say “It looks like it’s per body. You two can go ahead and marry each other again.” They both nod and wiggle some more. Sapphire says “You ask, I asked you last time.” Onyx sighs and says “I guess that’s fair. Sapphire, will you marry me again?” Sapphire smile and says “Yes Onyx, I’ll marry you again.”

They both get blank, screen reading faces before Sapphire says “What?” and Onyx seems confused too asking “What does it mean we’re already married to each other? Aren’t we just married to mom?” I hear Amber say “Oh shit.” before her face goes blank too and then she sighs saying “It says I’m married to both Opal and Ruby in my status.” Maybe that’s why the wording was different when I did both at once. I check my own status and on both bodies it has two wives, Amber and Ruby on one, and Onyx with Sapphire on the other. I expected that though since they’d all be married to me. It does seem a bit strange that they are married to each other now too, but I don’t mind.

Amber speaks up though and says “Well we can probably fix it by swapping marriages around with Citrine, but I have an arrow for Ruby now too, so if you two don’t mind it would be useful until you find people to marry.” Ruby says “I do have an arrow for Amber now, I mean Orange Hair Wife.” Amber rolls her eyes and says “Don’t call me that Sis, I’m only okay with keeping it for safety. Don’t think that I think of us as actually married.” Ruby laughs and answers “Oh I know sis, I’m just messing with you.” Amber punches Ruby in the arm and they both start laughing.

“I’m okay with keeping it like this till I find someone else to marry, now I can find mom if she gets lost again, and I know she’ll be able to find me.” Sapphire says and gives me a hug. Onyx adds “Now I have two wives, I wonder if I could use that to more easily lure some cute boy. Also it feels nice to know that Opal-mom can come find me.” Citrine sighs and says “I almost wish I could join in the group now, but I’m glad we don’t have to do all that marriage swapping stuff.” I’d probably get really confused if we decided to do that.

I ask just to make sure “So I’m married to Sapphire and Onyx now too, but we aren’t in a relationship right?” Amber almost answers but Sapphire puts up her hand and says “That’s right mom, I forget sometimes that we should make things clear. While Onyx and I both love you, we aren’t interested in you romantically.” Onyx nods along and adds “Yup, I love Opal-mom-wife, but as soon as I find a good enough cute boy, I’ll be switching to him.” I nod and say “Oh good, that’s what I thought and I figured it was important to make sure because of what Amber told me when we got married.”

I look at the extra arrows I have and smile. Now I can find even more of my babies, and they can come get me if I get lost. I feel very warm for some reason, but it’s a good warmth.

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