Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 74

-POV Ruby-

“You need to go after Grandma” Penny tells me, so I sigh and ask “Why is that baby?” She slaps me on the shoulder lightly and answers “Even I could tell she was sad. You told her you were too busy for the date she wanted to take you and Auntie out for, but were just spending time fucking me in your room.” I slap my own forehead and groan “You have a point, I’ll try to catch up with her.” Penny slaps my butt as I’m getting dressed and says “I’ll be having 6 babies by the way, we’ll see if they all look like us too. If so it would make our plans ready a lot closer to the one week mark than the two.” I’m really looking forward to it, but I hurry out the door. Mom can be pretty fast even with her weight.

I actually find her sitting on top of the gate, so I go and sit beside her. She seems to perk up when I sit next to her. I ask “I thought you were going to go get more dungeons done and wait for me?” She leans back onto her arms, and closes her eyes telling me “It’s embarrassing, but I’ll tell you since you’re my wife. Don’t tell other people though okay?” I nod and assure her I’d do no such thing. I know mom gets embarrassed easily, it’s hard to tell at first because she doesn’t blush, but it’s still really cute. She continues “I started running into the woods and realized I didn’t know the way back, so I followed your arrow and decided to wait for you here at the gate.” I shake my head, I don’t know how she couldn’t know so many things. Does she just not test stuff?

I decide to tell her “I’m glad I was able to catch up with you. I wanted to tell you what I have planned.” She wiggles herself closer to me and leans on my shoulder so I continue “I want to make a big army of kids that look just like me. I know it sounds silly, but I think it sounds really cool. Penny and my other daughters are going to help me out if they can, since they think it sounds cool too.” Opal says “It does sound pretty fun wife. I remember how much you smiled when you first had the babies that looked like you. Have you been planning this since then?” It’s a bit embarrassing but I nod and say “That’s when I got the idea yeah.” She kisses me on the cheek and says “It makes me happy to see you so happy about something Ruby, there’s no rush for coming to the lake with us. I want to see your kids all in matching uniforms. So you’re basically going to be having a lot of sex and babies?”

“Yeah, the forts and camps need more people defending them, and if I can help by making an army of me, then I think it will make it much more fun.” I tell her. Her eyes are sparkling and she touches my neck saying “I know which Ruby is mine, so make sure to come cuddle with us tonight. It would feel weird without you.” I give her a kiss on the lips and touch her neck saying “I know which Opal is mine too, so I expect to get bed space next to this you tonight.” and then giggle. She joins me and we laugh there on the gate a bit.

“You can track your owned Land if you try and focus on one. It will give you an arrow, like tracking me or a quest. I thought you knew that already, so I didn’t think to mention it earlier. Now you shouldn’t get lost if you’re trying to go somewhere that isn’t towards me or Amber.” I tell her and her eyes lose focus for a few seconds. “Oh it really does work.” She kisses me and gives me a strong hug, so I cough a bit and she pulls away. She stands up and says “I’ll be heading back now then, thank you for telling me your plans sweetie. I can’t wait to see it finished, so go get back to it.” She slaps me on the butt and jumps off the gate, running into the woods.

I wish Opal was more interested in sex sometimes, she has such a nice body. Well, I’ll see if the other girls are close to having our babies yet. I’m glad she didn’t laugh at my plan, she’s the best mo… wife.

-POV End-

I feel good now, so I guess I was sad before. I’m not sure why still, but I fell better so it’s probably not important. This tracking of owned Land is really useful, since I can find Opal’s Home, Ruby’s Rest and even my lake. I was a bit worried before that it would be hard to find without Chair’s help, but now once Ruby is ready we shouldn’t have any problems. I’ll still need Sapphire to take me to Jessica’s, since the camps don’t belong to me anymore, and I’ve never been to them. We’ll go help her out with the zombies once the new kids are leveled enough. We can start taking out the zombie ‘sources’, whatever they are, once we have more 5th tiers.

From what Sapphire was telling me about the human camps, they probably won’t be able to help much. They have a few strong Players, but most of the humans refuse to even level actively. I guess that Pops is probably one of the strong ones, maybe that Richard guy too. There really are a lot more monsters around now, most of them seem to be the zombies though. I did kill a couple goblins just now, so it’s not all undead.

I’m able to make it back without any problems, and only have to wait outside the lace dungeon for a few minutes before I see Amber and the rest appear. Onyx is wearing a lace choker, that I’m a little jealous of, and the others all seem to have new stuff too. Amber has a really soft looking sash wrapped around her waist and Citrine has a beautiful white top. I guess she decided to wear it instead of her guard top, and I can’t blame her. It looks great, showing off her golden stomach mark well.

“I’m back. Ruby will be joining us for sleep tonight but she’s busy still so she isn’t here yet.” I tell them and get hugs. I compliment them on their new cloths and accessories and we chat a bit before heading back into the dungeon. As we watch Onyx fight the boss alone I tell Amber about wanting to go out exploring with her and Ruby. She leans against me and says “That sounds like fun, just the three of us, getting out and seeing the world around us. We have been in the same area our whole lives, but I have vague memories of other places and things to see. These genetic memories can be quite the tease wife.” I kiss the top of her head and say “We’ll have to wait till Ruby finishes her cute army plan, and we should probably wait till after helping Jessica. I’m excited though. Probably.”

Citrine speaks up next to us saying “Once I have some angel kids, I plan on flying around and helping people with them. I don’t expect we’ll be able to go too far, but we can at least see towns from high enough up. Since most Player camps and settlements will be around the towns and cities, we can then see who might need help from there.” She’s such a nice girl, I’m glad she’s my daughter. I tell her “We should get you ownership of some Land nearby then so you can always find your way home.” She freezes for a second and then says “I didn’t even think about that, you’re so smart mom.” Citrine then wraps her arms around Amber and me. I know I can be smart sometimes, but if I’m honest with myself, I’ve noticed that my children are smart more often. Unfortunate.

I still wiggle because I’m happy about being called smart though.

Onyx finishes off the lop rider, who was just standing there after killing the armored hopper since it was Charmed. I tell her “Good job sweetie, you’re making some really fast progress, you’ll catch up to your sisters in no time.” Due to the increased experience needed at every tier, she’ll probably get her 3rd tier and class before the others reach 5th tier. Even though they started at 3rd and 4th tier. “Thanks mom, I think you should open this chest, since you still haven’t gotten something pretty to wear from this dundeon.” Which reminds me and I tell them “Thank you sweetie, I’ll open it up then. Sapphire and I found a potion that makes your breasts bigger, but neither of us are interested. Would one of you want it?”

Amber and Onyx both shake their heads but Citrine says “Really? Can I have it then?” Seeing that the other two aren’t interested I nod and say “Sure Citrine, your breasts are about as big as your sisters are, so I’m just curious why you’d want it.” She blushes and then sighs saying “I had really small boobs in my last life, and I feel like this life is my chance to feel what it’s like to have big boobs. I’m hoping the chest you got it from will drop more later. Can you tell me where you got it.” That makes sense, so she wants to try out what she didn’t have in her last life. I tell her where we got it and she immediately says she’s okay with just doing the goblin dungeon for a while.

I walk up to the red chest and open it up, inside I see

(Panties of Sustenance)Wearer doesn’t have to drink or eat to survive.

It keeps giving me things I don’t need. I guess I can give it to one of my daughters again. They are white, lace and a bit see through. I bet all my daughters will want it because of the effect though, so how do I decide who gets it? I walk up to Amber and hand them to her, since she’s my wife and I want to see her in them. She takes them from me with a smile and focuses on them. She gasps and then wraps me in a strong hug saying “These are amazing, now I can be more like you.” Citrine asks “What do they do?” and Amber pulls back from her hug and seems to think for a second, before saying “They make it so the wearer doesn’t have to eat or drink to live. Mom is already like that, so I was a little excited. Make sure not to tell anyone okay?” Citrine and Onyx both nod and Onyx says “I wouldn’t want them anyways since I like eating too much, but they do look sexy. Hurry and put them on for us Amber-sis.”

Amber slips out of her shorts, revealing her cute bottom to us, before stepping into her new panties and pulling them up. I made the right choice, I can see some of her orange hairs through the material. They look great on her. She spins around and asks “So?” I tell her “You look amazing wife, does this mean you won’t have to feed me during dinner and breakfast anymore?” She immediately answers “No, I’m still going to feed you whether you like it or not. It’s too much fun.” I nod since she does seem to like feeding me, and I don’t mind most of the time.

“I’m a bit jealous myself, but I’m going to get bigger boobs soon, so I can hardly complain.” Citrine says, puffing out her chest. I tell her “I’ll let you know when Sapphire and I can meet up and give it to you. At the latest we can just hand it to you at dinner tonight.” She seems a bit down not getting it right away, but Sapphire and I are a bit busy having sex with the goblins in the boss room right now. So she’ll have to wait.

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