Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 213


It ends up taking a couple hours for Jett and Citrine to gather all of the women that might be affected by his addiction at the arena. I would have started when they first began arriving, but Citrine wanted to be here to help them out after getting cured. Apparently when she fed my milk to two of Jett’s daughters at his house it didn’t go well. Waiting is actually pretty fun since Mina and Suzy introduced me to some of their friends and I’ve been listening to a lot of gossip. Now with a little over a hundred women waiting at the arena, my angel daughter finally shows up with one last woman.

My son isn’t with them, but it makes sense that he’d stay away for the curing. We don’t know how the women will react and him being here might make it harder for them. Citrine looks exhausted, but this is a lot less women than I was expecting and it didn’t take them as long to gather either. I know my daughter’s moods pretty well at this point, so I think it’s just something she didn’t like doing. “That’s the last of them mom. Have you found a room that we can use for privacy?” Citrine asks and I nod while answering “I did. It’s the room where fighters stay during tournaments and it’s easy to get to from here.”

I’m currently sitting with my new friends in the stands of the arena so it’s the most convenient place. Just over a hundred people doesn’t take up much of the seating, and everyone is sitting near each other. Citrine asks the last woman to sit with us and gets everyone to quiet down before announcing “I know some of you are curious why your father asked you to come here.” Most of the women nod and she continues “Earlier today your father and I discovered that you all may have an illness. It was by accident that we also found out that Opal has a cure for everyone. I don’t want to tell you what it is in case some of you don’t end up having it, but those that do will know once they’ve been cured. It’s a very private matter for those affected, so I hope everyone can be patient and wait their turn.”

After it’s clear that she’s finished, everyone starts talking again, this time about their suspicions of what the illness might be. I can tell some of them are really nervous. I stand and tell Mina “You’ve had to wait the longest. Come with me sweetie.” I find myself getting a little nervous too as I walk her to the room. Citrine comes with us of course. When we get to the room, I open the door and see a few couches. They’re another reason I picked the room, since it should be more comfortable to breastfeed and Citrine can have her own couch. The room is dark like all the others, but it’s expected since the Wyverkin can all see in the dark. Luckily Citrine and I are high enough tier to do the same.

I tell Mina “My milk is the cure, so you’ll have to breastfeed a bit. If that makes you uncomfortable I can squirt it into a bottle so you don’t have to suck on me.” She seems a bit surprised and responds “I heard that some of the women who had other race’s babies made that stuff, but I’ve never seen it myself. I don’t mind sucking a bit grandma.” I guess Wyverkin are like my frogmen babies then. I didn’t make milk with them either and it wasn’t until the orcs that I knew I could. Now I can make milk any time I want because of a skill, which is nice.

Citrine says “Once you’re cured, remember that we’re her for you okay.” Mina looks confused, but nods anyway. I take off my shirt and the lingerie top I had under it. This was the body I planned on visiting Snag with tonight, and I didn’t want to forget it in case he wanted to have sex. Mina compliments me on it and asks where she can get one, but I tell her it’s no longer available. Snag isn’t in the dungeon anymore after all. Once she’s latched onto my nipple and sucking, I stroke her hair and wait.

It doesn’t take long before she pulls herself off and says “Oh.” It’s not as big of a reaction as I was expecting from what Citrine described, so I ask her “Are you okay sweetie?” Mina just sighs before answering “Yeah grandma. I guess it’s like that then. I’ll have to break it off with my mate, he doesn’t deserve to be lied to like that.” She hugs me after a bit and says “Thanks grandma and auntie.” My granddaughter then lets go and frowns before asking “Did father know?” Citrine shakes her head and answers “I don’t think so. He was devastated with what happened with your sister Amber, and helped us get everyone here.”

Mina covers her mouth, her eyes going wide before saying “Oh fuck Amber. She’s always been with father. It must have been a hundred times worse for her.” Hearing my wife’s name is always nice, even if it’s not about her. Some of her daughters and granddaughters have the same name, so I’ve gotten used to it. Mina seems to think before finally adding “I’m going to stay and help with the others. I didn’t have it all that bad since I actually liked father as a man. Knowing some of my sisters, it will be horrible for them once they’re cured.” She shakes her head before adding “I can’t believe we couldn’t tell. Now that my mind is clear it’s obvious we shouldn’t have been sneaking to go have sex with him. Not everyone here has a mate, but most of them don’t actually like father. This is going to be a mess.”

I get a little worried about myself, but quickly realize that my sons won’t have sex with me and Onyx doesn’t sneak away from her husband for me either. I’ve been worried about the attractiveness stat before and what it could be doing to the people around me, so I’ve already thought about a lot of that stuff.

Suzy is next, but her reaction is also a surprise. After sucking on my nipple for a few minutes she pulls back and asks “How long is this supposed to take?” Citrine answers her “It should have been cured already, if you didn’t get a system message by now then I don’t think you had the illness.” Suzy pumps her fist in the air and says “Woo! I am curious about it, but I won’t pry. Oh right, I better hurry. Julio is probably moping after losing to Ken.” After she leaves the room Mina says “That explains why Suzy never told me about having sex with father. I’m not sure if I should thank her for still being my friend after all the stuff I’ve told her before. It’s a little disheartening that she wouldn’t notice that something was wrong with me.”

A few hours later

It’s about to get dark outside and we’ve finally finished with everyone. It wasn’t as fun as I was expecting it to be. Being able to breastfeed a bunch of my grandbabies didn’t make their crying and yelling any easier. A few of the women were like Mina, where they took it pretty well. They actually liked their father sexually without the addiction. Most of the women were much worse, grabbing their heads and or screaming. Lucky for us, Mina and a few of the women like her stayed with us to help. Otherwise I’m not sure we could have calmed some of them down. With them there, Citrine was able to leave and check on her brother. The women were much closer to their sisters after all.

There will be a lot of mates breaking up tonight, but everyone seemed to genuinely thank us for curing them. I know what it’s like to not feel in control of my own actions. There were actually two or three women who wanted to continue with their father while still having a mate. Apparently their mates already knew what was happening with their father and liked it. I planned to give Jett a supply of bottled milk so he can still have sex sometimes without worrying. I’ll just add a bit more.

As I leave the arena, Mina says goodbye while hugging me. She has to go break up with her mate and I should be able to find my way back to Jett’s house by myself. It actually isn’t hard at all, and I get back with just a few minutes of walking. Citrine is standing outside by herself when I get there. She’s frowning, but smiles once she notices me. I wiggle, happy that just showing up can make her feel better. Today has been draining for me too with all of the sadness from my grandbabies, so I needed a little boost. I give her a big hug and she gives me a strong one back.

“How did it go?” She asks after we separate, but I shake my head and answer “Most of them were pretty bad, but the others helped a lot. How is your brother?” Citrine sighs before answering “He’ll probably be fine, but it might take some time. Family is important to him, and I don’t think he’d smack a fly buzzing in his ear if it was somehow related.” I think about how I’d feel if I had smart and nice fly babies, but accidentally squished one… Yeah it’s better not to think about it. Luckily my babies aren’t quite that small or squishy, even if they aren’t as tough as me.

Citrine finally asks “Are we all done here then? Jett said he doesn’t want to see me right now and kicked me out.” I shake my head and tell her “Sorry sweetie. I have to fill some bottles for your brother before I can leave.” She’ll have to come back after flying me home, but I understood what she was asking. I wonder where she’ll be staying if it’s not with her brother. She asks how long I think I’ll take, and I tell her it might be about an hour or two. I want to make sure my son has plenty of milk for the women he has sex with. I might not be able to visit much to resupply him. She says she’ll go hang out with Amber then, since her kid’s farm is pretty close.

Once she’s gone I knock on the door and wait. My son opens the door with red puffy eyes and leads me in. I tell him about needing to leave bottles for him and he finally smiles saying “Thanks, but I don’t think I’ll be having sex for a while.” I guess I can understand that, but insist on it anyway. He leads me to a storage room with chests and pulls out one with red health potions. “You can use these then. They don’t heal enough to be used anymore and they’re just taking up space.” That makes sense. He asks “Is there anything I can do since you’ve helped so much today?”

I think about it and say “If I could pick out a few piercings that would be nice. My wife really likes them on her sister, and I want to surprise her with some. Oh, and do you have any potions that make breasts bigger?” If I’m going to make changes to one of my bodies for a surprise, I might as well keep it to this one. It already has the one matching nipple piercing anyway. We never use it or the ring, but it’s nice to have something connecting us. I thought about asking for a mark or two as well, but I decided to just have Onyx brand me later. It looks like a mark, but is much cuter.

He smiles again before saying “The new dungeon I added a couple weeks ago drops them sometimes. They aren’t very popular since breasts get in the way of a lot of things. Let me go ask around for some while you fill up bottles… Thank you again for everything… mom.” I smile, but he quickly leaves while blushing. I guess he didn’t bring any home himself. Thinking about how much Amber is going to like my surprise, I wiggle and start emptying out the useless potions.

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