Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 212

“Beautiful woman, do you have a mate?”

I think from what people have said so far, mate is like being married right? I tell him “Yes, I do have a mate.” Luckily I’ve already learned that different words can mean the same thing, or I’d have to ask about it and that would be embarrassing. He nods his head with a frown and says “It makes sense. All the best women are taken.” I think about the people I know and nod as well. Most of my favorite people are married to me or someone else. He adds “I want to challenge your mate to a duel. Where can I find him?” Since he doesn’t know who my mates are, it’s understandable that he would call them him. Citrine is the closest. Should I tell him that she’ll be here soon? Everyone else is pretty far away.

I decide to ask my granddaughter “What’s a duel?” She sighs while looking between Ken and me, answering “It’s a fight to show you who’s stronger. The men like to do it to show who’s tougher, and Ken here hopes that he can defeat your mate and take their place.” I still don’t understand something so I ask for clarification “What do you mean take their place?” Maybe she means on the bed at night? We change the places pretty often, so I’m not sure dueling to decide would be very helpful for him. She responds “He wants to be your mate instead of your current mate, replacing him in your relationship.”

That doesn’t sound very nice, and she said relationship, so does that mean a mate has to be someone you’re in a relationship with and not just married to? That would mean he wants to fight Amber and take her place. For some reason I suddenly don’t like this person. Usually when people like me it makes me happy, but someone trying to change my relationship with Amber makes me angry. Probably. Thinking about it I tell him “They can probably be here later today. Does a duel have any rules?” The man grunts, but my granddaughter Mina is the one who answers “Duels over mates have to be done here in this building. Killing is against the rules. Weapons and skills aren’t permitted. Well that’s against family, but all the slaves left so it just became a general rule.” She glares at the man and adds “Ken, Opal’s mate doesn’t live in town so don’t think that means you can kill them.”

He grunts again but replies “I’m not bloodthirsty woman. Suzy’s mate being able to walk home should be evidence for that. The weakling doesn’t deserve her.” I really don’t think he’ll be able to hurt my wife at all, but I better tell her that she can’t kill him. Amber won’t like the fact that he wants to replace her either, and might kill him accidentally. I really want to see her beat him up though, so I ask “Will I be able to watch? Suzy was waiting outside for your fight over her right?” He grins and answers “You can. It’s better that way so you can actually see my strength. Suzy just didn’t want to see her flower of a mate be smashed.” I can understand that and tell him “I’ll want to watch the fight. Is there a Healer for the duels in case you get too hurt?”

I guess I can just ask Citrine to heal him if he’s about to die. It wouldn’t be good to break the rules they have set up just because he makes me mad. I’ve been told that rules are important by Citrine and Cindy both, so I should be careful. Ken says “Your mate must be weak if you want a Healer around. Don’t worry, I know how to restrain myself. Humiliating him in front of you will be enough.” I want to punch this person myself, but instead, slowly crush the skull of a goblin another body is fighting in the dungeon. I wonder why so much of what this person says makes me so angry. I can see now why nobody wants to take him as a mate. All the talk about his scale color was probably just an excuse.

Remembering what our plans are for the arena today, and realizing that it will probably take a really long time, I sigh and ask “Can you have the duel tomorrow?” I want to see him beat up now, but curing my granddaughters is more important. It would also be difficult to get Amber here today since her and Citrine are both busy. He grunts before responding “Sure, join me in the pink booth and I can change my schedule tomorrow. Think of it as compensation for not being able to duel for another woman.” I don’t know what that means, so I ask Mina who’s frowning. She says “Ken is just being an asshole. The pink booth is a room in the arena where women can service a fighter they enjoyed watching. It only really gets used during tournaments. He obviously doesn’t expect you to say yes since you have a mate.”

Well, if it’s inside the arena already it shouldn’t be a problem. I have to wait for Citrine and Jett to round up all his daughters anyway. I wonder what kind of food I’ll have to serve him, but it should be worth it to watch Amber beat him up tomorrow. Suzy interrupts saying “Nobody wants to taste that Ken, keep dreaming.” I’m a little confused. Do I have to eat the stuff that I’ll be serving him too? Can it really be that bad? I think about it and decide to tell him “Okay, I’ll do this pink booth thing with you, but you have to fight my mate tomorrow.”

The three of them look surprised, especially Ken, who’s mouth is hanging open. He could just be really hungry though. Pearl’s mouth hangs open when she’s hungry, so Wyverkin could have gotten it from Wyverns. I ask “Do Mina and Suzy have to wait here, or is it better if they come along?” Both women hold up their hands and Suzy quickly says “I’m not getting anywhere near that booth and Mina isn’t either. We have mates and we’ll wait here.” I don’t understand what having a mate has to do with it. Ken closes his mouth and grabs my wrist saying “Let’s do this before you change your mind on me. I can give your mate another day.”

He then tries to pull me into the arena structure and I let him. I really hope whatever it is doesn’t taste as bad as they seem to think. Citrine doesn’t like some of the vegetables we get from Sue’s farm, so maybe it’s just a preference. We enter a hallway that leads forward and to both sides. He pulls me to the left hallway and into a room. It seems pretty empty and small. There’s a chair, but that’s it. Maybe he got lost and picked the wrong room. It’s definitely not pink. It just looks tan like the halls we went through to get here. I also don’t see any food.

Ken says “Get ready here while I run to the other entrance. If you go back on the deal and leave me hanging, I won’t be kind to your mate tomorrow.” So I have to wait here? How do I get ready without any food to prepare? Before I can ask, he’s already run out of the room and the door has closed. Thinking about it, he said there’s another entrance. Maybe it’s just a hard to see door. I remember the Lop dungeon had a wall that you could push open to find a chest. It must not open from this side since he wouldn’t have to leave if it did. The other side is probably close to where they keep the food. I nod to myself. That’s probably what it is. I hope he brings another chair too, but I guess he can just sit on my lap while I feed him.

I decide to look and see if I can find the seams in the wall where the hidden door will open. Looking closer at the walls, the first thing I notice is actually a small hole. It seems like it was put there on purpose because it’s smooth and circular. When holes get accidentally punched in walls they look completely different. Looking through it, there’s a dark room on the other side. It looks a lot like this room though, so it’s pretty boring. There isn’t even a chair. I start looking more closely at the walls, but I really can’t find the seams at all. I even pushed in a bunch of places, but the wall didn’t budge at all.

I hear “Are you still there?” From the hole in the wall, maybe it’s there to make talking between the rooms easier. I answer “Yes, I’m still here.” kind of interested to see where the door ends up opening. I hear some shuffling from the hole and suddenly a large penis pokes through it… Wait. Ugh, how could I not think of that. They meant service sexually. It hasn’t been long since I heard it at the brothel, so how could I forget? Luckily no one saw me being dumb, and they should just think I knew all along. That’s why the other two said they wouldn’t come along since they had mates. It all makes sense now.

Well, except for the penis sticking out of the hole. It seems like a strange way to have sex, but I shouldn’t judge other people’s fetishes. Why did they mention taste then? That’s why I thought I’d be feeding him, so I’ll blame this whole misunderstanding on Suzy. Probably. While I’m thinking about that I hear from the other side of the wall “I want you to spit on it first.” I guess that makes sense since I wasn’t exactly turned on by his rudeness earlier. After pulling down my shorts and kicking them off with my panties, I lean down a little and spit on his penis. His penis twitches when my spit hits it and he says “Now do it. Don’t worry, I won’t tell your mate you gave me head.” Do Wyverkin call spitting on a penis head? I guess it does come from my mouth.

*Lewd Scene*




“Damn, blowjobs are amazing just like dad said. I can’t wait till I have a mate and can finally go all the way.” Ken says through the hole, and I freeze. Did he think I was giving him a blowjob? Is that all he wanted? That explains the taste thing now that I think about it. Should I tell him it wasn’t a blowjob? I shake my head, cleaning up the cum that dripped out. He might not be willing to wait until tomorrow to get beat up if I do, and he’s a jerk anyway. I’ll tell him after the duel so he can come see his kids once they’re born.

After getting dressed, I wait for him in the hall and see him jogging towards me with a big grin. When he gets to me he compliments me saying “You’re lips are so soft and you have the beauty to match. I hope that you can see reason after the duel tomorrow and become my mate. I heard you moaning, so I know you like the taste of my cock.” The first part is nice, since even if it wasn’t the lips on my mouth, it’s still good to hear. The parts after that just remind me why I was mad at him in the first place. I’m going to enjoy seeing my wife give him some bruises.

When we get back outside, he’s still grinning. He winks at Suzy and Mina before walking away with a weird strut. Once he’s gone Mina asks “What’s his size?” and Suzy asks “Was it gross? I bet it was gross.” I put my hands up trying to show about how big he was between them. Answering her question at the same time I say “It wasn’t bad. I’d even say it was good.” They both look at my hands with surprise and Suzy responds “I think I might have to rethink his offer. My mate is..” She then shows us a size using just one hand. It’s probably a third of Ken’s. Mina giggles and tells her “How can it be so small. Julio is really good looking, but my mate’s is at least a normal size.”

Suzy frowns and we end up getting into a conversation about penis sizes and shapes while waiting for the others to show up.

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