Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 214

I’ve filled a few bottles by the time Jett comes back. He doesn’t seem to be carrying anything though. My son says “I couldn’t find anyone who kept them, but don’t worry. I sent some of my sons to run the dungeon and bring some out.” That’s nice of him and I have to fill more bottles anyway. I’m still mad at him, but I haven’t had time alone with my son since he first disappeared. I think about asking him why he doesn’t have a wife or mate yet, but remember what I’m here for and decide against it. It might just make him sad. After a few minutes of silently filling bottles, he asks “Could you tell me about my father?”

He seems to be specifically not looking at my bare breast as I squeeze it. Having enough experience with other Players now, I know that means he’s shy about my nudity. Humans do it a lot. He’s probably just trying to make conversation since he’s nervous about it. I giggle and tell him “Your father is dead. I can’t really tell you much since I didn’t know him long and he couldn’t talk.” He turns towards me again, seeming to no longer be worried about my bare breasts. Jett asks “How did he die? Why couldn’t he talk?” I wiggle in my seat and explain “He was a Wyvern, so he wasn’t a Player race. That’s why he couldn’t talk. He died having sex with me. I think it’s just something that happens to Wyverns. You should have seen the fire, it’s a pretty fun memory.”

My son scratches his chin and responds “So he wouldn’t have been like a father anyway. It was strange that some of my before-life memories seemed to be from monsters.” I nod since that’s pretty normal for the other monster born Player races. I tell him “We call them genetic memories. Other races get them too. I remember your sister was pretty sad when he died. It was the first time we tried, so we didn’t know what to expect.” He seems surprised and asks “Why would one of my sisters be sad? Were they mates? No… that wouldn’t make sense if it was the first time.”

I shake my head and reply “No, she got him as a mount from a dungeon reward. She couldn’t have been his mate since was my wife even back then.” He leans closer, probably interested so I continue “You probably don’t remember that you and I were married once too. We weren’t in a relationship or mates as you’d call it. It was more for the bonuses you could get. You were such a nice boy back then.” Thinking about it makes me sad, so I add “It’s nice that you and Citrine are getting along again.” He sighs, and tells me “It’s unfortunate I can’t remember anything, perhaps if I had never forgotten she would have accepted me.”

She told me about how he liked her earlier, so I decide to help her out and say “I don’t think you were ever her type. She seems really happy to have you as a little brother.” It’s better if he doesn’t worry about what might have happened since that’s silly. If he never lost his memories I’d probably still be married to him, and I might actually have had a son who was willing to get me pregnant. It doesn’t make sense to spend time thinking about it though. He sighs again and nods before responding “I know. I’ve faced rejection before, it’s just still fresh right now. Sis told me about marriage, how could you be married to me and another sister at the same time?”

I explain to him about the potion that increases marriages allowed per body, and also my multiple bodies. Citrine already talked to him about it a little since he was confused why I looked different. It was my Eidolon body that he saw last time. He used to know about marriages before he lost his memory, but it’s still something I know a lot about. It’s nice to be able to be the smart one sometimes. I end up telling him about a lot of stuff, but we avoid the topic of what he did to Amber and Citrine. He should know what he did at least, and me telling him won’t make him understand better.

Once I’m done filling the bottles he provided, I put my shirt back on and get ready to leave. He reminds me “Didn’t you want to check out the piercings, and my sons should be back with those potions soon.” Oh right. I kind of forgot after talking so much, and I guess I’d have to wait for Citrine to come back. I can’t fly myself. Hopefully he doesn’t think I’m dumb, but I’m probably safe. He doesn’t have that look other people get when I do dumb things sometimes. I don’t like that look, it’s embarassing.

I follow him to his room and he pulls out a chest. Once it’s opened I see a bunch of different piercings and things stuffed inside it. It’s not organized, so finding something nice might take a while. Thinking about what piercings Amber mentions the most, I decide to ask Jett for help searching. “Could you help me find a nipple ring, one of those chains Citrine has, and one for my belly?” He scratches his chin again before rummaging through the chest with me. The chain is easy enough to find, but the other two take a little longer. We end up deciding on…

Nipple Ring of the Bold: Wearer gets increased attractiveness while naked.

Sapphire Navel Stud

Sturdy Nipple Chains: Increase to wearers Health.

I only need the one ring, and luckily this is one that didn’t come as a pair. Amber isn’t affected by my attractiveness stat anymore, so I don’t have to worry about it’s bonus. I got it as a surprise for my wife, and I won’t be showing it to others. Well, Jett is going to help me see if everything looks okay, but I won’t be having sex with him so it shouldn’t matter. I picked the stud for my belly, apparently the one he gave Citrine says navel too. I wonder what it means? I can ask her later. The chains are my favorite out of the three, so I really hope Amber likes them. They’re different from Citrine’s, since they loop around so that it looks like two chains are hanging down instead of one. It’s nice that they’re called sturdy too. I like tough things. It probably only gives a small amount of health though.

I finally take off my shirt so that Jett can show me how to put everything on, but he says “Oh you have the same mark as Sis. It looks really nice, but I know I didn’t give you two that before losing my memories since I still can’t make it now. Can you tell me how you got it? Sis always changes the subject when I ask.” I sigh, being reminded of what we went through with Arhu is never fun, but it’s been long enough that it’s just annoying now. I decide to tell him how a few of his sisters and I each got the mark. He helps me put on the piercings while I do. It doesn’t really hurt getting them attached, and I think they look nice.

Once I’m finished he says “I wonder why Sis never asked me to remove it then.” It’s probably because it lets her get free points from sex. All of us would have much less progress right now if we didn’t have it… wait. Can he remove it? Maybe she didn’t realize he could. I excitedly grab his shoulders and ask “You can remove this mark? I thought it just worked for the ones you made.” If he can then that’s great. Onyx hates the mark and has told me a few times she is looking for a way to get rid of hers. She’d rather miss out on the points than keep it. Something about reminding her husband of something horrible. He nods and I can’t stop myself from doing a little wiggle dance.

I think of something and ask “Will it remove it from all of somebody’s bodies or just one?” He answers “I’m not sure. I can give you a mark and you can see if it shows up on your other body.” That’s a good enough answer. I already know that Citrine’s marks don’t automatically go to her other body when she gets them. Wait… Arhu’s mark showed up on both of my bodies when I got it though. I do have Grim now, but losing out on the free points from the spider will be a big loss if all my marks disappear. Is it worth it to try removing it from my first body? This is the body I first married Amber with…

Hopefully it doesn’t, but I’ve made up my mind. I ask Jett with a firm conviction “Can you take it off for me? You also have another sister who will want hers removed.” If it doesn’t remove from all my bodies, I think the others will want it removed from one as well. Ruby only has one body, so she might be an exception. He gets a serious face and answers “I’d be happy to do that for you and any of the others who would want it.” I don’t want to get everyone’s hopes up, so I won’t tell them about it with my other bodies just yet.

He blushes, his face going bright red before saying “I’ll have to… you know… do some kind of penetration.” Right, my daughter did mention that. Since I’m not having sex with him, I tell Jett “You can stick it in my mouth.” That should be easier than letting him stick it in my butt. Probably. He sighs and admits “That’s usually the easiest for marks higher up on the body. I’m not sure I could reach the mark that far down.” Thinking about it, I guess that’s true. If it’s anal he could reach it much easier. I decide to tell him “Alright, you can stick it in my butt, but I’m going to have to spit on it first so it’s not uncomfortable.”

He asks if I’m sure as I’m taking off my shorts. I tell him it’s fine, and quickly get down on my knees in front of him. He pulls down his pants, and I can tell he’s bigger than last time I saw him. I wonder if he used a potion or just grew like that. He seems nervous, which is pretty normal I guess. Now that I’m in front of him like this, I can tell we would have had to figure out some other pose if we wanted a blowjob to work. There’s no way he’s going to be able to reach my lower stomach. I spit on his penis before rubbing it around a bit.

Standing back up and giving up on the blowjob idea, I walk over to his bed and bend over it. I tell him “Alright, go ahead, but only in my butt, you can’t use my pussy.” I have to make sure he knows so he doesn’t get excited and switch holes while giving me the mark. Citrine didn’t tell me how long it usually takes, but I don’t mind a little anal sex while I wait. She’ll be back soon though, so I hope it doesn’t take too long. I hear him say from behind me “Mom, you have the most beautiful ass I’ve ever seen.” I wiggle at him, always happy to get a compliment and respond “Thanks Jett, that’s sweet.” My butt is one of my favorite parts.

After I stop wiggling, I feel the tip of his penis enter me. It stops there though, and before I can wonder what’s going on, he touches my mark. There’s a light pain, so I don’t realize till it’s gone that Jett has removed the tip of his penis instead of pushing in further. “Okay, all done. It took most of my mana though, which is strange.” He says. That was much faster than I was expecting, doesn’t Citrine usually spend a lot of time here? Well he does like her, so maybe they just have a lot of fun doing other stuff. As I’m standing up, I hear a chime and decide to check it while I’m looking at my other bodies.

Title earned

That’s interesting, I’ll have to ask Citrine if she got a title from having marks removed. I do my second wiggle dance in a short period. The marks on my other bodies are still there. So I don’t have to miss out on free points, and my daughters can get a body free from Arhu’s mark as well. I feel a lot lighter for some reason, but luckily not in the losing weight kind of way. I like being heavy. My other bodies feel the same as before, but this one feels… how do I describe it? Free? As I’m looking down at the area right above my lonely patch of hair I smile. It’s really gone.

I give Jett a big hug and tell him “Thank you so much son. You can finish having anal with me now.” He coughs and replies “That’s not needed mom. I’m just happy to be helpful.” I know what that’s like so I nod and give him a kiss on the cheek. I’m still not going to have sex with him, but he’s earned that at least. Maybe once he’s helped all my daughters I’ll feel better about doing stuff with him. Amber would have to forgive him first of course.

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