Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 206

Opal’s tiny Eidolon body

I push out the last baby while laying on Amber’s thighs. They all got taken and held by the dungeon so we don’t know yet how many came out as goblins. If it happens like with the other dungeons, then we won’t have to worry about dealing with the goblin babies since the dungeon won’t spit them out when we leave anyway. Cindy pulls her head back from looking closely at my slit. She wanted to get a good view of what happens when the dungeon takes babies. “It was strange, but I’m not sure exactly what would be normal for disappearing babies. You dilated like a baby was coming out, but I looked inside and didn’t see anything.” She stands up and then paces back and forth before adding “I think that this time at least, the babies sort of appeared mostly out of you already. I’ve seen you give birth outside the dungeon so they don’t just pop up completely outside of your body. They definitely go through the last part of a normal birth at least.” I ask her what that means and she clarifies “The babies seem to either be created from thin air when you push, or are stored somewhere else like what would happen with a dungeon. They then get pushed out like any other baby, and I wouldn’t have been able to tell if the dungeon hadn’t taken them while I observed.”

I guess that makes sense, since if we were outside the dungeon, the baby would be in the way and it would probably just look like it came from inside me from the beginning. Cindy starts mumbling to herself “I’ll have to figure out if it happens like that for babies that would normally fit too.” I’m not sure what she means, but I think she’s talking to herself again so I don’t need to. Probably. I feel a tingle as Amber uses a cleaning skill on me. I tell her “Thanks wife. I haven’t really made a mess this time, but it still feel nice.” It’s been a while since my pregnancies have been the messy kind, but my daughters still have to deal with it so she’s probably just used to cleaning after.

Climbing up past her large breasts, I struggle a bit but manage to give Amber a tiny little kiss. She sets me down on the ground with a smile and moves my shorts towards me. “Okay lift a leg.” Remembering that my daughters like to dress my tiny body, I follow her instruction and am soon no longer bottomless. After getting dressed again completely, Citrine says “Okay I get to carry mom on the way out. The deal was that you’d get her while she was pregnant.” I remember the deal and nod, agreeing with my angel daughter. Amber pouts but still hands me over. The experience between each of their breasts is a bit different. Amber’s are larger and squishier, while Citrine’s are firmer and keep me from moving around as much. Both are good, so I haven’t developed a preference yet.

“We should probably leave now. I know we could stay longer since the babies won’t be placed outside until we leave, but I still have experiments for the spider corpses and two bodies are better than one if I want to finish anytime soon.” Cindy says as I’m getting comfortable in my new ride. She then adds “Thank you again for letting me observe so closely, I know it’s embarrassing but I got a lot of data that I wouldn’t have otherwise.” I smile and respond “It wasn’t embarrassing. You’ve been a lot closer before.” She even licked me a bunch when her, Sapphire and I tried that threesome together. They didn’t end up liking women like that, but I wouldn’t be embarrassed by her just staring at me closely.

She starts asking “When was I-” but her question cuts off and she starts blushing. Shaking her head before laughing a bit, she says “Right. Well don’t expect such wonderful tongue action again. I’ve sworn off my heathen ways.” From her tone I can tell she’s making a joke. Since it’s a joke it would be rude to mention that her and my blue haired daughter weren’t actually very good. I don’t know what a heathen is, so I’ll probably ask Citrine later.

Once we get out of the dungeon, there’s actually only one Player baby. I’m a bit surprised for two reasons. The first being that the baby looks like a mini adult, just like my tiny Eidolon body. The second reason is the baby girl’s features. She’s obviously Cindy and my baby. I keep forgetting that my Not The Father skill picks someone nearby at random, not just myself. The baby’s dirty blonde hair, along with her other mother’s face make it pretty obvious. Normally babies have that chubby baby face so it can be harder to tell. This baby must have the Eidolon race as well.

Cindy quickly picks her up and starts doting on our baby. The baby actually speaks, asking “Are you my mother?” and Cindy carries her over to me answering “Opal and I are your moms. You’re so smart being able to talk so soon after birth. Opal we made a genius baby.” She looks really happy, snuggling our girl against her face while smiling. Our tiny daughter gets a little bit of a smile, but says “That’s normal for Eidolons mother.” She’s not as expressive as most Players I’ve seen but I can still tell she’s happy. “Now which parent should I bond with?” She asks and I’m not sure what she means.

Cindy asks first and our daughter responds “How does my Eidolon mother not know?” I shrug since I don’t know a lot of things. She finally tells us “An Eidolon is small and vulnerable when born. We bond with one of our parents, tying our Health together for protection.” Oh, that’s pretty interesting. I think about it and look at Cindy before answering. I can tell she really wants to be the one who bonds, so I nod her way. I’m an Eidolon anyways so I can always do it with the next baby I have, but she’s human so she’d have to get me pregnant again for a chance. It was probably because she was human that I had an Eidolon baby at all though. Since I still haven’t had any with Citrine and my other body. There’s probably some sort of ranking and humans are last place for baby chances.

Cindy smiles back at me and tells our new daughter to bond with her. Our daughter nods and then bites the hand holding her. Cindy lets out a surprised yelp, but luckily manages to not drop our baby. My friend quickly seems to get a little pale, so I ask if she’s okay. She gets that screen checking look on her face before responding “Yeah, our mischievous daughter didn’t tell me I’d get a passive skill out of it. It’s wording is a bit strange and non-specific, but it’s called Grim.” Oh, I remember people telling me I looked a little different after getting that one too, so I tell her “I have that one. I’m not sure what else it does, but you should be able to get free points from killing monsters now.”

Remembering something important I quickly jump forward out of Citrine’s breasts, grabbing our daughter from Cindy’s hand. After landing on the ground I tell Citrine “Get your healing ready. Cindy… this might hurt a bit.” My human friend looks down at us confused, but then seems to realize something, asking “Wait, is this the one you got from-” She stops and falls to the floor with a scream. Yeah this is the one I got from the troll king. It hurts a lot when you get it. Citrine starts healing her and the screaming stops. I wonder if I was that loud when it happened to me? I decide to ask our daughter “Do you want her to name you, or do you have a name that you want already?” We both watch her other mother passed out on the floor and she answers “I would like her to name me. It’s tradition for the bonded parent to do so. What’s her name?”

We chat a bit, but it’s mostly me answering her questions about different stuff. Surprisingly, this daughter actually got 4 of my innate passive skills. Usually my babies only get one or two. Firm, Spry, Grim and Fiery should be really helpful for her while leveling. I tell her what I’ve figured out about them. Since their descriptions aren’t very helpful. There’s probably other stuff I just haven’t figured out yet, since Firm does more than just one thing. She decides she’ll probably take after Cindy and try to get the necromancer class, but also add a mage class. Normally Eidolons will take mage classes, and she says it’s weird I didn’t with such a small body. Well, I have other bodies and my classes are shared so changing them just for this one body would be silly. Her genetic memories do seem a bit stronger in that area, kind of like Morgan’s.

My babies of other races didn’t really get told a lot about classes from their genetic memories, so they just work different for the different races. Probably. I’m sure Cindy will have a lot to say about it when I ask. She’s still passed out though, and I’ll have to wait. I hear Amber telling Citrine “They’re so cute just standing there talking.” My angel daughter responds “I know, it’s adorable. I want to have a tiny baby with mom.” I can’t help but wiggle at their praise. The amount of attention and compliments I’ve gotten with this body is huge. Even if it made sense to take this body out leveling on my own, I still wouldn’t. It’s too nice feeling so doted on.

Cindy finally wakes up a few minutes later, and after orienting herself, names our daughter Fae. She says that our little girl reminded her of fairies and the name is related. I’ll have to ask her about fairies later too I guess. After Citrine picks me up to place me back in her breasts so we can leave, Fae asks Cindy “Mother, can you grow larger breasts so I can do that too?” My human friend coughs a bit, but answers “No young lady. I’m not going to get a boob job just so you can have a more comfortable ride. You can sit on my shoulder like a normal child.” I guess my other daughters like riding on my shoulders so it makes sense. Fae doesn’t seem upset by her other mom’s answer and simply raises her arms cutely waiting to be picked up.

Fae told me that since she’s bonded with Cindy it will be uncomfortable to spend a lot of time away from her. So she’ll probably be with her other mother a lot. I already asked, and as long as I use a body with larger breasts, she’ll let me carry her around like I get carried by Amber and Citrine. I don’t have any bodies with breasts that large though, so I might have to drink some potions with one of them. I like my bodies how they are, but I really want to try it from the other end. If it’s not worth it I can always shrink them again. There are a few things I wanted to try to see how Amber reacts. I’ll probably just do everything with one body so I don’t waste too much time on it.

I check the sex stats of my new Nesting Bitch body, and see that it’s finally pregnant too. Well it’s been about a day, so I would expect it to be fully grown by now. I can’t really see myself in here though, so I can’t really know for sure. This is normally how long most of my bodies take to grow completely, and if Cindy is right about me not being able to get pregnant till I’m fully grown, it would all add up. I get an idea and start using my Hellbitch body to touch this one. Sure enough, it feels like I’m normal sized now. There really isn’t a lot to do in the spider other than collect free points and masturbate, so with my growth figured out, I go back to that.

With over a thousand babies each from two bodies, once I get out of this spider I’m a bit worried about dealing with all of them so far away from home. If they’re just monster spiders it won’t be an issue, but I’d have to take care of any Player babies. Maybe the spiders will be nice like my frogmen kids. That way they can help me with their siblings, but I haven’t run into any other monsters like that yet, so I won’t keep my hopes up. I’ll see what happens I guess, but I can at least ask my smart daughters if they have any ideas while I wait.

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