Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 207


With my newest body also making large amounts of free points, I decide to temporarily call off our plans to go and rescue my stuck bodies. “We can wait until after the new year. Our stats should go back to normal after that and it will be a lot easier to fight the thing anyway.” I tell my daughters while eating breakfast in our back yard. I have gotten used to the feeling of being stuck in cum, and realized it has a lot of benefits for me right now. Maybe if it was still just one body I wouldn’t have changed my mind though.

Amber puts another piece of meat in my open mouth and says “If you want to wait we can wait wife. We still need to deal with those slaver cities for Jessica’s plan anyway, and splitting our focus might be dangerous.” I chew the offered food and nod. The end of the year is coming soon and having more points for it will be important. Citrine speaks up, adding “I’d also like to remind everyone that the zombies will only be getting stronger, so any advantages we can get now will be important. I think mom is right to make use of such a good source of free points. If she can handle the grossness it really is a huge boon right now.” From the look on her face, I’m not sure she’d be willing to stay stuck in the spider too. It’s nice that my daughters can understand my reasoning though. I was worried they’d think of some extra downside to it.

Cindy stumbles into the back yard yawning. She has a tiny person on each of her shoulders, and looks really tired. Well she didn’t get a lot of sleep last night. Her human baby still hasn’t grown after all this time, and she went to go and visit him. I stayed using my tiny body to sleep with our new daughter Fae, but Cindy didn’t get back until a few hours ago. It was just bad timing I guess, since her, Sapphire and I all stayed up having sex with the pack last night using other bodies. The hounds did a great job helping us keep track of the spiders and needed a reward.

Sapphire tells her “You could have slept in. I don’t think we have anything important scheduled for today.” Cindy shakes her head and rubs her belly replying “Too hungry. Back to sleep after food.” The way she says it is a little funny, so I can’t help but giggle on her shoulder. She rolls her eyes in response, and I stick my arms out towards Amber’s cow body. My orange haired wife quickly snags me from my friend’s shoulder, and places me between her breasts. It’s a good thing Citrine already has my larger Eidolon body in her lap as she braids my hair. Otherwise I would have had to think about who to be carried by first today.

Cindy ends up scarfing down a full plate of food before heading back to her room again. Probably to go back to sleep. Fae stays with us though, since she got plenty of sleep last night. It’s cute that she snores like her other mother. Luckily neither of them was disturbed by the other’s noises. I remember Cindy worrying about people snoring when she first moved in with us, but her snores were the first we had ever heard. We all got used to it by now, but it was pretty cute when it first happened. We still haven’t told her about it since it doesn’t bother any of us enough to interfere with sleep. Amber is the only one who has ever complained about it, but Cindy usually just sleeps with Sapphire and me in her room anyway.

Since everyone but Cindy has woken up, I can’t hold back anymore and spend my free points on the option to upgrade my Special class.


Calculating Special Class upgrade


Special Class (Myriad) upgraded to (Myriad Breeder)

Myriad Breeder bonus unlocked.

Would you like to recalculate your upgrade? Y/N

Your first recalculation is free.

It’s similar to when I first got my Special class, and I guess the upgrade can be redone too. I don’t mind my Breeder classes like I used to, so I’m tempted to keep it and see what it can give me. Thinking about it, I shake my head and select yes. I need to test it so I can tell my children and friends what to expect when they get enough points. I hear the usual chime, and check the flatbox.


Recalculating Special Class upgrade.

(Myriad Breeder) changed to (Myriad Sex Slave)

Myriad Sex Slave bonus unlocked.

Well the first try was definitely better, but I should be able to change it with free points anyway. I tell my daughters about it, and they all sigh. Citrine says “Thanks for doing that for us mom, but based on the bonuses we’ve seen from the Special classes that aren’t upgraded, you should probably change it as soon as you can.” That gets nods from everyone else and I have to agree. The sex and slave related special classes always do something I don’t like. Sex Slave just doesn’t sound like it will be something I want. Well, I have to see how much it will cost, so I open my Special Class Menu.

Special Class

-Myriad Sex Slave-

(Unlocked Bonuses)

Myriad Mana: Each of your bodies now have a separate mana pool.

Myriad Children: Your children have a higher skill retention rate at birth.

Myriad Pleasures: Each body experiences Pleasure and Attractiveness separately.

Myriad Lands: Land owned by you gets a bonus to experience for each of your bodies nearby.

Myriad Lovers: You may share one skill with your System spouses.

Myriad: Lessens your experience and title penalties for having more than one body.

Sex Slave Stats: Your stats are no longer negatively affected by slavery related sources.


Unlock Class Bonus: 10000 Free Points

Calculate new Special Class: 1000 Free Points

Recalculate Special Class upgrade: 100000 Free Points

Birth Additional Body: 160000 Free Points

Allow one additional Owner: 10000 Free Points


??? 8th Tier required

Free Points: 1083

I have to read the new bonus a few times to make sure it says what it does. That’s an amazing bonus. If I ever get into a situation where someone gets a collar or slave brand on me, it would be invaluable. I can’t exactly afford to change the upgrade yet anyway, so I should try to add more bonuses first. They are much cheaper, and if they have similar effects it would be silly to recalculate in the first place. I can just ignore the new option for more owners.

I tell my daughters about the new bonus and they all looked surprised except for Fae, who we haven’t had the time to teach anything yet. She also just doesn’t show emotions as vividly as the rest of us. Cindy thinks it has to do with her race. Amber says “If it does what it sounds like, I wouldn’t mind getting that upgrade myself. I think you should test it though to make sure.” That makes sense and Sapphire adds “But it needs to be someone we trust. Go see Onyx and have her put a collar and brand on for you. If it doesn’t work like we think, we won’t have to worry about sis taking advantage of you.” I nod and tell them “Okay sweeties. I’ll head to the Barrier’s prison with my bunny body now.” I just visited her and her husband yesterday, but it’s always fun to see my daughter while she’s working.

Opal’s Bunny body

I tell Jessica in her office what I’m doing, and she responds “Okay, go get it checked with her quick. There might be other benefits that I’ll tell you about if it works.” I don’t know how it could be better than that, but Jessica is smart so I’m looking forward to her insights. It doesn’t take me long to get to the prison, and the guard at the gate tells me “Big Miss should be in her office right now. She’s been letting the inmates sleep in on weekends.” I thank her for the information. There aren’t many gate guards, so they’ve all gotten to know me by now. They’ll usually be right about where to find my daughter in the prison, so I head to her office.

When I open her door, I hear a muffled moan and see my daughter on her knees giving a man a blowjob. He has one of those blindfold things on and a strap with a ball in his mouth. They seem to be handcuffed together as well. I would wave to Onyx’s husband but he wouldn’t be able to see me anyway, so I instead say “Good morning you two.” They both seem a little started. Probably because Onyx had her back to the door and didn’t notice me entering. She quickly pulls her mouth off of his penis and tells me “Turn around mom, you can’t see my husband naked.” I listen to her and turn around, facing the door that just closed behind me. I’ll have to remember that rule when I visit them.

I guess I haven’t seen him naked since he was a baby. I know they don’t have sex with other people, so it’s probably related to that. I hear some shuffling behind me and a minute later my daughter says “Okay, thanks mom. You can turn back around.” I smile and face them saying “If I knew there was a rule and I might see something I would have knocked. I’m sorry I saw you naked.” He blushes and responds “It’s okay mom, we understand. Honey, I’m going to head home and get some cleaning done before the guys come.” Onyx gives him a kiss on the cheek and says “Alright sugar-lump, make sure your friends stay out of our room this time. I was missing 3 pairs of underwear after last time.”

She told me before how some of her husband’s friends like to steal her clothes. I think she wouldn’t mind too much if they just asked. They probably just can’t afford to buy their own, and I know Onyx makes Credits for each prisoner she’s in charge of. After he leaves, I tell her all about the new upgrade and the bonus that came with it. She smiles as she’s putting the blindfold and gag into a desk drawer. Onyx easily agrees to help me out, and I can’t help but wiggle with excitement. It’s really annoying dealing with slavers since they can be tricky. Not losing my stats if I’m caught off guard would be very helpful and if the bonus does that I might just never recalculate the upgrade.

She starts pulling a collar out of the same drawer, but blushes and puts it back saying “Right, that one doesn’t have the effect, it’s just for play.” My daughter opens a different drawer and pulls out another collar before walking over to me. I offer my neck the best I can and she clamps it around my neck securely. I see the normal message for getting a slave collar placed on me and offer my arm so she can place the brand as well. She sighs and says “I guess we have to do both to be sure.” before placing a hand on my forearm, giving me the brand. A little heart-shaped mark shows up on my arm, and I smile. Her brand is so cute… Oh, if this works I could use it like Citrine uses those marks from her brother right? I’ll think about it later. I check my Status screen. If the bonus works then I should just have the 50% decrease from the Rise Up choice.

Looking over my stats something seems wrong. It takes me a few moments to realize that the bonus is much better than any of us were expecting. My stats are completely normal… As in, everything is at 100%. The bonus even negated the 50% decrease from Rise Up. If I had checked my stats earlier I would have seen it, but I didn’t think there was any reason too since I hadn’t gotten branded by Onyx yet. Reading all of my stats got a little tedious after the first year. Well, it’s better than having to go through my skills menu at least. After admiring my stats being back to normal, I quickly tell my daughters at home and Onyx in her office.

They all seem just as surprised as I was. Even Fae looks a little shocked. She did choose Rise Up when she was born so that’s understandable. We all agree that this means the slaver cities don’t even have a little bit of a chance now. It’s just unfortunate I only got this bonus right before the end of the quest. I think I should be able to take them all out by myself now, but I should check with Jessica and Ruby first. If they agree, we won’t have to wait for more Shifters to be born, since everyone else can stay back and defend against any possible doppelganger attack. Well, not everyone. Amber and Citrine both told me they would send a body each even if I didn’t need the help. Remembering how I fell asleep last time, that’s probably the right move.

Onyx goes to remove my collar, but I stop her. She starts to ask me about it, but I quickly try to use a few skills and find that they still don’t work. Finally I tell her “Okay you can take it off now. I just wanted to see if it let me use skills while in a collar.” She looks excited, but I shake my head and tell her it didn’t work. Well, having normal stats will be enough to deal with slavers who might catch me anyway. I get a little too excited and break the door to Onyx’s office as I’m leaving. Maybe I should get used to my strength again before giving anyone hugs.

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