Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 205

-POV Karli- (Leader of 3 Cities near Woodville)

I yell at my prettiest slave boy while spanking his tight little ass “I ordered you to stay in shape!” He had the nerve to tell me he was too tired to keep going after just 9 hours of sex. Then when I continued riding him anyway, his dick went limp inside of me. How can someone so handsome be so useless in bed. I might not let him progress past the first tier, but he should be exercising when I’m not playing with him. Even my boyfriend before the system could last longer. I give him one last spank, my hand now sprinkled with blood. Pushing him off my lap and onto the floor, I tell the young boy “Go to the harem doctor and get yourself healed. If you can’t please me next time I’m selling your sister to Sir Frank.”

I smile watching him start to panic. I already gave the little girl to the pervert, but he doesn’t know that and I can use it as bait to get him to perform better. Thinking about Frank puts a sour taste in my mouth as I watch my little pet scamper out of the room, his bleeding ass retreating quickly. Now, which of my toys should I call for this time? Ben? Degrading him in front of his mother is always a treat. The bitch always gave me terrible grades in school, and the fact she survived until I found her and her son was truly a blessing from the system.

As I’m trying to decide how to deal with my unfulfilled needs, a large man bursts into the room, gross sweat dripping from his ugly face. “Frank, what the fuck are you doing in my room? Do you want to die?” He knows not to disturb me here. He gasps for air and looks at my naked body without a hint of attraction. If he didn’t have such a useful class I would have killed him for insinuating that I’m too old for his tastes. “We’re being… attacked.” He manages to say between heavy breathing. I can’t help but roll my eyes and head towards my wardrobe. The zombies have been relentless the past few days and it only makes it harder for me to get off.

I tell him while getting dressed “I need you to bring… what was her name? Nancy. You need to clean her up and instruct her not to speak. Her brother isn’t doing his job properly and I’ll need you to pretend like you haven’t gotten your hands on her yet. It should be a good show.” I see him shaking and he responds “I can’t do that Ma’am. She was too frail and died days ago.” I can’t help but sigh before telling him “I’m not replacing her for you. I saw plenty of little girls in Woodville so you’ll have to perform well if you want another.” The man bows and follows me on my walk to the wall.

Apparently more 6th tier zombies were spotted in this horde than usual. By now our scouts know how to spot the different types and what tier they’re at. Luckily zombies aren’t a match for Players at the same tier, so more of them just means I can’t wait out the attack on my bed with a cute boy. As I scale the steps to the top of the wall, I feel a sharp pain in my head. My control over Henry, the puppet leader of one of my other cities, gets severed. What the fuck? Did he find a way to get out of it himself, or did he get help from someone else?

I turn to Frank and order “Get me information on Henry. We’re going to have to kill him after dealing with this horde.” My gross helper has pet bugs that he can communicate with over large distances, making spying simple as long as I keep him in line. He places his hands on his temples and gets an ugly concentrating expression. Stupid idiot. I know you don’t have to do that. I have skills too. I think he watched too many Japanese cartoons and it rotted his brain. He lets out a feminine scream before telling me “You won’t have to kill him. He’s already dead and a horde has gotten into Minerton.” I yell at Frank “Fuck! Are you sure? How is that possible?”

The hordes have been annoying but we’ve only lost small camps or forts before. Our upgraded walls have always given us a huge advantage. He stammers out an answer “I-I-I don’t know. I only have a few bugs in Minerton.” I start biting a nail and pace back and forth while thinking. I should have stationed more 6th tiers in the city. The horde headed here has more 6th tiers, so they must have been too outnumbered. My other cities have more lucrative dungeons, so Minerton has always had a smaller population. I stop pacing and sigh. I’ll have to gather even more 6th tiers now and waste time clearing it out. The loss of so many slaves is annoying. They were supposed to be sending a new shipment in a couple days.

The thought of missing out on a new toy for my harem makes me angry, and I slap the helmet of a guard nearby to relieve my frustration. After taking my hit, the man apologizes and bows like he should to a queen. I tell him “Good, you can own one additional slave for being a good sport. Frank, mark it down.” I can’t always use the stick, and a guard who can take a hit and show respect so quickly is a good example for the others. Slaves make excellent carrots for the stupid populace. The guard gets a big grin on his face, obviously thinking of something perverted. This is why I prefer teens. They’re still mostly pure, so I don’t have to see these gross old men’s faces while fucking.

A quick shadow darts out of the treeline and jumps onto the wall next to me. The scout reports “Hostiles will be in range in 30 seconds.” before darting off towards the other gates of the city. I prepare my own self-buffing skills and start giving out orders. Hopefully we can deal with this horde quickly. I’m frustrated and need to blow off some steam with my toys.

About 6 hours later

My body slams through the wall of what was once my bedroom. Luckily I managed to grab the scroll the man in purple left me before getting hit. A strange warmth flows into my throat and I cough, red blood staining the floor in front of me. Fuck. How could the zombies already have a 7th tier? Well now I know how my other city fell, since I watched this one falling with my own eyes. I’m the last 6th tier left, and the horde is probably pouring into the city right now. I think about my cute toys being left behind, but when the surprisingly human-like zombie climbs through the hole I just made in the wall, I use the scroll as instructed by the man in purple.

There’s a blinding flash of light and I feel a pain in my stomach. When the light goes away I’m surrounded by trees. My body doubles over from the pain, and I realize the fucking 7th tier must have punched a hole in my gut before the scroll went off. Watching my health drain as blood and other things fall out of me, I cast my Suturing skill, followed by several others. I’m out of mana, but I’m no longer bleeding my Health away so I’ll survive.

All my work on those cities down the drain. It’s not like I haven’t had to start over in life before, but falling from such a high point has got to be the worst. I hear a twig snapping behind me, and quickly turn to see something flying towards me. My brain registers that it’s some kind of net a little too late, and I quickly end up tangling myself in it. I struggle trying to rip my way out while figures step out of the bushes. It’s some men in typical slave catching gear. I know, since they probably bought it from one of my cities. If I can just regenerate enough mana before they get the collar on my neck I can take control of one of them.

I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head, and my world goes black.

-POV Neil-

I pull Carrie out from beneath the wrecked carriage. My best friend gives me a nod in appreciation. Neither of us is willing to speak. These collars on our necks would make us sitting ducks for any of the zombies that just took out this slaver city. I think I remember the people who caught us calling it Minerton. We only crawled out of the wreckage because we can’t hide there forever and it looked like the horde left for somewhere else. I hold back a tear remembering our friends screaming, their resistance useless after being abandoned by the slavers who ransacked our town.

Carrie managed to hide us and we were lucky the zombies didn’t seem interested in things like searching. She gives me a strong hug and I return it as she kisses me on the cheek. After all we’ve been through together I feel like I owe her more. Her feelings for me are obvious, and by now I love her even more than my girlfriend Pepper back home. My dad taught me that a man’s word is more important than his feelings or life, so until I can get her approval or break up in person, Carrie and I will just have to remain friends.

She whispers into my ear, probably trying to lessen the sound “I got a quest, let’s get out of here.” We both let go of our hug, my arms hesitant after what just happened. Carrie has always gotten quests when we’re in trouble. It’s strange, but we think it has to do with the missing time in her memories and the strange buff she had when we first met. She got so many quests that she’d then share with me, that the town she rescued me in and then developed, grew quickly. Unfortunately it just wasn’t enough and the slavers finally got us. That’s two homes I’ve been taken from by slavers, but I’m still trying to find my way back.

We were going to be carted and sold to some other city from this one, but my luck held up again and the zombies attacked before anything awful happened to Carrie. I saw them leering at her, but they mentioned something about higher prices for unsoiled goods. They don’t deserve to share a race with my father. After we quietly sneak out of the broken city and into the woods, I hear the system sound and check the quest my friend shared with me.

I guess we’ll be going to a city called Woodville to get our collars removed. The marks already dissolved, so at least I know the ones who caught us have died. They were probably torn apart by the same zombies that got our friends. I shudder a bit, and Carrie rubs my back. She has this aura that seems to always make me feel better. She reminds me a lot of mom, and I think they’d get along if we can ever find our way back home.

-POV End-

For those who forgot, Neil is the high human son Opal had with Pops. He wasn't found with the other slaves after they took the city from the slavers. Carrie had her own chapter a while back as well. She was the one who got first place in last year's world quest. Previously known as Flesh Sac.

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