Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 204

“It’s normal for things that aren’t sexually mature to not be capable of getting pregnant. The only strange thing is that it still applies to you in particular.” Cindy tells me when I ask her about my body that still hasn’t grown fully in the giant spider. So I ask “What about my first Eidolon body? It never grew to full size but I’ve had babies with it.” She seems to think a bit, her face scrunching up. “Maybe it has more to do with time alive in that case. We’d have to see a lot more examples before we could be sure. Have you tried getting your tiny doll body pregnant yet?” My friend finally says, and I shake my head responding “I haven’t. I was worried babies wouldn’t fit and I would explode like with the Wyvern.” Having my lower half explode wasn’t very fun, even though it was a new experience.

“Amber told me you three had Wyvern babies in the dungeon after that to deal with any possible problems. Couldn’t you just do the same with your tiny body?” Cindy suggests. I guess that might help with the birthing part, but what about when my stomach grows? Well, my normal sized bodies wouldn’t be able to fit 40 elf babies in them if that part was a problem. So I can at least try it out. How would I do it though? Do I find something with a really small penis or maybe put a bunch of cum in a puddle for me to sit in? My tiny body is currently in the dungeon with Amber and Citrine.

Goblins are usually a bit smaller than elves or humans, so I can probably try them. Snag was the only goblin I’ve seen with such a massive penis at least. I do have a few skills that make sex that would normally be painful feel fine. If they don’t fit then I can just have my daughters help me get a bunch of cum from them to use as a bath. I finally decide what to do and tell Cindy “Okay, I’ll try it out and tell you how it goes.” She smiles and says “You don’t have to if you’re too worried about it, but if you do get pregnant come back so I can keep an eye on you while the pregnancy progresses.” I ask her “Don’t I need to give birth in the dungeon?”

She slaps her own forehead and replies “Right. Do you mind if I join you in the dungeon then? I have a few theories about pregnancy after the system and would like to see the development for myself.” That makes sense, and I don’t mind, so I ask Amber and Citrine. My orange haired wife holds me in front of herself and says “I guess you do just look like a doll sized adult version of yourself. If you looked like a baby or child I’d be against it. What do you think sis?” I’m not sure why she would be against it in that case, but it does feel weird to think about babies having sex. So maybe it’s natural for Players to not like the idea. Thinking about it for the first time, I get a gross feeling so that’s probably the case.

Citrine shakes her head and answers “I’m against the idea of you having sex like that, but it’s not the body we made an agreement about. If you want to do it, I just won’t watch.” I can tell she really doesn’t like the idea from the look on her face, and I don’t think the goblin penis would fit this tiny slit anyway. I decide to tell them “Okay. We’re just doing it to test so I don’t need to have sex. Let’s go get Cindy and you three can collect some cum for me to sit in.” I don’t want my daughter to be uncomfortable so that’s the best way. Probably. I remember the lizardmen in the old Liberation dungeon have really small penises, so I can just go there with Amber some time to try.

Cindy is waiting for us when we leave the dungeon, and since goblins are even on the first floor we don’t have to go far in to get them. They can’t hurt any of us at such a low level, so it’s the safest bet anyway. Amber volunteers to gather the cum for me, and the other two hold a couple goblins down while she gives them blowjobs.

A few minutes later I take off my tiny clothes and watch as my wife spits the last bit of white stuff into the bowl Cindy brought us. After wiping her mouth she says “Okay, all done wife. Since I did the gross part I should get a reward.” Citrine sighs and responds “Fine. You can carry her the whole time she’s pregnant.” Amber seems happy with that, giving her sister a big smile and a thumbs up. If Sapphire were here, I don’t think she would ask for a rewards, but my other daughters aren’t as turned on by monster sex. I decide to add “I’ll give you lots of kisses too sweetie.” She had that nasty tasting goblin cum in her mouth for me after all. I should reward her too. In response she picks up my naked little body and starts kissing me all over.

I can’t help but wiggle with happiness. I know how much my wife loves me, and her giant lips pressing against my skin feel warm and cozy. I hear giggles from the other two women, and my wife finishes her kiss assault. I’m sure I’d be blushing if I had blood, but it’s a nice feeling. She holds me next to her cheek so I use my tiny mouth to give her a kiss back. She gets a big grin and looks like she’s about to say something, but stops. Her face gets that look, and I can tell she’s looking at a screen.

She laughs a few moment’s later before telling us “I got a title and you’re already pregnant, so you don’t have to sit in that nasty bowl.” I’m a bit confused but she adds “It’s called Life Kisser. I got it for making someone pregnant with a kiss.” I check my sex stats and sure enough I see that I’m pregnant with 34 babies. I can guess how it happened. Amber just had a bunch of goblin cum in her mouth and her kisses were pretty indiscriminate. I let out a happy laugh and it’s soon joined by the laughs of everyone else too. That was a lot more fun than having one more body covered in cum.

Once we settle down, Cindy wipes the tears from her eyes. I think she laughed the loudest. She asks Amber “What kind of stats and bonuses does the title give? It will probably be difficult to get with anyone other than Opal. I don’t mind kissing my friend’s pussy for an edge.” My wife then tells us “It gives ten Vitality, but there aren’t any other bonuses.” I suggest “We could do it with everyone before bed tonight. Ten Vitality would be a hundred more Health for everyone. I’ll just get a few of my bodies out of the dungeon so everyone can get the title.” Citrine, Cindy, Sapphire and Morgan make four so I’ll have to bring three bodies out. Citrine can just do it with my other Eidolon body that’s already home.

For now, we’re going to go through the dungeon for a little bit of experience while we watch my tiny body’s pregnancy progress. Surprisingly, when we get to the tenth floor it’s a new Rare boss. As Amber holds -Gzgaflur, the Crazed Goblin Slaughterer- with one hand around his neck, we talk about it. “I haven’t heard anything about a new boss replacing Snag yet and lots of people go through this dungeon.” Amber says while ignoring the goblin’s futile flailing. Cindy says “It must be really new then. I’m surprised the dungeon didn’t replace him right away. I’ll have to think about what this could mean about the inner workings of dungeons.” Citrine adds “I’ve never seen a rare boss removed from a dungeon in the first place, so it must be a pretty unique circumstance.” Amber and I both nod. We know that Citrine lived for a long time with the system in her last life. So if she’s never heard of it happening it has to be pretty strange.

After talking about it for a while, we decide to just kill it and put a warning at the entrance of the dungeon about the new Rare boss. He doesn’t seem to talk and is really violent. I wouldn’t want people getting hurt because they thought he might offer to have sex with them instead of just attacking. Cindy suggests we do that before coming back into the dungeon. If we wait too long to put up the notice, someone might get unlucky and run into him without knowing. It’s pretty obvious once she says it and we quickly check the chest before leaving.

Ring of Madness: Wearer gets a large boost to Dexterity but attacks have a chance of harming nearby allies.

We all agree to leave the ring here since it could be dangerous, and will disappear once we exit the dungeon. I still feel bad about the bracelet I let my son wear, and I haven’t been able to see him since I heard about what happened. It’s still horrible what he did to his sisters, but I haven’t decided what I should do about the new information and have been putting it off. Amber already told me “Feeling bad about it won’t help anything. It’s not your fault, but if you want to apologize you’ll have to think about how to do that yourself.” She was right of course. I panicked when I first realized and asked her what I should do, but it wouldn’t be genuine if I didn’t think of something myself. I let out a sigh and decide to think about less complicated things for a while.

A few hours later my tiny belly starts to get bigger, and as it grows Cindy comments “It looks like a natural size. There’s no way even one goblin baby would fit in that tummy.” She mumbles a bit before adding more clearly “So if it keeps growing like this, then I was most likely right about your pregnancies.” I ask her what she means and she responds “I think you don’t actually have your babies inside you. I’m not sure exactly how it works or if it applies to everyone, but your growing belly should just be a magical representation of your pregnancy’s progress. The strange thing is that when we tested before, I could hear at least one baby’s heartbeat and feel kicks when you got far enough along.”

Amber pulls me up from between her breasts again and places her giant ear on my tiny belly. “I can hear it this time too, and mom doesn’t usually have a heartbeat so I know it’s not hers.” She says after a minute of listening. Cindy tells us “Yes, that’s how I knew it was a baby’s beating when I first tested her. Your mother has always been a bit different so I can’t be sure if the rest of us are the same. I’d have to cut someone open to be certain, and I don’t have the tools to do that safely. So if the person I’m testing actually has a fetus inside her it could be fatal.” I ask her what fatal means, and agree it’s better not to try that until it’s safe. I do volunteer to be cut open first when she is confident enough though. I’m not likely to actually have babies in my belly area, and am a lot more tough than other people I know.

I rub my stomach. It feels weird to know my babies aren’t inside my belly, but it feels like they’re inside of me still. I can tell they’re in there somewhere, even if it’s not where babies normally grow. I give my belly a little pat as Amber puts me back in my comfy spot. They’re my babies so it doesn’t matter if they decide to hide in me where Cindy can’t find. It just means they’re safer.

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