Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 203

A few days after the impregnation party, everything has calmed down a lot. We all gave birth on the same day, but Ruby and Jessica both had to do it in their own cities. Cindy told me there are too many people living in places like my Citadel to just call them forts or camps. My screens still call them that, but I’ll believe my friend. She has been alive much longer than me. For everyone who was able to stick around, we had a lot of fun seeing all the cute new babies.

All of mine and Cindy’s were pink Shifters, including one from my Lofty body that got the racial modifier as well. He’s twice the size of his siblings, but much smarter than my troll son in the dungeon. It’s only been a day since they all became adults and he already has three girlfriends. He met them on his first dungeon trip, and they slept with him in our back yard last night. Luckily his penis was also only twice as big as normal, so they can still have sex with a little effort. Once the builders make the new housing for Lofty sizes he’ll be moving out of course. Until then, I’ll get to see a lot of him, which is nice since all my other sons moved out as soon as they became adults.

My daughters mostly ended up have babies of their own race, with one or two Shifters each. It’s not as low as human babies, but still less likely than elves, cows, or vampires. Since Morgan got pregnant from Ruby, 6 of her babies were vampires with only one shifter from each of her bodies. A large majority of the shifters came from Cindy and me, but she said it’s still good to know the vague percentages from other races. I’m not sure why it’s good because of that, I just liked spending so much time with my daughters. Everyone has been pretty busy lately and it’s hard to get so many together at once. I can see them all with different bodies, but it’s not the same kind of bonding.

I was able to visit Jessica with my bunny body in Barrier’s hospital. She gave birth to all elves… Well some of them might be shifters, but Morgan hasn’t visited them yet to check. She started by going to Ruby’s Rest and checking her red haired sister’s babies first. It’s not really something that needs to be rushed. Both daughters should have told all their babies that if they were shifters it was safe to show themselves. Morgan told us it’s in their genetic memories not to though, so it’s not likely they’ll come forward without another friendly shifter being there. Once our shifter babies are able to spread out more, it should be a lot easier to have their mother or father shifter present when they’re born.

With how rare they are, shifters won’t be spreading as fast as the bunnies but Ruby thinks we should be mostly safe from Doppelganger infiltration in a few weeks. Jessica wants to wait until then to attack the slavers around Woodsville.. Woodtown? It had something to do with trees, but I haven’t been there yet and seen it myself so I don’t think the name is important anyway. Jessica said it’s important to wait so that the doppels can’t take advantage while a lot of us are so far away. I’m looking forward to dealing with more slavers before the year ends. I got some good stuff from the last quest and I don’t want to miss out on more points because we waited too long.

It’s also exciting to think about beating up slavers. I wonder if it has to do with my bad experiences with being confined by orcs for so long? Probably. I did have a lot of fun taking out that orc camp with everyone. I suddenly feel like I’m forgetting something and think about it… Oh right, I was supposed to go with Jeff’s mom to visit his uncle and the gnomes. I should ask Citrine about it. She’s in the dungeon with Amber and my tiny Eidolon body, so it shouldn’t be difficult.

I wait for the breasts surrounding me to stop shaking and poke my head up out of Citrine’s shirt. The goblins seem to have been dealt with so I ask “What ever happened with your grandma? Does she still need to be taken to the gnomes?” My daughter looks down at me and answers with a smile “Sue reminded me when I picked her up from the other farm, and we already took her to my great uncle. He’s really nice, but grandma turned out to be kind of a snob. She’s still family so I plan on visiting her when I go to hang out with uncle Stan.” It’s good to hear she got taken, but I’m a little sad I missed my opportunity to visit the gnomes. I guess I could have my daughter take me on her next visit. I set it up with her, but it probably won’t be until after we attack the slavers in a few weeks.

Amber says “Okay that’s five floors. It’s my turn to carry mom.” Citrine pouts cutely, but pulls me from between her breasts, handing me over to her sister while mumbling “I want my own tiny mom.” I think about it as I get stuffed between my wife’s breasts and tell her “I could try to have a lot of babies with my other Eidolon body, but new bodies are really rare for me and you said you don’t want me having sex with other people using it.” Citrine nods and responds “Since I can get you pregnant, there’s no need for that anyway. Should we be having sex more often?” She seems to think for a bit and sighs before adding “It’s not super important. We can stick to what we’re already doing and hope for the best.”

My larger Eidolon body usually stays home now. I like to have one body there in case friends or family show up looking for one of us. My first Eidolon body is small, so it doesn’t do as much damage or run as fast, but it’s not small enough to be easily carried either. So I stay home with it, and go to the dungeon with Amber and Citrine using my tiny body. The rest of my bodies are mostly going into the different dungeons. With my Hellbitch body still stuck in the spider, I’m getting plenty of free points. So I don’t need to be having as much sex right now.

My daughters still need the points though, so they’ve been spending their days going to different sex parties using their other bodies. Amber goes to the brothel most nights to have fun, and she told me she’s gotten really popular. I should see if I can watch her work some time because I really didn’t think being a whore was all that exciting. My body stuck in the spider boss hears another chime, and I check the screen.

Racial Modifier added

That’s different from the normal messages I’ve been getting. Isn’t a racial modifier like my Lofty body? I wonder what this one is and check my status.

Race: Nesting Hellbitch

I wonder what this one does, but I can’t see myself and it’s hard to test other things when I’m stuck in cum. Well, I can at least feel myself, so I take my hands off of my slit to stop masturbating and start feeling the rest of my body. I notice some strange hard spots in a few places. Normally even though my skin is hard, it feels soft when I touch it, but these spots don’t feel like that. The spots aren’t very large and I’ll have to wait to see what they are to be sure. I just hope they don’t look horrible.

As my hands roam around my body, I find one more thing that’s different. My butt has gotten a lot bigger. I’m not sure how I feel about it since it was perfect before, but if I don’t like it I can probably just use one of those shrinking potions once I get out. I guess I’ll wait to see if I get any compliments about it and I can decide then. I wonder if it will shake more when I wiggle like what happens with Amber’s breasts when she’s fighting?

I feel a slight pressure again, and I know I’ll be giving birth with this body soon. So I get ready and start pushing. I know the babies will just be stored, so I don’t have to worry about it anymore. A few moments later I feel my belly shrink, but surprisingly it hasn’t gone completely back to normal and I feel like I need to push harder. So I push again and the vision on all my bodies goes white for a second. Having experienced it enough times already, I know it means I’ve just given birth to another body. Why wasn’t I stored like the other babies though? I think about it while I feel around for my small new body. Grabbing myself, I decide it’s probably because I don’t have to breathe, so the cum isn’t a dangerous environment for my new body. I learned a while ago that the wording of skills and titles can be really important. So now I have two bodies stuck in the giant spider…

I decide to check my new body’s race, remembering that not a lot of my normal babies get the full hellbitch race. Since I only get these free bodies because of my Not The Father skill, it might just be raceless or a normal hound.

Race: Nesting Bitch

Oh, that’s surprising. Didn’t I just get that modifier? I think about it for a while. Does that mean Not The Father doesn’t apply until I’m actually giving birth? Pregnancy is so confusing and I’ll have to talk to Cindy about this later. For now I guess all I can do is take advantage of my extra mouth to drink more of the cum.

A few minutes later my hellbitch body is pregnant again, this time with more than a thousand babies. That’s pretty strange since it’s always been around 3 or 4 hundred before. It probably has to do with the Nesting racial modifier, since I haven’t gotten any new skills or titles. My still growing bitch body hasn’t gotten pregnant, and I’m not sure why. I can ask Cindy about that too when she gets home. Maybe babies won’t fit inside me while I’m still so small. If that’s the case, it means my tiny Eidolon body won’t be able to get pregnant either.

Well, talking to Cindy and growing bigger should give me more answers. Until then, doubling how many free points I’m getting is really nice.

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