Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 202

This is a semi-lewd chapter. Meaning, there is a lot of sexual stuff without having lewd only scenes. It's also been a while since I've gotten corrections to spelling or grammar. If you spot anything, let me know and I'll fix it. I'm still a new author, so I know I'm not throwing out perfection.

-POV Morganite- *Semi-Lewd*

Sex is a lot of work. I think I prefer sewing.

Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if I was higher tier, but I’m having to take a lot of small breaks even with the doubled stamina from mom’s skill. My sister Ruby continues to thrust into me saying “It’s alright sis, with enough practice it’ll become easier. It’s not just about your stamina.” It’s nice of her to console me like that, and she’s right of course. I think when my body has a penis, I have a limited supply of cum. When I run out my body gets tired and I have to wait for more to be made. She explained it to me when we first started. Ruby has some titles and skills that increase different cum-related stats for her, but I’ll have to do a lot more impregnating if I want any. My sisters are all so amazing.

She cums in me again and I hug her toned body close to me as she shudders in climax. A few seconds later I let out a small groan and she asks “What’s wrong sis, did I go too hard that time?” I pout and answer “No, you finally got this body pregnant too, so I’ll have to work twice as hard now.” I had enjoyed being able to just relax and take a dick with one of my bodies. Sure, part of the time I had sex with one sister while Ruby thrust into me from behind, but I just used my sisters momentum making it a little easier. After getting Jessica pregnant I told Ruby that I preferred it more one on one. So we haven’t done it since. She seemed a little disappointed, but I think she might have been the only one who found that particular sex pose interesting. Mom even said “There isn’t much you can do with it. Maybe I’d like it more if I had a penis. Probably.”

She’s still just watching and chatting with everyone, but she has a lot of experience. Jessica did seem to moan more with my solo body than with the one in a threesome. The way she bit my shoulder and chest was also kind of hot, but I wasn’t ready to let her nibble my nipples or penis just yet. So far I’ve realized I definitely like having sex without a penis more. It’s a lot less work and I like the way it feels to be filled up much more than filling up others. Of course it’s pretty novel having sex with a penis. It’s a lot easier to orgasm once I got over the embarrassment, but I also feel more drained after.

After Ruby gets off of me, she looks towards my sister Jessica and asks “Since you’re already pregnant, can I have sex with you now?” My brown haired sister responds quickly with a smirk “If you let me bite your dick a little after. Sure.” I hear a few giggles from mom and my other sisters, but Ruby sounds a little hesitant as she answers “Fine. It’s a deal, but I want to play with both your bodies at once.” Jessica responds that she’ll have to add nipple biting in that case, which Ruby seems much less reluctant to accept.

My now freed-up body pairs with Citrine. She’s next since she’ll have to fly Jessica back to Barrier in about an hour. She lays down on her back while blushing, and I admit to her “I’ve been excited to try sex with you. Your marks and piercings are so cool.” She gets a big smile before replying in a sexy voice “I’m glad you like them little sis. If you want I can bring you some piercings to try out, but if you don’t end up liking them they’re kind of painful to remove.” I’m not really a fan of pain. Well, maybe a little nibbling, but I don’t think she meant that kind. I decline her offer for now, and grow my penis. I’m excited to see how that chain between her breasts moves when I thrust hard enough to get her breasts to shake.

Even if it’s a lot of work, there are still a few things I wanted to try with my different sisters. Feeling Citrine’s wings, playing with Amber’s horns and tail. I also want to see what it feels like to put my penis between their breasts, since they have the biggest out of everyone here, but that will have to wait until after I’ve gotten everyone pregnant. I already tried getting fucked by Ruby and getting bit by Jessica of course. Cindy is nice, but her bunny body isn’t participating so we just had normal sex while she asked me a few questions about what it felt like to grow a penis. I hope Sapphire lets me play with her long elf ears a bit while we have sex, and her blue hair is so cool I want to tug on it while thrusting into her. Other than the things with my sisters, I’m kind of intimidated by the idea of having sex with mom’s big body.

She wouldn’t want to be the one on top right? A bead of sweat drips down the side of my face, but I don’t think it’s from having sex with Citrine.

A few hours later

I release my load into mom and she pulls me into her gentle embrace. Feeling her large hands rub my back as I lay on her stomach is really relaxing. I go to push off a bit and start thrusting, but she holds me firmly in place and says “It’s alright sweetie. You’re all done now. You can keep going if you want, but you look kind of tired so just cuddle with me for a bit.” I can’t say no to such a good deal, and rub my face against her. I don’t know how she can feel so firm but soft and warm at the same time. Mom is the best.

-POV End-


I can’t help but smile as my daughter falls asleep on top of me. She didn’t even think to pull out of me first, but her penis disappeared anyway. Morgan did such a good job today, she deserves a rest. Her other body has passed out with her head on my lap at the same time. She probably can’t sleep with just one body yet. My babies are so cute when they sleep.

A little ways into the impregnation party, Ruby finally got Morgan’s bodies pregnant and started asking to have sex with everyone who was done. I kind of expected it since my red-haired daughter likes sex so much. I also promised to play with Amber earlier, and am currently making sure both of my wife’s bodies orgasm at least a few times. I’ve gotten much better with my tongue after so much practice, but she’s still making me climax faster. I don’t think I’ll be able to even up the score since her whole class is about serving people. I’ve gotten used to not being the best at everything, so I’m fine with it. As long as we’re both having so much fun, there’s no reason to compete.

“Fine sis, but not out here. Mom do you mind if Ruby and I use the bedroom for some privacy?” Citrine says. She got back a while ago after flying Jessica back to barrier, and Ruby just asked her to have sex. I’m guessing that my angel daughter wants to do something she considers embarrassing, and doesn’t want everyone in the family to see. Of course I’m fine with that, and everyone else agrees not to disturb them. We all understand that sex is best when everyone is comfortable with it. Ruby says to me before going to the room with her sister “I want a turn with your big body once sis is done napping if that’s alright mom.” I nod to her. She mentioned it a while ago, we just haven’t had the time to set something up. I guess she wants to take the opportunity while she’s here. I don’t expect Ruby’s size to do much more than Morgan’s, but bonding with my babies is always nice.

Amber and I don’t take too much longer pleasuring each other. She got excited about one of the topics Cindy brought up, and we’ve already had plenty of fun with each other’s bodies. Apparently humans had a lot of different types of brothels in the past, and most of them were illegal and shady businesses. “I don’t think they were illegal everywhere, but they were in my country at least. I’m not sure I’d be willing to try prostitution myself.” Cindy answers a couple of Amber’s questions. I notice that Citrine seems to be masturbating with the body she left here. So she must be having a lot of fun with her sister in the room. The pleasure shared between bodies can be really stimulating. Amber offers “Do you want some help with that sis? I only need one body’s tongue to keep up with the conversation.” It’s nice to see that everyone is slowly getting used to having multiple bodies. I remember when my wife had a hard time doing anything else when one of her bodies was concentrated on sex stuff.

Citrine shakes her head and answers a bit rigidly “No. I’m almost there.” A few seconds later she moans and I hear a muffled yell from the direction of our bedroom “Papa!” I don’t think her body out here heard it, being too busy shaking with an orgasm. I put my finger to my lips towards everyone else. Citrine taught us that it means to be quiet or not talk about something. Amber and I had figured out she was turned on by family stuff, but she would be really embarrassed if she knew we heard what she moaned. It’s unfortunate that her real papa isn’t around any more to have sex with her. The thought makes me a little sad, since Jeff was my friend. With more time, it’s hard to be mad at a dead man. Tricking Snow was horrible, but I kind of miss him.

I shake off the feelings and join back into the conversation. I don’t think Citrine noticed anything, and she comes out of the room with Ruby not long after. “That blindfold was really interesting. I should make some for myself and my wives.” Ruby says, but it sounds kind of strange. Citrine answers in a similar tone “Yeah, but now everyone knows I’m into kinky stuff like that. There’s a reason I wanted to do it in the room.” Ruby responds in the same strange tone again “Oh sorry sis, I’ll make it up to you later.” Ohh, I think I know what’s going on. They’re pretending to help cover up Citrine’s sex thing. I smile and ask “What’s a blindfold, and can I try it too?”

It’s better to go along with it so she doesn’t realize we heard her. The others seem to understand and we’re soon talking about blindfolds. Sapphire is the most interested, but I’m not sure it would be any different from just closing my eyes. Well, I’ll try it some time anyway. There’s no reason to give up on it before then. I’ve found a lot of things that are fun, but sound like they wouldn’t be. Morgan wakes up before too long, and Ruby finally gets to have sex with my Lofty body.

I’m surprised because before we start she goes to her clothes and stuff, pulling out a few potions. “I came prepared mom. You won’t be disappointed.” Ruby says before drinking the potions. I start to wonder what they are, but soon find out as her penis grows to an absurd size for her body a few seconds later. I’m a bit concerned for her wives and ask “That should fit better, but what about everyone else? I don’t think you’ll even be able to get the tip in.” She smirks at me and answers “Don’t worry mom. I brought the ones that make it smaller too. Just lay back and let me give your big body my huge dick.”

It’s hard not to giggle since she looks so cute when she’s proud, but I hold it back and get ready. I hear a few small laughs from my other daughters. She does look kind of funny with such a big penis. Well it will be a new experience and Ruby looks eager, so it should be fun.

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