Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 201

After Snag leaves to go look for a place to stay, the mood at the house gets a little down. He hasn’t exactly moved out yet since his books and notes are still here, but knowing that he’ll be gone soon has put a bit of a damper on everyone’s earlier excitement. I’m sure our moods will get better once the getting pregnant party actually starts. Until then there isn’t much to distract us from thinking about our friend moving out. Well, other than the system messages that my Hellbitch body is getting.


Racial features upgraded by Spider cum

They definitely don’t show up as often as when I was first changing to my current race. That only took about half a day or so. It’s been almost a day now since I got stuck in the spider, and I’ve only seen four of the messages. None of them have said my actual race has changed, just that features have been upgraded. I wish I could see in the spider, so I could actually tell what these upgrades look like, but I’ll just have to wait until I somehow find a way out. I hope they’re useful changes. All the changes from getting the Hellbitch class were nice. This body is a bit faster and stronger than my normal ones while my Bunny body is faster with a much stronger jump. So I don’t think it will make me worse since it says upgraded. Probably.

A few hours later

It’s finally time for the party, and Snag hasn’t gotten back yet. Well, he can’t get pregnant so it’s not like he was invited anyway. Maybe we should have a party when he shows us his new place so he doesn’t feel left out. There’s still the problem of most of my daughters not being able to take the size of his penis yet, but I’m sure we could figure something out. Citrine says that not all parties have to be about sex.

Jessica was able to have both of her bodies participate. Normally she’d be too busy to come with both, but Pops and the others forced her to take a break. Everyone from her office knows how much she likes getting pregnant now. Citrine flew her down and is in charge of getting her back before it gets too late. My angel daughter’s speed is really useful for that kind of thing. My bodies with races won’t be joining in on the fun, since I still want to do other stuff while it’s happening and they probably wouldn’t have Shifter babies anyway.

Ruby did end up coming down with Sapphire’s other body and Cindy. I can tell already that she would prefer to be the one getting everyone pregnant today, but she said “I haven’t taken a dick in a while, and it will help with our doppelganger problem. So I don’t mind getting plowed by little sis for a good cause. You know, if everyone wants to have little vampire and elf babies with me on another day, I won’t complain.” Of course we ignore her usual teasing. Other than my normal bodies, Cindy’s human body will probably be having the most shifter babies, since humans usually just give birth to other races. It was pretty obvious when the human women I know started having sex with our elf kids. Humans can still have human babies with other races, but it doesn’t happen often.

“Okay mom, your bodies will go last. You have shorter pregnancy times than the rest of us and usually only need one shot. So if we all want to give birth together that’s the way to do it.” Jessica says, and I nod in agreement. I don’t mind waiting. I promised to do some fun stuff with my wife while we wait anyway. Jessica’s coordination of the sex party feels a lot more organized than our usual orgies, so it might turn out to be interesting. Morgan still seems nervous, but I think she’ll be fine once the sex actually starts. We don’t know yet how my Lofty body will deal with pregnancy with other Players, so I’m standing with it in the back yard waiting for a turn. I don’t exactly fit inside that well, and I don’t want to break any of our walls or furniture. Maybe I should see if we can make the doorways and ceilings taller. I usually just stay in the dungeon with it and get experience or free points.

“Do you want some privacy sis? We don’t mind if you’re too shy to do it with everyone watching.” Amber asks Morganite, but she shakes her head before responding “No, that’s okay. I don’t mind being watched. I’m just a bit nervous since everyone else is so experienced.” I already gave her my advice about her sisters, so she should do great. Cindy hasn’t been to a lot of our orgies. So she might be a little harder to please since I don’t exactly know what makes her orgasm yet. At Pop’s orgy, we mostly just talked and she only moaned a few times. Maybe I should ask her later, or would that be rude? Maybe.

It’s decided that Ruby will go first since she has the least amount of skills and titles dealing with fertility and pregnancy. She does have a few with virility though. As we’re all settling down in the living room she asks “Wait, since no one else here has a dick, does that mean I can get you pregnant Morgan?” I don’t know why I didn’t think about that. Both of her bodies blush, going a darker shade of her normal pink. Morgan answers “I’ll be… in your care then Ruby.” My red haired daughter lets out a happy laugh and says “We’ll be in each other’s care. Oh! Since you have two bodies I have an idea. Jess, do you mind if I take your turn with her other body first?” Jessica sighs but responds “That’s fine, I planned to be here for a few hours today anyway.” Jessica was going to be having sex with Morgan’s other body, since Ruby only has one. I wonder what her idea is?

It doesn’t take me long to find out, since we all get naked pretty quickly. Everyone here has gotten used to being naked for this kind of thing, and even when it’s not our turn it just feels more natural. I think everyone was waiting to see what Ruby was going to do, since we haven’t started talking yet and watch. It doesn’t turn out to be all that interesting…

*Lewd Scene*




It’s starting to feel more like a sex watching party than a sex party, but I don’t mind since it’s always nice to bond with my family. I have all of my heads on a different person’s lap. I like laying on Amber’s thighs, and Sapphire asked if she could do it and play with my hair too. Of course I agreed, and now all of my bodies here, except for my Lofty one in the back yard, have lap pillows. Since they’re all stroking my hair, it feels really nice. It’s too bad I took my two Eidolon bodies to the dungeon for experience, otherwise my tiny body could probably have a whole lap bed.

“It will never stop amazing me just how interesting your body is Opal.” Cindy says while stroking my hair. She continues “It’s almost like your hair is some sort of magical pencil lead. It’s obviously not normal hair, but it looks and even feels mostly normal. If I didn’t test it out myself, I would have thought it was just really dark-black hair.” It sounds like a compliment so I do a little wiggle and smile up at her responding “Thanks, I like my hair too.” Remembering that it’s rude not to return a compliment I add “I like how bushy your pubic hairs are.” They are right next to me after turning over to look up at her, so it’s the first thing I thought of. They really are pretty long and curly, I wonder if it’s a human thing since my daughters all just have a small patch like mine.

My human friend laughs and pats my forehead before continuing to play with my hair. I hear a moan coming from Jessica and look over to see both of her bodies shaking in orgasm. I keep forgetting that the others with more than one body don’t have my skill that keeps each body’s pleasure separate. I do kind of miss how nice it felt, but it was causing way too many problems when I hit the pleasure cap. I don’t mind one or two bodies passing out from good sex, but if all of my bodies lose consciousness it’s not fun at all.

After my brown haired daughter finishes coming down from her climax, she thanks Morgan and gets up saying “Okay, she got me the first try with both my bodies. Cindy, you’re up next.” Cindy pats my head one last time and I raise my head off her lap so she can get up. “Take my spot then, your mom’s head isn’t going to take care of itself.” She says with a small giggle. I nod as my new lap pillow makes it’s way over.

As I set my head back down on Jessica’s lap, I can smell my other daughter’s cum leaking out of her. So I turn my head and ask “Since you’re already pregnant, do you mind if I lick that up for some extra free points?” She seems to think about it, but answers “Sure mom, I was just going to have Sapphire use a skill, but I won’t say no to some soothing tongue action after the pounding it took.” Her Shifter sister was pretty vigorous for someone so low tier, and Jessica doesn’t have Firm like most of us. I turn my head a little more and stick out my tongue. I’m glad I can be useful and get free points at the same time.

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