Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 198

After having a talk with Morganite we go back to my other daughters. Snag seems to have joined them, my small goblin friend eating from a plate of food. Amber stands up off my chair when she sees me, so I sit back in my spot and she sits on my lap. As my wife starts to feed me again with a smile, Snag says “I’ve decided. I want to be able to go into town.” We had offered to help him with it before, but he never took us up on it. I’m not sure what caused him to change his mind, but I smile and reply “Okay, I can do some quests with you tomorrow. You said you didn’t want to go into a dungeon for experience right?”

He nods with a frown on his face. I can understand not wanting to go in a dungeon. He did say that he had been stuck in one for a really long time. It’s too bad he doesn’t remember most of the stuff about being a dungeon boss. It would have been interesting to hear about at least. I remember my previous conversation with Morgan and add “Is it alright if we do it in the morning? We’re having a sex party later in the day.” My pink daughter blushes and Citrine pokes her sister while giggling. Snag blushes too, but it’s not as cute as Morgans. Well, I guess it has it’s own charm. Probably.

Snag finishes his plate and says “If it’s in the morning I’ll have to excuse myself for bed. Good night ladies.” Standing and giving us a bow, he leaves the back yard. I finish swallowing the food Amber shoved in my mouth, and then kiss my wife. “I’m going to go lay down with him. He always sleeps better when I’m around.” Amber hops off my lap and I get up continuing “We’re almost done over at Ruby’s Rest, but I don’t know if Cindy will be back in time for bed.” My human friend seems to be pretty busy making the spider corpses into zombies with the other necromancers.

My daughters each give me a small hug, and I head to Snag’s room. Since he says it’s okay for me to visit at any time, I open the door. Snag is on his bed naked with his eyes closed, but his hands are around his giant penis and he’s masturbating. He doesn’t seem to have noticed me. I don’t really get to watch men masturbate, so it’s pretty interesting. I start getting undressed for bed and wonder if all men use both hands like that. It would probably be difficult for some of the smaller penises I’ve seen I suppose.

As my shirt and shorts come off, I realize I have the lingerie he gave me on. That’s right, I wore it to the brothel so the human men couldn’t get me pregnant. Well since it’s comfortable enough, and he gave it to me, I don’t think he’d mind if I wore it to bed. I decide to stand next to the bed and wait for him to finish. It would be rude to interrupt, and it’s not like I need to sleep anyway. I was a little surprised at first that he never asked to have sex after leaving the dungeon, but he probably just likes to masturbate, and had to have sex because he was a dungeon boss.

Looking down at his large penis makes me realize that I kind of miss having sex with him. He was always so gentle, even as his large member spread me wide. Sure the first time was a little rough, but after I got used to his size and he could last more than a few seconds, it was really enjoyable. My hand moves down to my slit. If he’s doing it, then I might as well too. After a couple minutes, my fingers easily glide into my pussy and Snag moans out “Ohh Opal..” His eyes are still closed but I guess he finally realized I was here, so I rub my insides a little and reply. “Yes Snag?”

His eyes open wide and his hands stop as his head turns to look at me. He seems really surprised. Maybe he didn’t know I was here, but then why would he call me so softly? I wouldn’t have been able to hear him outside the room. His eyes look from my face, down my body, and finally stopping on my hand. I haven’t stopped pleasuring myself, so that’s probably why. I was just watching him do the same thing. His mouth goes a bit wide, and his hands start moving again, but he quickly stops and covers himself in the blankets. I’m a little confused so I stop moving my hand.

-POV Snag-

I say from under the blanket in the most composed tone I can manage “Lady Opal, I’m sorry you had to see me doing something so disrespectful.” She saw me pleasuring myself, and even moaning her name. How could I subject the friend who saved me to something so dirty. She was wearing the lingerie I gave her in the dungeon. My hands instinctively wander down, but I have the fortitude to stop myself this time. I hear from outside the blanket, my friend’s beautiful voice “Hmm, I don’t know why you’re apologizing, but if you want to go to bed without finishing that’s fine I guess.”

Before I can understand what she means and respond, I feel the covers being lifted and see my friend sliding onto the bed next to me. She’s practically naked, and it’s even worse than that since I designed the lingerie myself… wait, how did I do something like that? I shake off the gap in my memory. There’s a much more pressing issue. That being my friend’s breasts against me, and my boner that refuses to go down. This is how she normally sleeps with me, but she’s usually clothed. I had to ask her to wear clothing early on, since she didn’t understand how her naked body turns me on.

She’s the only woman who can take my full size without effort or complaint, but I shouldn’t have sullied her image by fantasizing about such things. She’s my savior and much too good for such treatment. She’d never lower herself to do such things if the reward of a dungeon isn’t involved. After all, I’m just a horrid goblin. Her and her beautiful daughters mention of an orgy was too much. So I excused myself early, not wanting them to see a bulge in my pants. This dick is surely a curse and unnatural.

My mind is still in a panic and trying to calm down, when Opal asks “Hey Snag. You can just say no, but I was wondering… Could we have sex?” My thoughts seem to freeze and she continues “Watching you masturbate got me a little excited.” I can see her wiggling next to me as she finishes saying “It’s okay if you don’t like sex though. I don’t need to, it’s just been a long time since we’ve done it and I wanted to try again.” All I can do is stutter a bit without answering. Why would she ask that? She obviously has many better looking people she could ask than me.

I can’t help but think a few horrible things, but I shake them away. Think, Opal wouldn’t say it to hurt me. So does she actually want to.. do it with me? I don’t know how long I’ve been thinking, but she frowns and then lets out a disappointed sigh. Does she really? I finally reply “Okay… let’s do it.” Her frown turns into the most beautiful smile as she says “Are you sure. I don’t want to force you, and you seemed a little reluctant.” That’s ridiculous, why would I not want to. I can’t help but answer loudly “How could I not want to? I lov-” I cut myself off.

I don’t want my stupid mouth to ruin my first friendship in a long time. So I cough trying to cover it up and instead say “I would love to have sex with such a beautiful woman. I simply didn’t respond because the thought made me too excited.” I have to remember to be a gentleman. I can’t let my dumb goblin brain screw up my life again… Again? Never mind, more that was taken after leaving the dungeon I suppose. My friend suddenly shows me her hand. It seems to be glistening a little and she says “I already got myself ready, so scooch over so I can lay down on my back.” I can really see that she’s excited for this. Why though?

I move to the foot of the small bed and look back to see Opal with her legs spread invitingly, and her arms reaching towards me. My dick hasn’t gone down since before, so it would seem I’m ready as well. I move closer and line myself up with her entrance. Is this really okay? I look up at Opal’s face and see the kind eyes I fell for, but now they seem a little.. hungry. She really wants to make love to me, she’s not doing this because she feels sorry for me. She wants to. With me.

*Lewd Scene*





I panic and check to see what horrible thing the system has in store for me now.

You have consumed something capable of reverting your Cursed race. (Opal’s Milk)

You will revert to the race you held prior to consuming (Goblin Draft)

Would you like to remove the Goblin race? Y/N

A tear falls from my eye, but I’m not sure why. Am I not originally a goblin? It must be something else that the dungeon took. I feel a gentle hand wipe away the moisture on my cheek. “Are you okay?” My beautiful friend’s voice calls out, and I look up to see her concerned face. I’ve always hated myself for being a goblin. I thought it was strange, but she deserves more than a goblin friend. I don’t know what I was before, but I steel my resolve and select Yes.

-POV End-


That sex was great. I hope he liked it so he’ll want to do it with me more. He seems to freeze up, still buried deep inside me, and I see a tear fall from his eye. Oh no, is this a happy tear or a sad one. I hope he didn’t hate sex with me. I ask “Are you okay?” and he looks up at me, his eyes are confused at first but quickly get a certain strong quality to them. He answers “Yes. Opal, I may change but I’ll still be-” His body suddenly jerks and he flies backwards out of me, and off the bed. I’m immediately worried as I watch him fall to the floor.

I hop off the bed and scream for Citrine. My friend is convulsing on the floor, and I don’t know what to do. If he’s hurt Citrine might be able to help. I rush to the door of the room, throw it open and scream again “CITRINE!” I turn back to Snag and see him strangely growing larger. My daughter bursts into the room and I order her “Help him, I don’t know what’s wrong.” My voice is shaky, and I don’t know why. She rushes to his side and lays her hands on his chest. His body stops convulsing, but I can tell he’s still in pain. “What happened?” Amber asks from the doorway, and I respond “I don’t know, we had sex and then he said something and this happened.”

I watch as he grows even larger and the green tint to his skin starts to turn pinkish. It’s really odd, I don’t know what’s happening. Wait, he said something about changing? Was this a system thing then that he accepted? His nose and ears start to shrink as my angel daughter keeps her hand on his chest. She’s probably using different healing skills on him, so I don’t have to worry about his Health running out. Is he turning into an orc? The ears and nose shortening, the growing body and the more elf-like skin color. Maybe, but why would he want to be an orc?

Citrine finally says “He seems healthy, I think his race is changing. It looks like he’s becoming a human.” A human? Well if he’s healthy then that’s what matters. He’s my friend and I don’t care what his race is. Since he isn’t convulsing anymore I sit next to him and hold his growing hand loosely. I was too worried that he’d hurt himself on my hard body before. Amber sits next to me and we wait for his change to complete. Morgan stands next to us looking nervous. That’s all we can do for Snag right now if he’s changing races.

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