Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 197

Opal’s Hellbitch body

It’s finally time to give birth inside the spider, so I really hope that skill helps. I push like normal, and suddenly feel a lot lighter. There’s a chime and I check the screen.

Children temporarily stored due to dangerous environment.

I let out a relived sigh, or I would if I could sigh while swimming in cum. I’m not sure if the babies I have from the spider are good or not yet. Having babies just to see them drown in this sticky stuff would be horrible. Especially when I’m probably going to get pregnant again pretty soon. I’ll have to figure out how to have the babies once I’m actually out of the spider though. Will it be like a dungeon and the babies will just pop up near me when I’m not in a dangerous environment?

I’m so happy about it that I decide to tell Amber. She looks up from licking my slit with a smile and says “That’s great Ohhhh, fuck sis, calm down for a second I’m talking to mom.” I see Citrine’s head rise up behind my wife’s butt and she responds “Oh sorry sis. That’s great news mom.” Marble’s friends ended up being busy with other stuff. Apparently a lot of their women friends showed up after the fighting wanting sex. Well we were doing the same thing so it’s understandable. We ended up just heading home to have fun with each other. My orange haired wife crawls herself up to my lips and gives me a kiss, her large breasts pushing against my chest. I feel fingers enter me and we start up again, tangling our three bodies.

About an hour later

I hear a knock on our door and roll off the bed. Amber and Citrine stop kissing and pull the blanket off. We were pretty much done anyway, so the knock is as good an excuse as any to get out of bed. “Mom it’s me.” I hear from the other side of the door and reply “Come on in Morgan.” My pink daughter opens the door and gets a darker shade of pink. I start putting on my clothes and she covers her eyes and responds “I was just… uh.. when do you think we’ll do the.. thing.” Oh, she’s probably embarrassed because we’re all naked. I think it’s a bit silly since the thing she’s asking about is most likely her getting myself and her sisters pregnant.

Amber and Citrine hop off the bed and start getting dressed as well. I answer “If we want to do everyone at once, then we have to wait for Sapphire and my other bodies to get back. We’re still helping with the spider cleanup over at Ruby’s.” There were so many of the bugs, that we might not even finish before morning. That reminds me of something and I ask “Should I invite Ruby too? She has a penis and could get you pregnant at the same time.” My shifter daughter seems a bit nervous but nods in acceptance, her skin getting even more blushed.

Amber jumps into the conversation as she pulls up some shorts asking “Will that be soon? I got pregnant with my body at the brothel so I wouldn’t be able to participate using it if it is.” I shake my head and reply “It won’t be until at least noon tomorrow.” Rubbing my belly I say “One of you two got me pregnant earlier as well, so we’ll have to wait until then.” I feel a little bad putting it off, but nobody expected the spider thing to happen. It would also give Jessica time to show up as well. I know she really likes having babies and since some at least will be shifters, she can just give birth to them in Barrier. That way less of the kids will need to move there when they grow up to really have all our Land covered.

I spot Morganite peeking between her fingers, but we’re all already dressed now. She sighs and takes her hands off her eyes. I tell her “You know sweetie, we don’t mind you seeing us naked, you’ve seen us before.” She shakes her head and responds “I only saw sisters naked when I was a baby. It was different.” I think about it and she’s right, but I’m not sure how it’s different. Citrine walks up to Morgan and pats her on the head saying “It’s alright sis, we’ll try to get our clothes on before inviting you in next time. Right?” She finishes by looking at me and Amber. We both nod. Hopefully I can remember. I think her and Citrine are my only daughters who ever got embarrassed seeing others naked.

I wonder if she’ll go find a place to masturbate like Citrine used to do?

My Hellbitch body orgasms again while swallowing the spider cum and rubbing my slit. That title really does increase my pleasure a lot, but it might just be how much I’m swallowing that makes a difference. Surprisingly I hear another chime and decide to check it.

Racial features upgraded by Spider cum

That’s a bit strange. I think about it and remember that’s probably similar to what the screens said when I was changed to a Hellbitch. I thought the skill only worked for hound cum though.

Deep Heat: (Passive)

Massive increase to fertility and pleasure with Hounds. Cum can have a different affect on you when pleasure is high enough.

Nope, it says cum can have a different affect. I guess I do have a lot of skills that increase pleasure from hounds, so that might be why it never happened with other men. The large volumes of fluid I’m swallowing combined with that new title must have been enough. Does that mean my Hellbitch body is going to change races into some kind of spider if I keep this up for long enough? It does say racial features upgraded and not just changed. Will I get some sort of fire-hound-spider race then? I still don’t know what kind of Player races are made when I have babies with a spider, so I’m not sure if that would be better or not.

This does mean that if I can just get enough pleasure I might be able to get some other races with my extra bodies. Maybe I can ask my wife if she has any ideas. For now I’ll keep it up and see what changes might happen. The free points are very useful, and maybe I’ll get extra arms since spiders have so many. Then I could punch things even better. Probably. If that happens it will be more than worth it. I might even hold off on getting everyone together to rescue this body until it’s finished. It’s not like I’m in any danger anyway.

Having made up my mind, I start drinking again. I pull Amber aside at the house and tell her my plan. “I think it should be alright to wait a little bit, but we really should get you out if you don’t get positive changes soon.” She tells me, looking a little concerned. So I give her a kiss and say “Alright, if I don’t get anything good by the end of tomorrow, we can go get me then.” She nods and replies “I know it seems safe, but I just worry about you wife. If the situation does get dangerous you have to tell us right away. Got it?” I smile since she cares about me so much, but agree to tell her. We have been wrong about stuff before. One day isn’t that much later than we would have gone to get me anyway, since everyone is still dealing with the aftermath of the smaller spiders.

I ask, just to clarify “So if I do start getting good stuff we’ll wait longer right?” My beautiful wife sighs and answers “Yeah. It does seem like it might be a great opportunity for you. Just remember that it will have to be pretty good to be worth not being able to do other stuff with that body.” Thinking about it she’s right. If the changes aren’t that good, then having my body outside getting experience might be better. I’m also getting a ton of free points in here that even put my troll son to shame, so I’ll have to think about how it balances out. Maybe I could ask Cindy or Jessica if they think it’s worth it to stay. They’re pretty smart about planning ahead for stuff.

Amber slaps my butt and adds “If it adds anything sexy, I call first for sex stuff.” I giggle and we return to the back yard with my other daughters. Wait… if I can get one of my normal bodies to get enough pleasure while having sex with Morganite, will I change races to Shifter as well? That could change the whole way we’re going about this. Morgan wouldn’t have to have sex with her sisters and I would be able to have shifter babies even with humans. I remember she didn’t seem all that excited about all the sex with her siblings, so I should at least ask if she’d rather do it that way. She might have just agreed to be helpful with the doppelganger problem.

I say “Go ahead and sit down without me wife. Morgan, can you come talk to me for a minute?” Amber seems a bit confused at first, but then gets a smile on her face and sits on my chair. Before we got up to talk she was sitting on my lap, so it’s okay for her to use my chair for now. My shifter daughter follows me to the room and goes to close the door. She asks “What’s up mom, is this about the sex stuff tomorrow?” I nod and answer her “Yes sweetie. I just found out that I can probably get different races with my bodies. I have to get enough pleasure and cum at the same time, so I just hadn’t realized it before.”

She looks a bit confused, so I clarify “If I can get enough pleasure while having sex with you, I might be able to turn one of my regular bodies into a Shifter. That would mean you wouldn’t have to have sex with your sisters, so I wanted to see what you thought about it.” My daughter blushes, but then seems to think before responding “Okay, I’ll be honest mom. At first I wasn’t too thrilled with the idea of getting my sisters pregnant… but that’s changed the more I thought about it. I’m actually excited for tomorrow. We can try to change one of your body’s race, but if it works I still would like to do the sex thing with everyone.”

I’m not too surprised by her confession. I’ve seen other people I know go from uninterested in sex to more than happy to join orgies. I thought it was about her having to grow a penis for it though, so I ask about that and she answers while blushing “Well, it felt really good inside of you mom, so I got curious and want to see if my sisters feel any different. I still don’t want to walk around with one, but they seem a lot easier to masturbate and get orgasms with.” I’m actually not sure if we feel all that different to men. I’ve never asked the men we have sex with, and I don’t have a penis myself so it never came up. There are a lot of different penises I’ve had inside me though, and they can give very different sensations. I guess that’s as good a reason to try as any. Most of her sisters were interested when I explained how her squishy penis felt last time. I guess everyone will be trying out new stuff tomorrow.

Since that’s decided, I give my daughter a hug and ask “What were you up to while we were doing spider things?” I remember she wasn’t very good at gathering people so Amber had to help her, but she hasn’t mentioned what she did after that. She leans against my hug and sighs saying “I was in the dungeon trying to get more levels. Not being able to help with the fighting made me anxious. I didn’t end up getting many levels. I don’t think I’m cut out for fighting.”

I can tell from her voice that it bothers her, so I rub her back and tell her “That’s okay sweetie. A few of your sisters like fighting, but the rest mostly leveled so high because they felt they had to. They aren’t cut out for it either. Mom can help you level just so you aren’t so squishy, but you don’t have to fight now to be useful.” I let her go and walk over to the bed, picking up the heart shaped pillow there. I continue “This pillow you made for me is amazing, and the sewing you like to do can be used for other things too.” I hug the pillow and place it back in it’s spot. She says “Thanks mom. I’ve actually started a new project with a friend of mine. It’s a surprise though, so you’ll have to wait…”

She sighs then and finishes by saying “I know I don’t have to fight, I just worry about my family. Not being able to fight at all when people are in danger is frustrating. I’ve decided to find a group to level in the dungeon with. There are a few that help people like me get higher level in classes that don’t have a lot of uses in combat.” She then starts to tell me about her new class as we return to everyone else.

I’m looking forward to what she can do with a class meant for sewing and stuff.

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