Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 199

As I hold my friend’s hand, I can tell that Citrine was right and he’s turning into a human. His ears aren’t pointy like an Orc or elf at least, and he doesn’t have the big belly of an Orc. I guess he could be changing into something really similar though. At this point he’s too tall to be a gnome. Amber holds my other hand in her lap, and Citrine sits on the other side of Snag keeping an eye on his health just in case. Morganite doesn’t seem to be very good in stressful situations, so once he stopped growing, Amber sent her to go get clothes in his size. I didn’t even think of using her Shifter abilities like that, but she can probably change to look like someone and buy a uniform for them at the Armory.

His face finally stops changing a few minutes after my pink daughter left. His large nose and ears are now human shaped instead. He looks kind of familiar, but there are probably just similarities since he’s still the same person just with a different race. I get that feeling that I’m forgetting something that I haven’t had in a long time. Oh well, I was never able to remember by thinking about it before, so I’ll just ignore it. I let out a sigh of relief seeing that he no longer looks like he’s in pain. I don’t remember my race changes taking so long, or being as painful as that looked. I could just be remembering it easier since it’s already over though. Cindy told me memories hurt less if you give them time, so that’s probably what she meant.

With my sigh, the tight feeling in my chest goes away. “He’s okay now mom. You just have to wait for him to wake up.” Citrine says while standing up. She breathes in and adds “I’ll go wait for you in the back yard. Snag seems like the type to not like being seen naked.” I nod since she’s right that he can be shy around strangers, and he hasn’t talked all that much with Citrine from what I can tell. She leaves the room and Amber kisses me on the cheek before standing up. I watch as she walks to the bed and starts fixing the blankets and using a cleaning spell on everything. It did make a mess when he was thrown out of me, so I’m glad my wife is so thoughtful.

“Thank you wife, and I’m glad you sat beside me. I think it helped.” I tell her, and she turns to me with a smile, responding “Of course wife. I couldn’t just do nothing when I saw you so distressed.” Having finished tidying up the room a bit, she asks “Did you want me to stay? I’m closer to Snag then sis is, but I still don’t think he’d like it if I were here when he wakes up.” I think about it and respond “Give me a kiss before you join your sister.” My beautiful Amber bends over and gives me a kiss on the lips. As she’s leaving I add “Sapphire just left Ruby’s, so my tiny body will be heading back with her.”

My blue haired daughter’s Healer class is much more focused on other people than Citrine’s. So I convinced her to leave the spider cleanup early. It wasn’t very difficult.

A few minutes later as I’m holding Snag’s hand and keeping an eye on him, Morgan returns. She seems curious looking at my friend’s changed body, but hands me the uniform for him and leaves the room. Hopefully he doesn’t mind that there are female shorts instead of the male pants. It should still fit him, and Morgan probably made her chest flat, so the shirt shouldn’t be too uncomfortable or baggy either. He can always get his own uniforms once he wakes up. Oh, since he’s a human now, won’t he be able to go into town without any problems?

It was going to be difficult to make sure enough people knew he was a good goblin, and there was the worry that people might mistake him and attack anyway. Now I guess he won’t have to worry. I smile, happy for my friend. Thinking back, it sounded like he chose for this to happen somehow. So he should want to be a human. My original body looks kind of like a human, but I don’t think they can’t get that white. At least I’ve never seen one.

Seeing his breathing pick up and his eyelids twitch, I smile. I know from watching my daughters sleep enough, that it means he’ll wake up shortly. Soon I see his eyes slowly open and say “Good morning Snag.” His head turns and his eyes look at me a bit confused, before his cheeks get a redder tint from blushing. Well his blushing is at least a little cuter now. He looks like he’s about to say something, but looks down at my hand holding his, and then to the rest of his body. “I’m really not a goblin anymore…” He says with a little bit of surprise in his voice. I nod and ask “Are you feeling okay? It looked pretty painful.” He was flopping around on the floor and yelling a lot before Citrine started helping.

He looks at our hands again for some reason, then up to my face before starting to sit up. I place my other hand on his back and help a little, since he looks pretty drained still. “I’m fine Opal. Thank you for your concern. I should be back in top shape soon.” He finally answers. So I smile and hand him the clothes. He blushes before letting go of my hand and taking them. I stand and offer a hand to help him get up too. It’s really hard to put clothes on when you’re sitting down, especially shorts and panties. He thanks me for my help and starts changing. After putting on the shirt, I see him eyeing his penis. So I let him know “I think it’s the same size, so you don’t have to worry.”

Snag moves it around a bit and finally says “Huh, well it looks smaller.” I nod and remind him “Your whole body is bigger now, so it’s probably just your imagination. If you want to test it to be sure, we can have sex again once you’re feeling better.” He seems to freeze a bit. I notice he does that a lot when I talk about sex stuff. Snag responds with a sigh, saying “So other women will still have issues with it then? As a human, I probably won’t have as many urges… and… if you’re willing I wouldn’t need others anyway.” I guess he’s right, and I like his large penis, but I can tell now that he might not. So I tell him “We have potions that can shrink the size if you want it to be smaller. They aren’t very popular so there are a lot in the boxes by the dungeon.”

He looks at me and then back to his penis before letting it go and saying “I’ll think about it. Thank you again.” I wiggle, since being helpful is nice. He goes to grab the shorts but stops when he lifts them. He looks at the panties underneath with a disgusted face. The kind that come with the upgraded Armory aren’t very fancy. I can understand why he would be disappointed with them. I see him blushing, and remember seeing the men at orgies and the brothel taking off different looking panties from the women. Maybe it’s the same as how women get shorts and men get pants.

I tell him “If you want man panties, I can go with you to the Armory to pick up your own uniforms. That was all Morgan could get as a woman.” He coughs a bit but answers “I would appreciate that Lady Opal. They are called underwear as a general term. Only women’s underwear are typically referred to as panties.” Oh that’s good to know. He seems to think for a moment, and places the panties to the side, instead wearing the shorts without them. I can understand that, sometimes when I’m just going to be taking them off anyways, I go without panties too. I go without a bra more often, but Snag doesn’t have breasts and I don’t think one was in the clothes my daughter brought.

Once he’s dressed he looks me up and down before reminding me that I’m still only wearing lingerie. Oh, does that mean he wants to go now? I ask him and he nods telling me “These are a bit uncomfortable for me and will be hard to sleep in. I’d also like to thank your daughters for their help.” I guess that makes sense, but he could just sleep naked. I decide not to mention it, since he usually just tells me it’s difficult to sleep next to me while naked. No one else seems to have a problem, so maybe it’s a dungeon thing. Probably. He does have a lot of little stuff like that from his time there.

After I’m dressed too, we head to the back yard and Snag is greeted with a hug from Amber. She’s probably the person who has spent the most time with him other than Sapphire and me. He seems to fumble with where to put his hands when returning the hug. He was always half her height before so it makes sense. He’s only slightly shorter than us now. I wouldn’t be able to tell if I didn’t see them hugging though. She pulls away before his hovering hands find a place to land and says “I’m glad you’re okay buddy. Watching your change made me happy I wasn’t awake for my race change.”

Her cow body is the same size as her elf one, so I doubt it would have been as painful for her. Well, growing horns could be really bad. I don’t have any bodies with them yet, so it’s hard to say. I think my Lofty body’s change was more painful than my Bunny one though. My Eidolon change didn’t hurt at all.. probably. I was in the middle of a fight with zombies, so some of the pain I thought was from that could have been from the race change. I wasn’t awake for my Hellbitch change, being passed out from pleasure… I’m not sure Max, the pack leader, would have noticed my body convulsing. Sex with him is pretty wild already.

Citrine giggles, but then apologizes saying “Sorry, you just look a bit silly in that uniform.” Snag seems to agree, but Morgan tells our gob… human friend while blushing herself “I tried to grow a penis, but it still gave me the female clothes. Sorry.” He tells her with a bunch of fancy words that it’s fine and we’re going to get new ones anyway. She seems relieved that he doesn’t mind, and after he thanks all of them for helping while he was changing we head to the Armory.

As he steps out of the building with a new outfit, I have to admit that he does look much more handsome now as a human. I won’t tell him that since it might be rude. If he still likes being a human in a week I’ll let him know. For the same reason I try not to compliment Morgan on her penis, since she doesn’t like growing it. Maybe if she likes using it when she gets us all pregnant later I will. It is nice to hear compliments when it’s not something you don’t like. Until then it’s best to go by Sapphire’s advice and not mention it. Some of our hound daughters were insecure about their tails since they weren’t as great as mine. So she explained that complimenting people about stuff they don’t like can make them feel worse about it. I’ve never disliked any parts of myself, so I just couldn’t relate.

Having smart daughters to teach me stuff is the best.

I help Snag carry some extra outfits home. He seems a bit nervous walking outside the house, so it’s better to help him out. There aren’t many people on the streets right now. They probably got tired from the fighting and spider cleaning, but night is usually less busy anyway. When we get home he says goodnight to my daughters, who all compliment him on the new outfit. He blushes again for some reason, and we return to his room so he can sleep. He gets into the bed, only taking off his shoes. So I follow his lead and keep my clothes on too.

I realize that Sapphire didn’t make it back in time to help. I hope she isn’t sad she can’t see him before morning. As we finally get into a good position, with me wrapping my arms around him from behind, he tells me “Thank you for being you Opal. I couldn’t hope for a better friend.” I wiggle, happy about his compliment and kiss the back of his head that now has dark hair. I’m not sure if I preferred kissing his bald goblin head, but I reply “I’m me after all, but I’m happy you like it.”

End of Volume 3: Mistakes and Changes

This volume had more chapters than the previous two. I feel like when I reread it for editing later I'll find a lot of unnecessary stuff to trim. I hope you liked it though. As usual this isn't the end of the story. The volume end is kind of arbitrary and might be moved to a slightly later chapter on edit, but for now it felt like the right spot.

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