Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 196

-POV Citrine-

I shake my head and walk back into the waiting room. My third customer was just as boring as the previous two. It just didn’t feel as taboo as I thought it would. Sure, with the first customer it was new and a little embarrassing to be selling myself. It just never went past that to really get me turned on. I guess it should be expected that human men willing to pay for sex might not be the best in bed. Maybe if they were people I knew it would be different. I get that silly idea out of my head as soon as it pops up. Besides, I’m not even sure yet when or if I’ll visit my hometown from my last life.

I spot mom wiggling on the couch talking to Patrick. He’s the elf that enjoys serving gay men. “Citrine, how was it sweetie?” She asks and I sigh, sitting next to her and answering “It was kind of boring, but you have to call me Sunrise here remember?” She nods and says “Right, sorry sweetie. How was he boring? Didn’t he order all three things, and even paid for the creampie?” I shrug and respond “Yeah… It just wasn’t exciting and he wasn’t very skilled. I thought the idea of being a whore would make it all feel more intense, but it’s just lacking for me. Did you get any Full Moon?” My mother nods and smiles replying “I did! They were really nice and we talked a bunch before they finished.”

I smile, glad to see that mom is enjoying herself at least. She didn’t mention anything about the sex, which is pretty normal for her if it’s not good. I couldn’t help but giggle when I first heard mom’s fake name. The idea of her wiggling her bright white naked butt at people seemed really spot on. Patrick pokes himself into the conversation saying “You get used to the boring sex Sunrise, just do what I do and use it as a learning experience. These horny humans have lived a long time, and if you just talk to them more, their wisdom becomes apparent.” Mom nods her head, but I can’t help sighing. Sure, to mom and her other kids humans would seem old and wise, but I was one of them. To me they’re just horny guys trying to impress me with stuff I already know.

Mom speaks up telling us “I probably won’t be doing this very often though, it’s just not very efficient and the sex isn’t all that great. Orgies are much better, and I think the sex party in Barrier is more fun.” I can’t really argue with her there, but Patrick says “Eww, orgies are too impersonal for me. You do you though girl.” Sex here didn’t seem very intimate to me. Well people can get different things from the same activities, so I’ll try not to be judgmental. I tell mom, since she already gave her impressions “I probably won’t be coming back to do it much either. Have you seen Amber? How is she doing?”

Mom smiles wide and answers “Your sister is having a lot of fun. I haven’t talked to her much since she seems to have a queue of customers waiting for their turn. She looked happy though, so try not to say anything that would discourage her from coming back.” I really might have complained to her and soured the mood a bit, so I’m glad mom said something. If sis is having a blast and is popular, I’ll just adjust my words with her a bit so she doesn’t lose interest. She has more than one body, so I can still hang out with her even if she comes here without us.

-POV Amber- *Lewd Scene*

“That’s right, moan for me whore.” The man standing in front of my kneeling form says, sending new tingles up my spine. I let out a moan and stroke his penis more vigorously. He stiffens a bit and tells me “I want to add sex, is that okay Sunset?” I give him an annoyed look and he corrects himself “I’m going to fuck your slutty pussy now whore, I have the money.” He sounds much more sure of himself this time, and it’s not quite enough, but I’ll let it slide. Hopefully next time he’ll be much more insulting. The woman at the desk really likes when the men add more services, and I don’t mind since it’s hard to get too excited about giving blowjobs.

I slowly stand up and the man gets a flushed look before telling me “Faster slut... I want to stick it in before it’s too late.” I understand what he means and quickly rush over to the bed, bending over the side of it. Wiggling my ass like I learned from my wife, using my most pleading voice I say “My whore pussy is ready for your hot cock.” I feel his shaky hands grip my hips, and he thrusts forward, missing my slit entirely. His penis presses between my thighs and I hear him moan deeply. Feeling something warm and sticky splash my skin, I realize I probably should have lowered myself a bit more. The man is shorter than me.

I help the exhausted man sit down on the bed. He looks a bit disappointed so I rub the cum off my thighs with my hand and lick it in front of him. Seeing that he liked that, I kneel down again and place his dirtied cock in my mouth, cleaning it off as I swirl my tongue around it. It’s not a lot of points compared to some of the other men I’ve seen today, but I can’t complain since it was still fun. After making sure he’s clean with my tongue, I use my cleaning skill on him. I look up and he seems refreshed, so I stand and say “That was fun. Did you want to continue?” I don’t think he’ll be able to, but they seem to like it when I ask anyway.


He looks me up and down, but then sighs and shakes his head. So I tell him “I’ll be excited for your next visit then Steven. Don’t worry, since you didn’t actually stick it in I won’t have them charge you for it.” He pats the bed next to himself and I sit beside him, still naked. He says “I liked that a lot Sunset. You seem like a sweetheart. Are you really okay with being degraded like that or are they forcing you somehow?” He seems concerned, but he’s not the first today to ask. I answer with a smile “They couldn’t force me if they wanted to.” I start kicking my legs out and lean back continuing “I actually like the dirty talk, so when you asked if it was part of the service I was thrilled.”

Looking into his eyes I add “Next time you don’t have to hold back so much.” He chuckles and responds “That’s a relief. I tried it once before this all started and my girlfriend broke up with me and called me a pervert. I knew I liked it, but I’ve been too afraid to try again, so thank you. Do you know what days you’ll be working and what time?” It sounds like I got a repeat customer so I think about it and tell him “I’ll be here a lot I think, but I’m not sure exactly when yet. I have to talk to my wife about it.” He seems a bit surprised but coughs and asks “And she’s okay with you doing this?” I nod to reassure him, and he blushes saying “Well then, I have one more reason to come back. I’ve always had this thing for married women.” He shakes his head and says in a light tone “It really is easy to say embarrassing stuff to you. I saw the line behind me for you services though, so we can end it here today.”

He stands off the bed and offers his hand. I take it and he finishes by saying “It’s been a pleasure whore. Next time I’m going to ravage your pussy, so be prepared.” What a tease… well he leaves and I use my cleaning skills on the room and fix the bedding. Citrine was so right about this being fun. I wonder how her and mom are doing?

-POV End-

Opal’s Normal body

My beautiful wife walks into the room with a smile again. I get up and rush over, giving her a big hug. She squeezes me and I giggle before asking “So that one went well too?” She nods and responds “It was pretty good. How are you two doing?” I think about how to best respond and answer “We’re fine, but I’m not sure it’s really for us. I’ll be coming back with you sometimes since human men are pretty interesting to talk to, but it won’t be often.” Citrine adds “It just wasn’t as exciting for me as I thought it would be sis, but you should keep coming if you like it.”

Amber smiles and tells us “I’m not going to stop coming just because you two didn’t like it. So stop worrying.” I let out a relieved sigh. I really didn’t want to say something that would stop her when she’s obviously having so much fun. Citrine’s sigh of relief is much more pronounced and I hear her say “Oh good. I’m going to leave and try to meet up with the guys. I haven’t orgasmed once today.” I laugh at that, since the way she said it was pretty relatable. I haven’t climaxed here either, their skills just weren’t enough. Maybe I got unlucky with the people picking me.

Amber says “You both can go, I’ll meet you there with my other body.” She then looks at Citrine and says “Cindy just got back and started talking about spiders and zombies.” I already knew that since I have a body with them in the back yard, but Citrine’s only other body is at the meeting in Barrier. My angel daughter giggles and responds “Oh I wouldn’t hold you back from joining us then. I’m getting an earful of it in Jessica’s office.” I’ve realized that not everyone enjoys Cindy’s talking about stuff, but it’s their loss. I’ve learned so much cool stuff and the way she talks about stuff when she gets going is really passionate.

The woman from the desk comes in and says “Sunset, are you ready for your next client?” My wife answers positively and I tell the woman “Sunrise and I are done for today, but my wife wants to stick around longer.” The woman sighs but then smiles and says “I’ll give you two your credits then. Patrick, you have a blowjob in room 1. Sunset, yours will be in room 4.” I wonder why we got such cool fake names, and he got Patrick. Maybe I’ll ask next time I come. I get 7000 Credits from the woman, which doesn’t seem like much. I’m probably just used to getting a lot more from my Land though, since Citrine seems happy with hers.

I guess most people have to complete quests for Credits, so they can’t charge too much. Thinking about how much a quest usually gives, I realize maybe it is a lot. I feel a little bad now charging the men for sex, since they probably had to do a few quests just for a blowjob. Well, that’s why we came I suppose. The realization makes me feel less excited about coming again though. At least they’ll have Amber to help out more now. Patrick was telling me they don’t get a lot of customers because most women don’t stick around, and there aren’t a lot of gay human men. Apparently most of the human men that come are friends or in a group of some kind. So when one of them sees a woman working here, they inform their friends and the number of clients spike until the woman leaves.

I can understand why the women usually don’t come back. Human men just aren’t very good at sex most of the time. It could be that other race’s men naturally have higher attractiveness and larger penises with more stamina. That stuff isn’t really important when you’re fighting though, so I’m sure they don’t mind. It’s probably why they are willing to pay for services. I would have sex with them for free just to have those nice conversations, but I was told that’s not allowed at the brothel.

We part with Amber and leave the brothel. Citrine laughs as we’re walking towards the building where Marble’s friends live and says “Sis is probably going to get pretty rich if she likes it that much.” I agree with my daughter. Maybe we’ll add some more upgrades soon. I’m not sure what else she can spend money on since uniforms are so cheap.

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