Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 195

-POV Amber-

I give my beautiful wife a kiss and she skips off towards our house. She’s cute when she does that, but I wonder where she learned it. “Hey lovebird, snap out of it. We should get there quick so we can set stuff up for mom too.” My angelic sister says behind me, tapping my shoulder. I look away from the retreating form of Opal and respond “What’s a lovebird? Are you hitting on me right now sis?” I raise my eyebrow, uncertain how I should take the word. She laughs and holds up her hands answering “No no, but if you want me to I can.” She winks at me and I roll my eyes so she continues. “Lovebird is a human term. I was teasing you for being so love-struck over mom.”

It’s not a bad term as far as the words she comes up with go. I nod in approval and say “Alright, let’s see what this place has for us.” I ignore her obvious flirt. I got used to it with Ruby, and even though I much prefer advances from Citrine, I can still tell a tease when I hear it. The past week has been great with sis, but I can’t give her too many advantages. It’s more fun to be on equal footing. Her tattoos and piercings still excite me, but she’s wearing clothes and most of it is covered. That reminds me, I still have to see if mom would be willing to wear some for me. She’ll put them on if I just ask, but my wife would do anything for me so it seems unfair to just ask. What if she doesn’t like them, but keeps them on just because I like them?

I shake my head, giving up on the idea of asking again. Bringing up a different topic to clear my head I ask “So we’ll be getting paid for sex right? What’s the catch?” Citrine blushes and responds “Well..” She then leans closer, whispering “When I was a human, being a prostitute or whore was taboo.” She then pulls back and continues in a normal voice “Think of it like how Sapphire likes to have rough sex with monsters. Most people will try to avoid it, but it has a certain allure. If we don’t like it we’ll just not do it.” I can understand that so I say “Like I don’t do that stuff with sis often because it’s gross, but sometimes it just feels good.” She nods, confirming I have it right.

I don’t think I’ll get the same thrill from it that Citrine will. She used to be a human, but I never was. I remember when she told me. It was a little interesting, and I can understand why she doesn’t tell people. Maybe having genetic memories keeps me from finding it strange. Well, it still feels nice that she trusts me enough to talk about it. I’ve had a bit of a hard time really bonding with my sisters, so all this time with Citrine has been great. The conversations just flow, and I don’t have to worry about her hurting Opal.

That’s a big deal for me, and probably why I can’t really let loose with my other sisters. They wouldn’t try to hurt mom, but they’re all selfish in their own ways. Ruby, Sapphire, and Onyx all have something or someone they’re more interested in than mom. My other siblings were never as close to her, so there probably isn’t much they could accidentally do. Well, Citrine had a little issue with our brother, but she wasn’t in control of herself. I can’t blame her for that. The fact that we both went through similar experiences just makes it easier.

We end up passing the place. I’m the first to notice, but I think we were both just too distracted. “Haha, sorry sis. I guess the spiders just gave me a lot to think about.” She says and I wave it off telling her “It’s alright, I was just as out of it. Let’s go inside and loosen up a bit.” She holds my hand and we walk up to the building. It looks pretty normal, but I guess they haven’t had time to do anything fancy yet. The guys said they opened less than a week ago. There is a sign above the door with a vague silhouette. I think it’s supposed to be a naked elf woman. I hope they’re okay with cows and angels too.

When we enter the double doors, there’s a small lobby with a sweet smell. I spot a woman behind a desk on the far wall and walk up to her since it looks like sis is too embarrassed. “Welcome to The Naked Elf. How can I help you two?” The woman asks, seeming a bit curious. I can understand that, since the guys told us their customers are usually human men. I smile and answer “We want to try out being whores.” She shows a big smile back and says “That’s great! We’ve had a few volunteers show up, but no one really sticks around after their first night. I tried it, but I prefer being the greeter. Come with me and I’ll explain how everything works.”

Sis and I follow her through one of the doors next to her desk. She starts explaining “So we were actually started by a human woman. She wanted a way to make Credits and apparently did this kind of thing in her old life before the system. She’s not here tonight, but if you come back tomorrow you can talk to her.” The woman then motions for us to enter another room. This one has an elf man sleeping on a couch. She continues “That’s Patrick, he gets a lot of requests so he naps on the couch a lot. This is the room where you’ll wait for customers. We usually have snacks, but it looks like he ate them all.”

She points to an empty plate with crumbs on it and I say “We aren’t hungry yet. You know, spider guts all day.” She nods with understanding and replies “That’s a feeling I know. Got goblin brains in my mouth yesterday and everything still tastes weird.” Goblin brains are notoriously gross, and with such weak skulls a lot of people share that experience. “Anyways, we don’t really have a good system yet. I’ll come here and tell you which room to go to. I’ll also say which services the client paid for. Right now we don’t offer anything extreme, but if you have stuff you don’t want to do let me know.” She then taps her chin and adds “If you have anything unique or extreme you want to offer we can make an exception, but we won’t take responsibility if you don’t end up liking it. So be careful.”

I’m not going to try anything crazy right now. It’s better to play it safe the first time. I ask “What are your normal services?” She replies “Mouth service, usually ends up being a blowjob. Sex service, usually ends up with simple dick in pussy stuff. Anal service, usually ends up with a dick in your butt. That’s the service Patrick usually ends up giving.” Her explanations sound pretty monotone, like she’s said them a lot and it’s gotten boring. “The owner plans on adding more stuff, but we just don’t have the employees or volunteers yet. She says other stuff can get dangerous and we’ll need guards and stuff to keep clients from going too far. I don’t think there are enough humans in town right now to do all that, but I could be wrong.”

She touches her chin for a minute and then says “Oh right, you’ll get 70% of the credits paid for your service. If the client asks for more in the room, just tell us after and we’ll ask them to pay the extra. We’ll pay you everything when you decide to leave.” Everything seems pretty simple. We wait here for someone who picks us and we go to their room and do what they paid for. Then we leave and get paid. I’m not sure it will be as exciting as Citrine thinks. I ask “How will they know who to pick if we’re waiting here?” She smiles and responds “Oh, I forgot. I have a skill that can show people images of stuff I’ve seen. If you want to do a special pose, I can show them that. Otherwise I’ll just show them a decent moment from when I was explaining just now.”

I don’t think I want to pose this time, and Citrine is being shy. I tell the woman “I think you can just pick something. My name is Amber and this is my sister Citrine, we’ll be happy to work with you tonight.” She shakes her head though and says “The owner says we have to use fake names for the guests. Are you two okay being Sunrise and Sunset? You are sisters right?” I guess that makes sense. Sis has golden hair like the rising sun, and my hair is orange like a sunset. I kind of like it, but I say “We have someone else that should be coming soon. She might need more terms explained, but she wants to do what we’re doing. I guess we’ll probably be in this room though, and can help her out.”

The woman’s eyes seems to sparkle and she asks “Three in one night? Is she another sister?” I answer “She’s my wife.” The woman giggles and replies “You sound awfully proud. She must be quite the woman. Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to explain things carefully to her if you’re working when she gets here.” I thank the woman and she explains a few more minor things before leaving the room. I turn to Citrine and tease her saying “You’re suddenly so shy. Are you sure you can manage with such red cheeks?” She sticks her tongue out at me and answers “It’s embarrassing okay. If any of my old friends heard I was doing this they wouldn’t believe it.” I nod and tell her “I wouldn’t have believed it a few weeks ago sis. Just try to have fun, but if you don’t, let me know and we can leave.”

The woman from before suddenly comes into the room and says “Hey, we just had a client come in and he wants Sunset for Sex service. He didn’t pay the extra for a creampie, so either don’t let him finish inside or tell us if he does so we can charge him for it. Room 3.” I wasn’t expecting something so soon, so I’m a little taken aback. I ask “What’s a creampie?” I realize before she answers that it probably means cumming inside me. It was kind of in what she already said, but she kindly answers the question and I was right in my assumption. I guess I’ll have to lick it up after if I want the free points then.

She points to the door opposite the one she came in and says “Just head out that way and look for the door with the 3 on it.” I nod and give my sister a hug. She wishes me luck and I use my cleaning skill on myself again to freshen up a bit. I don’t want to make a bad impression on the first client tonight, even if I expect it to be boring. Once I’m in the other hall, it doesn’t seem to be to lead out anywhere. It seems like a strange way to do things, but I guess there’s a separate entrance to each room for whores and clients.

I push open the door and walk into the poorly lit room. I can see a few candle lamps but they are covered by pink cloth, giving the room a weird atmosphere. Sitting on the bed, nervously moving his hands, sits a young human man. I don’t think he noticed me enter, so I call out in my sweetest voice. “Hello there, I’m Sunset.” He looks up with surprised eyes, which only seem to get wider the longer he stares at me. “You’re really a cowgirl…” he manages to stutter out. I answer with a smile “The race is just named Cow, but yes. You ordered sex service?” He visibly gulps, and his nervousness is kind of cute, but I can already tell he’s not my type. I bet Onyx would have a fun time with him.

He nods and I start undressing as he stares. It’s nice that he seems to be focusing so much on my breasts. I kept them this size because of all the positive attention they get, especially from my wife, who likes moving them around while we talk. He stammers “C-could we talk a bit first? I’ve never… paid for sex and I’m a little nervous.” I don’t get to talk to human men normally, so it sounds like a good idea to me. I sit next to the nervous man as he can’t seem to decide if he want’s to stare at my naked body or look away.

I suddenly get the urge to breastfeed him like I would one of my babies, but I ignore it and smile at him instead. Should I ask him some questions about being human? It might loosen him up a bit, and I am curious about a few things.

-POV End-

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