Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 194

I help clean up the spider bodies strewn everywhere near and on the wall. Cindy and the other necromancer class people will want them. At least I think they will. A lot of the bodies are too destroyed to be useful, and one of Cindy’s necromancer students is in charge of sorting them, since my friend doesn’t have a body here right now. She’s probably doing the same thing at Ruby’s Rest and Barrier.

There were a lot less of the spiders attacking Opal’s Home than I was expecting. Sapphire tells me it’s because they had to pass by Central first, and they have a lot of those tree classes. Apparently their skills have some stuff that’s kind of like the traps I see in dungeons, just using trees and other plants instead. I can’t remember what the base class is called, but I’ll probably never get it. Trees and I don’t get along very well usually. The spiders seem to be dealt with now though, and that’s the important part.

Pearl’s egg started hatching while we were still fighting between here and Barrier, so her and Marble returned early. They weren’t doing a ton of damage to the spiders, and we weren’t in any trouble, so it didn’t cause any issues. Their baby came out as another Wyvern like my daughter. They named him Nodhur, something that Pearl was insistent about. He was white like his mother, but had a few scales on his head and back that were black like his father’s hair. I didn’t get to hang around much after they named him, since my body that stayed to watch the egg would be more useful fighting off the spiders.

My bunny body already returned to Barrier, but they were done fighting the spiders there. I already knew it would be like that, since Citrine had informed me earlier. Luckily I didn’t get asked to clean up over there, and I’m instead spending time with Snow. Pops has been extra protective of his wife since the doppel thing pretended to be their son. He asked me to check up on her, and I just didn’t go back to the wall afterwards since I knew they’d ask me to help with the gross spider parts. My bodies at Opal’s Home have to do it, so I’d like to just relax and chat with my daughter using my bunny body.

Back at the cleanup of Opal’s Home, I feel a tingle and get a kiss on the cheek from Amber. “Hey wife, since this is almost done, Citrine and I were planning on going to a new sex place that opened up. My friends told me about it and it sounded interesting. Did you want to come along?” We already talked about waiting for tomorrow to plan for getting my hound body out of the boss spider. Everyone needs to relax after so much constant fighting with gross spiders. I answer “Sure sweetie, once we’re done here.”

Sex can be good for relaxing if you do it right, and I’m interested in what she meant by sex place. Is it like the one we went to in Barrier hosted by my son? Well, I guess I’ll find out. I give my wife a kiss on the lips, both of us free of spider guts for now, so I have to take the opportunity. The cleaning isn’t quite done yet, so I expect more to get on me soon. Spider guts have surprising methods of getting everywhere you don’t want them to be. Maybe the spiders have a revenge skill that makes their guts more annoying after death.

There’s a knock on the door of Snow’s house, and she yells “Come in!” Since I’m here, she doesn’t have to worry about locking the door. She used to leave it unlocked all the time, but her husband convinced her to be more cautious. I wouldn’t think there would be issues from anything in Barrier, except if the dops come back. Then they’d just look like someone she knows anyway, but I’ve been wrong about a lot of stuff, and it’s not my house or relationship.

I hear the door open and then Citrine walks around the corner. “Hey mom, I figured you’d still be here.” She says with a smile before continuing “Jessica is calling a meeting about what we learned in Woodville. You’ll have to come to this one.” I nod and stand up from the couch responding “Okay sweetie.” Turning to Snow, who’s also standing now, I give her a hug and say “Sorry, I have to go. Oh before I forget to ask again, do you two have orgies anymore?” I realized I haven’t been invited to any by them since they moved to Barrier, but they were a lot of fun before. So I kind of want to do it at their place again. My hound daughter shakes her head and replies “No, he’s been too busy with all the Guard stuff.”

She looks a little down so I ask “Well if you want you can come with us to the one we found here. Pops being busy all the time must be hard.” I know she really likes spending time with her husband, so maybe getting out of the house for some fun might help alleviate her boredom or loneliness. She smiles but shakes her head again, answering “No thanks mom. We only do sexual stuff with each other present. I’ll let Derrick know that you’re interested though. Maybe it will finally convince him to take some time off. I have been missing the big gatherings.”

She looks a bit happier now, so I wish her luck and say goodbye. After Citrine and I are outside, I hear the door lock. My angel daughter says as we start walking “You should try and convince Pops too. Sis looked a bit lonely, and she doesn’t seem to get out much.” That’s probably a good idea. Snow told me that she was confronted by another hound woman while shopping a while ago. Apparently they could smell that she was an undead race, and they were kind of mean about it. Snow hasn’t been going out as much since then. Maybe I should find a way to help her get out more again too. I didn’t realize until now that it might be why she has seemed less excited lately.

I feel a bit upset at myself for not noticing it sooner. Maybe being around dirt so much has rubbed some of it’s dumbness onto me. Well, I can start cleaning myself more just in case. I’ll have to make up for being a dumb mom to Snow and work on paying attention to how my kids feel more. Since they aren’t frogmen I can usually tell. I thank Citrine for her suggestion. I would ask her for advice, but Snow made it clear she didn’t want others to know what happened with the woman.

Citrine explains the sex place as we walk to Jessica’s office. “It’s kind of like a brothel… Oh right, a brothel is a place where people can go to pay for sex. In this case, we would be the ones getting paid. It sounded kind of naughty, so I think it could be fun.” Having sex and getting paid for it? That sounds kind of weird, and I ask “Why would someone pay for sex?” It’s pretty easy to just go around and ask until someone says yes, and if that doesn’t work, family is usually willing to help. Is it because of the naughty feeling that Citrine mentioned? Probably.

She answers “Well, from what they told us, it’s mostly humans paying for it. You have to remember that they aren’t always as open about sex as the family mom. The guys told us one of them went there, but they seemed to be low on women workers. He was fine purchasing the services of another man, but they asked him if he knew anyone who would be interested and he thought of us.” I think about it. It could be fun to see how many people are willing to pay Credits to have sex with me. I don’t think it will be worth the time spent if I wasn’t also getting free points. I don’t really have a lack of credits.

It’s nice to hear how well her and Amber are getting along with Marble’s friends. I still call them my son’s friends, but my daughters might spend more time with them now. I agree that it could be fun, and she adds “If we don’t like it we don’t have to do it again. Something about it just has me excited. You know, being an actual whore for a night.” I see her blush and then clear her throat. I tell her “Hopefully it’s fun. You and Amber don’t get a lot of Credits other places. Do you know how much they usually pay?” My daughter pauses and answers “I didn’t ask, but we wouldn’t be doing it for the money anyway. Being a whore for fun and actually needing the money are completely different things.”

Hmm, so kind of like the difference between smashing spiders for fun and smashing them because if I don’t my family might get hurt. I nod, showing that I think I know what she means. It’s better to be a whore for fun. I wonder if doing it because you have to is as stressful as protecting your family from spiders?

We soon arrive at the office and are let in by the door guard. “Miss Opal and Citrine.” He says, giving me a bow. I panic a bit, having forgotten his name, but Citrine saves me by responding “Mr. Brad. You don’t have to bow you know.” He shakes his head though and tells us “I do, the boss lady said we have to be more professional now.” He then leans closer and whispers “I think it’s because of the human city. If I have to bow to human diplomats, then I’m going to bow to Miss Opal.” I think it’s a compliment, so I do a little wiggle and thank him before we continue into the building. The bow looks a bit weird, and I’m not used to it, but the sentiment behind it is nice. I am pretty awesome.

Citrine says right before we get to the door of the meeting room “Ugh, I better not have to start curtsying and wearing ballgowns… Well the ballgown doesn’t sound too bad as long as I’m not fighting.” I don’t know what either of those things are, but she opens the door before I can ask. Jessica greets us “Mom, sis. Come in and sit down. Cindy was just briefing us on your trip.” I think she means Citrine’s trip since I didn’t go. Maybe I can go next time. After I sit down, Cindy starts talking.

About an hour later

Jessica interrupts Cindy, saying “As fascinating as your speculations on female breeder monsters are, we should focus on the diplomatic situation for this meeting.” It really was interesting hearing about all the stuff she found out from the Players in Woodville. I kind of thought that all breeders were male, since that’s all I had run into. It does sound just as bad for men that get captured by the female ones. Although the death rates do seem to be higher, so it could be worse. I shake my head, remembering that it’s rude to compare such things.

“Now let’s start off with the current situation with the slaver cities surrounding it. Pops, what are your thoughts?” Jessica asks, and Pops strokes his beard before answering “Based on what we saw with the spider waves, I think we have more than enough 7th tiers to take out their leadership without causing too many civilian… sorry, non-combat casualties.” I hear another word I was unfamiliar with, but since he was nice enough to explain, I’m not anymore. So civilians are people that don’t fight? There are some of those in my Citadel too.

Not having to kill the people that don’t want to fight us will be good. I felt a little sad after a bunch of them died when we were taking Canton. I didn’t know that it was what was making me sad until Citrine explained it to me. So it’s best to try and not do that this time. Since from what Cindy explained, they don’t have any 7th tiers, it should be easier. They even have less 6th tiers than we have 7th, so I really don’t think dealing with them will be difficult. I’ll of course be going with a few of my bodies. Cindy suggests I use my Lofty body at least, since it could be more useful for actually getting past the gate or walls.

I’m not sure how much more helpful it will be, since I can’t jump as high with it, and it’s only a little over twice as tall as my other bodies. I tell her that and she says “But you’ll be able to throw everyone else over the walls much easier.” Oh that is true. I’d think she just wanted to get tossed, like my daughters, but she won’t be coming with us to attack. Well, everyone else thinks it’s a good idea, so I nod and agree.

Back at Opal’s Home, Amber says “Use one of your bodies with a race wife. That way you don’t have to worry about getting pregnant with human babies.” I look down at my normal body that I was about to go with, and respond “I don’t think my Bunny body will make it here on time, and my Hellbitch body is in the spider.” Citrine says “Well you can’t exactly bring your Eidolon bodies… Oh! Do you still have that lingerie that you got from Snag?” I keep forgetting about it, but I do, so I smile and agree to go pick it up. They give me directions to the sex place, and I tell them I’ll meet them there.

I’m kind of excited to see if being a whore is as fun as my daughters are hoping.

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