
Many figures gathered within a massive hall after a general meeting had been called.

The Darkblood Academy wasn't known for its number of students in the first place, and now that many had left, only a few remained. The first-year students, Arlo's group included, barely numbered ten, while there were only seven second-year students, five third-year students, and three fourth-year students. All together, the students numbered twenty-five.

At the podium of the great hall stood many elderly figures. All the first, second, third, and fourth-year teachers were present except a minority like Evangeline. They were the strongest force of the Darkblood Academy as Headmaster Holden and the more powerful figures had left since yesterday.

There were four Principals, and twelve teachers present at the moment.

An old man with an air of tranquility around him walked to the front of the podium, before looking at the remaining students present.

Seeing the angry looks on their faces, and the crazy light flashing in their eyes, the old man who was the principal of the fourth years couldn't help but shake his head ruefully.

With his years of experience, how could he not notice the feeling of fear the students were trying to mask with all their might? If it wasn't for the report they heard, and their quick response in stopping the remaining students from leaving any further, it wasn't clear how many of these students would be present. It wasn't known how many of them would have already died.

The Old man released a silent sigh before his calm voice resounded within the quiet hall.

"You have all been called today to receive a very important instruction. I'm sure rumors must have spread, but for those of you who are still oblivious to what is happening outside, let me quickly explain the situation."

Looking at the students who were still looking at him silently, the old man gathered his thoughts as he chose his words carefully so as not to spread panic.

"The outside is in pure chaos."

But in the end, he could only come out with the truth. There was just no way for him to sugarcoat his words.

"Millions have died, millions are dying right at this moment I am talking to you, and millions will still die."

Finally, the students couldn't hold back their fear. The faces of the students from the first year to the fourth year turned pale. Many of them had been living in a world of peace, and suddenly thrown into war sent the great majority of them into panic.

"Relax..." The Old Principal's voice sounded more gentle like a parent trying to sooth a child. It had a great effect as many of the students relaxed visibly, and the panic that was about to erupt died down before it could even spread.

However, whether the students were truly calm like they portrayed, nobody knew.

"Nobody will be allowed to leave." his soothing voice suddenly turned authoritative, with a trace of threat hidden within, "You shall all remain within this hall where we can protect you. Fret not, we have a strong and reliable elder protecting the teleportation formation on the outside. Not..."

A student suddenly raised his hand causing the Principal to come to a stop. Seeing the child who interrupted him, the old principal couldn't stop a frown from appearing on his face.

"What is it? Can't you see I am still talking?"

"I-I am sorry..." Joe gathered his courage, before he spoke with an anxious look on his face, "I need to leave. My sister is in danger and I..."

"No!" The principal's impassive voice cut his words short.

"B-but I am not a vampire." The tears Joe had been trying to hold back because of his promise within the secret realm finally fell like a waterfall. "Please, let me go. My sister is the only family I have left." Joe's voice trembled, as he spoke in between his sobs, with a pleading look on his face.

"Y-you do not need to worry about me. I will leave by myself and not endanger any of you. Just please let me go!"


A resounding slap suddenly echoed within the hall. Nobody saw how the old principal moved but what they did see was how young Joe was sent flying to the back of the hall, before colliding with the wall.

Joe slid down, as a scorching red imprint of a palm appeared on his face. He looked blankly to the front where the Old principal glared at him with threatening eyes. Noticing the way the other students gazed at him with fierce looks as if they wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood, Joe's young mind finally registered the situation he was in.

The vampires were angry. Very angry!

However, their fear surpassed their anger which was why those present were not running loose. He was of Royal blood, and as a noble, he had learned about the past of the Lunar World.

The vampires had once attacked the humans about a decade ago in a wild frenzy almost sending the entire race into extinction.

Now that they were afraid of the Corrupted and angry with the magical beasts, it could only be called a miracle that he was still alive in their midst.

But he knew the reason why they didn' they had not attacked him.

"Hey!" A girl's angry voice shook the air. Arianne's ruby eyes glowed as she glared at the old principal, "How dare you attack him?"

She seemed like she would strike him any moment if he didn't give her a satisfying answer.

The fierce look on the principal face disappeared when he turned to her as if a lie. He merely looked at her and didn't seem to have any intention of answering.

Just when Arianne wanted to explode in anger, a familiar hand fell on her shoulder and gripped her firmly.

Her elder brother, Stefan silently shook his head.

After Argon had told them about what was happening outside, Stefan and Arianne had rushed to the teleportation formation, anxious to see their parents. However, they were stopped, and no matter how or what they said, they weren't allowed passage. Knowing this, Arianne gritted her teeth as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

Joe who had risen finally realized something.

Arlo had his head lowered. and his shoulders were drooped. It seemed as if a great weight was placed on him. And Joe had a tinkling of the reason why.

'He is feeling guilty...' If Arlo had not exposed Emperor Razor, none of these would be happening now.

Shifting his attention to the person beside Arlo, Joe saw the usually quiet Ella shedding silent tears.

'She must be terrified about her mother's wellbeing yet she can't even be with her people ...'

He noticed Stefan's free hand trembling ever slightly. He was the sole prince of the vampires. Not only were his grandmother and parents in danger, but even his people were dying, yet he could do nothing about it.

Even old Khan appeared crestfallen.

It was then he noticed it...while the great majority of the vampires were glaring at him dangerously, a few had anguished looks on their faces. They also had parents. They also had people they loved and cared for.

Realizing this, young Joe grabbed his heart. Despite his anxiousness, despite his fear, despite his impatience, despite his anguish...

He wiped the tears off his face and silently returned to his group.


The metallic smell of blood permeated the great hall. The hall was simply too large and with only a few present, it appeared empty.

A gloomy feeling hung in the silent hall. The students sat in groups, with none in the mood to talk.

To calm the students down, the principals and teachers had decided to bring out all their reserves of food which they normally handled sparingly.

The students drank from the blood bags given to them without any restraint. It seemed letting loose on the blood bags was their way of venting their emotions.

It was already evening and the sun was already setting. It wasn't clear whether it was because of the tension or something else, but today, time seemed to slowly pass.

Arlo, Joe, Ella, and Khan sat with Stefan and Arianne. Argon and Roy also remained with the group. Stefan and Arianne refused the blood bags handed to them, but Argon dined on them with no reservations.

If it was a normal time, outsiders like Arlo, Joe, Ella, and Khan would have been terror-stricken or disgusted by the sight of several vampires feasting on blood, however, none of them seemed to care as they were each in their world.

It was then...

...that the students and every figure within the hall felt the burst of repulsive evil energy that erupted within the minor world.

The demons had invaded.


AN: We finally reached the 200th chapter, hurray! Thanks to all those who have been following the novel so far.

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