Early morning.

Arlo and Joe in the company of their summons quickly walked across the empty streets as they made their way towards the boy's dormitory. Stefan had agreed to recoup with them there yesterday, but lost in their training, they forgot the passage of time.

Detailedly, Joe passed out after only an hour of training. It seemed that transforming was still a great burden for him to bear. Arlo on the other hand trained with Roy until he became completely exhausted. Despite being young, he was already a warrior with a physical body that could match a superhuman, so he didn't easily get tired. But after a very long day, and several hours of training, he finally collapsed to the ground. He was grateful Roy was able to last long with him during training, despite being clear that he had reached his limit long ago. With his help, Arlo was able to acclimate to the increase in his physical strength and sync with his new abilities.

With no energy to even lift their fingers, the duo also slept in the training center. It seemed they slept for long, as the sun completely hung in the sky, illuminating the world in its scorching light.

"I have not seen anybody..." Joe commented as they walked along the roads.

"Hmm." Arlo silently nodded. The academy seemed more deserted than usual, and Arlo had a feeling why it was so.

'It must be because of Scarlett's disappearance.'

Yesterday night, he could feel the auras of several people, weak and strong, disappearing from the minor world. Which was why he had decided to train quietly within the training center. He didn't wish to antagonize the antsy vampires.

After a few minutes of walking, Arlo and Joe finally arrived at their dormitory.


But what they saw made their eyes widen. There were more figures than they expected waiting for them. Stefan, Arianne, Ella, and two figures who he recognized.

The first was the first vampire he met after entering the minor world, Argon. He was a fourth-year student who had been in charge of guarding the teleportation formation connecting to the outside world at that time and seemed to be on good terms with Stefan.

And the last person was actually what surprised Arlo the most, as the aura around him was different from a vampire's.

'Khan?' The first human he had met in the Lunar World was also with them. He was the representative of the human faction and worked as the blacksmith of the Darkblood Academy. He wondered what he was doing at his dormitory, but before he could voice his confusion, Stefan's cold voice drifted into his ears.

"Who is this?" He didn't know whether it was because of what he did yesterday, or Scarlett's unknown situation, but Stefan's voice sounded more cold than usual.

But after seeing his unusually deep-red eyes which Arianne and even Argon shared, Arlo realized it must be the second option.

"This is Roy. He is the second-year student I rescued yesterday." Arlo introduced. Roy had decided to tag along with him, and he didn't find any reason to refuse. Despite having seen him yesterday, Stefan must have found him insignificant to have already forgotten about him. His thoughts were proven in the next moment.

"I see...We need to talk, and it's very urgent."

Arlo could tell from the anxious expression on Khan's face and the cold and ashen looks on Stefan, Arianne, and even Ella's face that something bad must have happened.

"What is going on?"

Instead of answering immediately, Stefan pointed at Argon.

"This is Argon, a fourth-year student."

Arlo nodded at him in silent greeting as Stefan continued.

"He was among the many who left yesterday after that incident." Hearing this, Arlo's eyes widened. Of course, he knew what Stefan meant by 'that' incident. But before his mind could even wander for a moment, Stefan coldly continued, "...and the reports he brings are all bad."

"W-What is going on?"

Instead of answering, Stefan stared at Argon, his intention clear.

A look of displeasure appeared on Argon's face. He didn't know why Stefan was making him recount all that he had already informed them to a mere human when they were supposed to be working with time. Of course, he knew how strong Arlo was, but what could he do in the grand scheme of things? Still, he swallowed his annoyance and did as Stefan wanted.

"Yesterday evening, after our connection with our liege was cut off, many vampires left to where they last felt her aura which was the central continent. The Nine protectors, Lady Evangeline, and a few teachers left the minor world while outside, some of the counts and even the majesty her queen had also rushed to the central continent in a hurry... specifically to the capital city of the magical beasts. But..." Argon's annoyed expression slowly turned grave, "...who would have thought that the Capital city would have already been overrun by corrupted?"

Arlo's eyes widened, "W-What do you mean?"

Joe on the other hand had a more intense reaction. His face turned paper-white pale while his hands trembled greatly.

Undisturbed, Argon continued:

"The main leaders of the four great beast family were defeated and corrupted, and so were their elders. Many beasts died from the result of their terrifying clash, and the famed capital city turned into a ruined city."

Argon took a breath before he continued in a serious voice:

"When the vampires and also the werewolves arrived, it was already too late. No matter who or what they asked, the corrupted didn't even open their mouths. In their anger, they started killing the corrupted that filled the city undescrimately. It wasn't a difficult feat as there were far more strong people on our side. The Queen, the protectors, Lady Evangeline, a few Counts, and also the werewolves. It was quite a rare sight to see the vampires and werewolves working together. However, what they didn't know was that..." Reaching this point, not only did Argon's face turn pale, but even Stefan, Arianne, Ella, and even Khan did.

"While the vampire and werewolves went to investigate what happened to our leaders, the corrupted would make use of that opportunity to appear in our backyard? That it was a trap?"

Arlo's mind went blank for a moment, and just as the realization of the words that Aragon said started settling in, the latter continued:

"An abomination appeared within the northern and southern continents each. Summoning an army of millions comprised of undead skeletons, undead Knights, undead mages, undead Archers, and many more, they ran amock and unrestrained as they killed tens of thousands in but a short moment."

Arlo could feel his heart thumping louder and faster as the gravity of the situation registered within his mind. He had a foreboding that...

"The King together with the remaining Counts tried to hold the abomination back until the forces that left returned, but I don't know..." A look of fear appeared on Argon's face.

"Before I was sent back, they were failing badly at restraining that monstrous titan. Not even the King who is as strong if not stronger than the protectors, together with the help of several Counts were able to hold it back. The situation outside is pure chaos. Many vampire cities have already been destroyed, and the magical beasts and werewolves are also experiencing similar situations. I was told to come back to the Minor World with an order that the prince and princess together with every student who hasn't left must remain here where it is safe."

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