"Good evening everybody." A loud voice rang across the minor world. "How are you all doing?"

The voice paused for a moment before it continued, "Tsk tsk. Is this how you treat your guests? Not to worry, I Cassian, am not one to keep a grudge... hahaha!"

The tall red-haired Cassian with matching eyebrows laughed boisterously with an amicable voice. If it weren't for the waves of evil energy that erupted from him, one would have thought he was a friendly neighbor living next door.

Even as he laughed, more figures appeared within the minor world before spreading out. Soon their numbers reached a thousand but in less than thirty breaths the number changed to several thousand. After about twenty thousand Corrupted appeared, nobody else emerged. Someone approached the still-laughing Cassian before saying in a low voice:

"Leader, what should we do?"

Cassian's laughter stopped as if a lie, as he glared at the man who had interrupted him. The man shivered under his gaze, and if eyes could shoot fire, he would have already been burnt into ashes by now.

If it wasn't because the fool was an elder from his family, Cassian would have killed him on the spot. Reining his anger, he pulled out a small bottle. Within the bottle was a small amount of blood releasing wisps of evil energy.

They were tasked with three missions, in order of importance.

The first was to find a golden-haired boy and bring him back to Emperor Razor alive. Even though he didn't understand why Emperor Razor was attaching such importance to a small child, Cassian who was now a Demon Lord, had an obligation to fulfill his orders. Thankfully, it shouldn't be hard to find a human among the group of vampires.

His Second mission was to kill the prince and princess of the vampires. To him, this mission was far more important than the first.

The last was to kill all the younger generations of the vampires in the academy. By so doing, they would cripple the vampires even if their plans were to fail.

Cassian didn't think he would fail any of his missions, after all, he was with a big army of twenty thousand corrupted, among which more than 60% were Red-core mages or above. Not to mention that he was here, and there was someone else as strong as him present. If it wasn't for the old man who was guarding the teleportation formation who had reduced their numbers by almost five thousand, Cassian would have been 200% sure of his success.

After thinking about it, Cassian decided to hand the bottle to the elder beside him.

"Here, take this. According to Razor, this blood should lead you to that human."

The Elder hesitated but after remembering the orders they had received, he gritted his teeth and spoke carefully, "My Lord, what about you?"

"Me? I am going to play a game with our hosts." Saying so, he looked in several directions where the aura of powerful figures erupted before moving towards him.

"Go, take about five thousand men with you. That should be enough for just one human, right?" asked Cassian as he looked at his elder from the side of his eye.

The Elder wanted to complain that it was overkill, but after remembering the importance of his mission, he nodded and spoke with confidence:

"It is more than enough!"

"Good." Cassian nodded, satisfied.

As the Elder together with more than five thousand of the army left, the other fifteen thousand stood behind Cassian who grinned in the direction of his approaching enemies.

'This should be fun.'

Gathering his mana to boost his voice, Cassian's words reached every rook and crony of the minor world.

"Bring the human to me, and we will retreat." It was just one sentence, but the impact it had could be felt, as even the approaching powerful figures stopped for a moment before they continued.

Cassian grinned evilly at the sight.

Even though he looked like one who would act before he thought, the truth was that he was quite a cautious man. If not, he wouldn't be the elder of an Ancient beast family.

About ten seconds after his shout, many figures arrived before him.

The four principals among which were Principal Stanley, the teachers, and instructors among which were Teacher Julian, Moose, and even the cloaked Grim, arrived before the terrifying army.

Looking at his hosts, Cassian spread his arms out as his eyebrows burst into deep red flames.

"Welcome! I have been waiting for you."


Less than a minute after Cassian appeared with his armies, the silent hall within the central regions finally erupted in chaos.

The fear the students had been suppressing finally burst out, and as the students cried and shouted at the same time, the panic seemed to spread even to the authorities.

The Old principal seeing this shouted in a loud voice:


Despite feeling terrified, the students still shut their mouths after being covered by the principal's horrifying aura.

Looking at the terrified students, the principal didn't waste time and went straight to the point:

"The students shall move towards the teleportation formation in the west and escape the minor world."

"Sorry Principal..." Teacher Julian suddenly interjected.

"... Yes?"

"Rather than moving together, would it not be better if the children split into groups and escaped in different directions? That way, their chances of survival will be higher."

"Hmm..." The Principal pondered about it for a moment, but he didn't need to think for long to see reason in what was suggested.

"Then we shall do as you said. Since there are three fourth-year students present, split into three groups with them at the helm. The enemies came through the teleportation formation in the east, but we still have three more formations in the north, south, and west. Each group shall move towards the formations. Divide yourself as quickly as possible while I and your teachers try to buy you time."

After saying that, the old principal led the other principals and teachers and left. They knew they were time-pressed, so they had to move quickly, if not the other party would start their search. Besides they had to move together to try and hold tback he entire army. This way their students would have time to escape.

So as not to reveal their location, the principals and teachers restrained their auras as much as possible before separating from each other.

After moving a considerable distance from the hall the students were in, they charged towards the enemies from different directions.

Back at the hall...

Stefan, Argon, and a girl stood in front of the other students.

"Ella and Khan are with me..." Stefan said, to which no one argued. He had been tasked to watch over them by Lady Evangeline after all.

"Arianne, Arlo, and Joe are with me too." No one opposed his choice again. Arianne was his sister, so it was only normal that she moved with him. As for the human and beast, honestly, nobody wanted to have them in their group.

With that, Stefan had a total of six people in his group, himself included.

The others also worked fast to choose who would be in their group. They had to take full advantage of the time their teachers were buying for them.

Since there were 22 students present, the fourth-year students were excluded, the group had to choose seven students each, with one group having one more.

"Hey, you come here!" Argon called to Roy. He was among the few familiar faces he knew among the students remaining.

However, Roy ignored his call and instead approached Stefan.

"Can I follow you?"

"Sure." Stefan didn't mind. As the strongest among the fourth years, he still had three more students to pick. With Roy on board, he had to choose two more.

He opted to choose from the third-year students as his group was filled with majorly first-years. But before he could voice his thoughts, Arlo beat him to it.

"Bon, Judi, you should join our group too..."

Arlo had already seen Tibu's kids among the first years remaining. It seemed they were late to leave before the order. It was just that he wasn't in the mood to talk which was why he hadn't approached them.

Stefan frowned when Arlo decided for him, a look of displeasure making its way to his face.

Turning to Arlo, his eyes shone with a ruby glow as his mouth parted to make way for his voice. But once again, before he could speak his mind, somebody else beat him to it. And that somebody wasn't in the hall. A deep and powerful voice drifted into the ears of every student present.

"Bring the human to me, and we will retreat."

The deep voice only said one sentence, but it was enough to cause all the heads in the hall to turn towards one person.



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