Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 405: A prank

Harvest, that was the only word that can describe what Yunan was going through at the moment, he had fought for more than 3 days, killed around 200 gods and was slowly killing more, he didn't continue with the one move one kill, he needed more gods to sacrifice themselves, these rogue gods might have had a future if they just sat still, however, a life on the run from religious wars, from persecution and justice, has put a seed of chaos into these gods, they desired power regardless of its source. One must not neglect to mention that there were gods who simply wanted seclusion or tried to stay away from the fighting, those that wanted to preserve their lives were unmotivated by the seemingly free loot.

Tasha was now stewing in a pot of anticipation, Yunan has been slowly losing his edge, even if he didn't make any mistakes, he needed longer to kill, she thought he was losing steam, and he sold that to her as best as he could, sweat and steam rose in tandem with his spirit flames, there was some tear and wear on his armour and scales, the magic he cast started getting simpler and lower in level and power, he took more hits and showed more openings. The cluster of gods around him stopped growing past the 50th person, a system was created to tire Yunan out.

On the fourth day, Yunan got fed up and made what would look like a desperate move, he cast a wide area instant kill move, using the divine soul bound weapon to execute the move and instantly kill all those around him, he then slowly dragged his body towards Tasha who was unable to sit at this moment, he got close enough to make sure of her thoughts and read her mood then said "go tell your council, the next time I come out, I will kill one of you, please deliver post haste". He then stood there waiting to hear the answer.

Tasha knew this was his provocation, he came, killed and delivered a message, and he would wait to hear an answer before returning safe and sound, this type of provocative humiliation would be intolerable for the council, and they would answer immediately by saying something about how they will kill him soon enough. In reality, Death had forbidden the council from touching Yunan's family and not Yunan himself, it is the misconceptions of the council that led them to believe he too was included in the warning.

Tasha relayed the message and gave the response of the council "attack any of us if you had the guts, your words are worth nothing when only backed by the strength of a mortal". Tasha did not even dream that Yunan was waiting for this message to attack her, he wanted to showcase impulse and lack of control when compared to greater beings, he wanted them to think he can be provoked as well, especially by the difference in power.

His attack was not meant to kill Tasha, only to scare her, a burst of magic and flames to make her feel a tinge of fear, he wanted her to be scared of an ambush, he wanted her to convey that if the council did not act carefully, they may be assassinated. The premise of this was that the council did not know how easy it was for Yunan to use the dream divinity, using the normal way things work, Yunan could accumulate an amount of dream energy and use it at will, using his 4 day fight to show that he could carry a big reserve and the instant detonation of magic and divine power to convince Tasha and by proxy, the council, that Yunan had massive reserves that can be expended in long fights or instant explosive attacks.

If Tasha was even startled by the sneak attack, those weaker than she would think that they would be injured or killed, and with this seed of fear, they would restrain their movements and flinch whenever they faced him. That was the second objective, the first was to accumulate divinity from the fallen gods.

Unexpectedly, Tasha was injured in the burst, although Yunan did not stay to know the results of his attack, he could feel the amount of damage he had just dealt Tasha, she was so overconfident that she did not even bother shielding herself, now that she was injured, even mildly, both she and the council would think twice before doing anything to Yunan.

The poor council spent the next 5 years trying to sniff him out and pick a fight with him but to no avail. Yunan only sat in Dreamscape and meditated, digesting the enormous amount of efforts he absorbed from the fallen gods, each of them had made enough effort to boost Yunan's divinity by thrice its size, and including the divinities each god had condensed, the harvest was truly worth it. The effort divinity had expanded by a total of 50 times, while the rest of the energy was used to expand Yunan's vessel, it got cramped so badly that Yunan had no choice but to use the divinities he collected.

He could not sell them now, conversely, he now had a divinity that was stronger by a factor of 50, better prospects for the long term, as well as the undivided attention of the council and the rest of the avatars, Yunan has just shown his ability to kill any god under a certain threshold of power, minions were already hard to find and now they could not even be used casually. This act also served to take all eyes off of the creator and his prison planet to be, giving him a wider margin of error where he can be a bit reckless and expose snippets of what he is trying to accomplish.

By the end of the ten years promised by the creator, Yunan was sure he could seriously injure Tasha with his power-up, but instead of going out to try his luck, he instead assembled his divine friends for the last war meeting before the cataclysm that will turn this universe upside down.

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