Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 404: Making the first ripple

with his divine weapon made, Yunan's plans advance a little bit, it was about time to play a prank or two, he has been idle for very long, and there were some powers that had very taught nerves at the moment, playing a little harmless prank would be a nice refresher for many who are waiting for him to act, and his target was the chaos.

in the heart of the universe, there is a spot where the primal forces of creation still clashed, that location is where Apophis used to spend his time, the chaos not only could promote some gods, it could also hide them and protect them, among the ones hiding in the chaos was one member of the over-gods.

she was called Tasha, her relationship with chaos was not as pronounced as Apophis, but she still found herself some respite in the chaos, she even prefered it to the table of the council, so much so, the council used her as an agent instead of a member due to how she estranged herself from them. Tasha was not the weakest nor was she the strongest, she had one thing that guaranteed her position in the council of the over-gods, she could use the chaos to sway the hearts of others, she already had a following of gods who would do her biddings from the exiles who hid in the chaos.

due to this ability, the council could find some respite and leech the faith from this universe, she was providing faith to the entire council in return for the ability to act as she pleased, and that is why Yunan chose her, she was isolated, with only her troops beside her.

Yunan entering the chaos was a monumental event, he was hunted by half the gods in the universe and the other half waited to pounce on him when he showed weakness, and him walking to this place without hiding the fact he was still mortal that yad yet to ascend, it was a direct insult to anyone who opposed the boy.

if he had the courage to walk into the chaos, then he had enough to march into any realm he could get to, parading around like this was extremely taunting to so many gods. not to mention he came out as a mortal, basically telling anyone who cared to listen that he was offering his dream divinity to who could force it out of him, that alone made so many people hesitate to act, it was a trap, a very obvious one, the first to spring it would either die to give the rest a good understanding, or he would claim Dreamscape and never come out of there.

Tasha, of course, chose to spring the trap, to her, an over-god, Yunan was just an ant that she could crush at will, and the ant that had been hiding under the tailcoats of Death has just left its safe space and walked straight into her hands. Tasha immediately ordered her subordinates to get her the dream divinity, the only divinity other than the chaos that could nourish her back to top form.

Tasha looked like any human woman, but it was a mistake to see her as one, her true form was that of a succubus-like fiend, beautiful and enchanting, but also repulsive and dirty, her true form looked like a nightmare, with her wings looking like torn sails, her smile was like the maw of the abyss, her skin dry and cracked, while her eyes were empty sockets that had nothing inside.

Yunan floated in the void surrounded by the rumbling energies still in conflict and turmoil, his sword at hand and his form that of a Dragonborn, around him burned the soul flames of the Phoenix, and any god that came in reach would be sliced in half and consumed, their divinities devoured and their efforts absorbed, he masked this by blasting out magic like a maniac, teleporting between foes and pumping out enough magic power and dream energy to obliterate any foe, but all that show was for nothing, the truth was that one swing of a sword and there would be no longer a god.

it started as one against one, then two against him alone, by the time an hour had passed he was fighting hundreds of cannon fodder at any given moment, no one thought it was strange, the dream divinity alone could do much more, and with aid from Dreamscape, Yunan presumably needed no time to refill his mana and recharge his faith.

what was imperative was to weaken his resolve, the dream divinity needed lots of will to operate, or so they thought, as long as they tire him mentally he will lose control, or so they thought, he would be overwhelmed and make mistakes, falling to some stray spell, or so they thought.

never in their wildest thoughts did they think he was playing with them. since Dreamscape was an inheritance, it needed no will to operate, they never thought that even if he was mentally exhausted his body would continue to fight at this frightening efficiency due to his automated battle mode. they never thought that he was not baiting them to make fun of his enemies, in reality, he was feeding on them, growing stronger with each kill, each one of these cannon fodder was nurturing him, giving even more strength.

even Tasha did not expect him to still be there, fighting hundreds of gods just to show a middle finger to the council, she even thought he was here to kill her subordinates and weaken her forces, eventually she could no longer escape the paranoid feeling that she was the target, if she attacked him personally before he attacked her, she was breaking the newest contract with Death and the four primordials, her forces depleting were his taunts to get her to act, or so she thought.

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