Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 406: Towards the unknown

"We have successfully crystallised luck, I lost some subordinate gods but none that can affect the operation, as you expected, the faith from the loss of luck has increased by many fold, with the help of Apophis we were able to create a type of container that stores certain amount of faith, our activities have not gone unnoticed, but who would care if we were hoarding faith instead of using it, this is the formula and the denominators, we created different sizes, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 unit denominators, now we can use faith as currency, with the use of Dreamscape we have stored enough faith to create a new currency system" Fortuna gave her report diligently, the husband before he was not the one she could drool over and he would humour all her moods.

Death then cleared his throat "the turmoil created from visible reapers gave me more death energy than I thought possible to accumulate in this universe, as you have instructed, i did the same and hoarded that energy as well as the faith that came with it, currently, I have enough death energy stored to recreate my scythe a few hundred times, what do you want me to do with it? As for the faith, it has been delivered as standard currency to Fortuna". Yunan nodded his head with a smile "give me the death energy, I am making a poison and an antidote out of it, we will sell it as an item when the wars start, I would appreciate it if you can make me some weapons with all that energy, some that can inflict necrotic wounds that would then spread death energy to the body, we need to sell more antidote than poison".

Hephaestus almost gave an identical report, his hired gods and demigods have been processing faith and are performing outstandingly, ever since the heart of Tartarus was used as forging material, the efforts have been redoubled and the subordinate gods and demigods made so much progress in ascension as well as helping out as many people as possible to ascend to the ranks of gods or demigods. Meaning they could work as faith gatherers as long as there is a source of faith available for them.

Apophis was the last to report, he had to add in particular except the strange increase in the number of foreign gods that are migrating to the chaos, although they have yet to go on and initiate direct contact, the chaos has now as many as 5 times the number of gods before Yunan visited, most of these are newly exiled from other planets, these exiles formed factions and are looking for new grounds to try and spread their faith, Apophis assumed that some planet has succeeded in interstellar travel and are coordinating with the exiled gods in an attempt to find planets with shallow technology trees. According to Apophis, it will take about a few years to even establish a stable connection between foreign gods, and by then it would be already too late, the plan to cut off the relationship between mortals and deities is about to be sprung upon the universe.

Yunan took a few minutes to recalibrate his plans and calculations then he gave the new orders "the four of you need to merge your divine realms, or at least connect them in some way that allows free travel among the realms, also redo the contracts, all the affiliate gods must agree to confidentiality first and foremost, second, they must be capable of collecting faith outside of the realms, they will be rewarded for it, last but not least they must be able to work regardless of the task that is given to them". He waited for a moment to let the avatars take note and understand his plan.

"Those who refuse the change of the contract are to be huddled as far away from the core units, give them menial tasks and keep them from leaving the realms, I will also grant you four the ability to enter and authorize entry to Dreamscape, after the planet takes effect, it will possibly be the only place to mine faith and energy, as for defending it, the dreams know how to keep outsiders at bay".

Yunan took a deep breath before he continued "one more year and we start a miniature culling, therefore the tasks will change, as of now, it is too late for others to even react, I want Apophis to work as an ambassador, he will go to the chaos and find those deities who wish to be left in peace, they will be recruited to mine faith in Dreamscape, as long as they remain faithful, they will be protected and get cleansed from chaos, as well as get a portion of the gathered faith to advance their powers, Fortuna will be responsible for finding most of the deities without realms and recruiting them, as cannon fodder, Hephaestus will be in charge of planning the work schedules and the rest of paperwork needed to employ and manage the affiliate gods, finally, Death only has to hover over the council and let me know about the location of one of their feelers, I feel like making the council think our conflict just got personal".

Not long after, all the gods left, leaving behind Yunan to think carefully about his next moves, he had his sword on his lap and was in half a daze as his mind worked at maximum capacity, he only noticed Ophelia when her hands started massaging him, he let himself go in her hands, it had been very long since he allowed himself to drop his guard. Soon enough, all his wives were around him, some talking, some singing and some just rubbing his hair, all in a bid to ease the tension in his heart, to Yunan, he was taking a step towards the unknown for the first time in his life, and that scared him, having an idea on the danger you will meet makes it easier to go adventuring, but this was something on a different scale, this is something that involved the fate of creation, not just the boy playing at conquering dungeons.

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