Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 397: Seed

One month had passed, Yunan was brawling with the 89th-floor guardian, while Drogon was lazing about. Debauchery party too were watching, some were even feeling shameful.

Yunan was making an exposition as he fought the guardian. "You see, between the 15th and 16th left-arm swing, there is an opening near the 7th rib, you stab there, the guardian will take damage, and then will change his style, now magic beams will be coming out, this gives you an open shot at the eyes, you send a few small-sized projectiles, preferably with neuro-toxin, now, the guardian is using more energy on healing the toxin".

"Now, you give it the magical burndown, just as much magical damage as you can, for example, a simple mana burn will ignite all the mana it had stored in its flesh, see this, the flesh is no longer healing as fast, now is the time to buff and use your close-quarters weapons".

"Don't just slash, you need to shred the flesh, not just slicing and dicing, you need to make the flesh separate into layers, leaving the flesh still linked to the body makes it use even more energy on healing, with that, you can start to apply debuffs, and as you can see, the guardian is now sluggish, lagging in speed, not healing, and it is much easier to deal with".

He then decapitated the guardian, aimed it so that its head would land just near enough for Drogon to snap it in half and swallow it in two big bites. "Now you guys to try it", Yunan sat down beside Drogon and asked Tartarus to spawn another guardian.

The ease of atmosphere that Yunan was giving off, really made the Debauchery party feel awkward, even Leader found herself somewhat unhappy about it, it was always him in the uncomfortable spot around them, now, however, he had surpassed them, they were feeling uncomfortable around him, especially after he started telling them what to do.

Once the fight was done, Mary threw herself in Yunan's arms, blushing like a maiden. "my dear boss, did I do good today? praise me plenty". Yunan could not help but compliment her, if not on her performance during the fight, it was for the act she was putting now, behind them was some rather bloodied group, gnashing their teeth in whispers, all in agreement that someone needed a beat down.

It did not take long for the group to loot the treasure chests and descend to the 90th floor, as soon as they descended, Yunan stopped them from taking a step outside the safe zone. "You can only leave here when you condense your original divinity shards, I, myself, will do the same, After condensing your shard, you can leave, one must not wait for the others and start hunting around immediately, the last to leave here will be punished, also, no one may leave this place before then".

Yunan sat down and closed his eyes, he looked back on his entire life, from the first memory, the quiet time of reading with his mother, to the time he met with Bai, that day he first killed, the day he first escaped with his own life. Memories flew past his eyes, each fleeting and intangible.

He focused all his mental power, he scanned each memory and each moment he could remember, looking for the thing that would be a title for his life. The only thing that stood out was his effort, not his lucky days, nor his successful schemes, it was not his friends nor his mother, it was not even himself, only this effort could put colour onto Yunan's life.

Looking inside himself, he understood that his life was the distillation of his endless struggling, he tried hard, pushed himself above and beyond, he broke all limits, he brought out powers from within, he worked so hard, he unknowingly become strong beyond his own imagination, who could believe that an orphan with some luck, like himself, could reach the 90th floor within 80 years?

A seed suddenly sprouted in Yunan's sea of consciousness, it started absorbing all kinds of energy to nurture itself, mana, faith, luck and many more types of energy were sucked inside it, in Yunan's own words, that seed fed on his sweat and blood and tears, pain, exhaustion, stress, scars, and satisfaction after a job well done.

This was the truest essence of divinity, it fed only on the experience of the user, something that comes from inside, there was no need to receive the worship of the masses to bring it to life. Yunan's seed wasn't just a seed of divinity, it was much more, he felt it was more, but he had no idea why, and he would only understand when things became dire enough.

Yunan could feel himself being sucked dry, his divinity seed was greedy, it wants to consume everything he had in reserve, it did not discriminate against anything, as long as Yunan had a type of energy, it tried to feed on it, this was weird by all means, no guide on creating a seed of divinity had mentioned something like this.

Yunan allowed his seed to feed as it will, and with each experience it absorbed, each grain of power, it grew bigger and bigger, funny enough, it did not cast its sights on all those divinity shards laying about in the sea of consciousness, it did not care about those delicious morsels of energy, well, not until it started to run out of space.

Even if Yunan's container was big enough to give a primordial a scare; for a mortal, it was too little for the seed that just sprouted. What it did next made Yunan almost lose his meditation, instead of halting its expansion, it absorbed all the shards, leaving behind only the complete Dream divinity, then it pushed at the walls of the container forcing it to expand, seemingly willing to grow without end.

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