Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 398: Deep well

The seed in Yunan's sea of consciousness continued to expand, it used the energy from the shards of divinity it has absorbed to expand the container, it converted all the foreign divine energy into nourishment for the growing container.

The seed itself did not consume the divine energy from the foreign shards, all it consumed was produced by Yunan and his efforts, even the faith he gained from the worship of the population, the goodwill that came from the adventurers, even the hatred gained from the over-gods was absorbed.

The seed did not spare anything, even the pain in his memories, the stress and scars from his endless fights, it even drank deeply from Yunan's consciousness, driving him into a trance-like state. This strange state of being, where he was being emptied from everything, it triggered a resonance with the universe, an instinctual move, the result was Yunan tapping into something old.

When Yunan woke up from his trance, he was the only one sitting in the safe zone, strangely not much time had passed, according to black fate, not even a full day had passed, it seemed that he was tricked by his teachers, they had already condensed their divinity shards, they just wanted to rub that fact in his face.

Looking inside himself, Yunan was almost shocked out of all his wisdom points, his sea of consciousness was still a pool of pure mana, the complete divinity of dreams floated alone near the surface of the pool, and then there was the gigantic seed, so massive it looked like his pool was but a drop of dew, while the seed was as large a sun, if one focused on one of the two, one would completely miss the other.

If Yunan himself did not look for the seed, he might have thought it was extinguished. Yunan could tell from a single glance that this seed was hoarding enough power to topple the universe. He could barely believe it, the sense of suffocation from the overwhelming power was similar to the disparity between himself and Death. During their show-down, Death had made his power obvious for Yunan, he just did not use that amount of raw strength against him, now, Yunan could tell that his seed was harbouring powers beyond what Death showed at that time.

Seeing that he was no longer bound by his own rules, he stood up and stretched, his joints creaked and popped as if he had been sitting for decades, his muscles felt like they were freed from some restraint, even his blood seemed to be happy to rush through his veins.

His first step took him 300 times the usual step, the second brought him 500 times as far, he moved so fast, he could hear the sonic booms arrive after he stopped. He flexed his fingers and felt that his body was the same as the day before, it just felt like it was freed from something.

Feeling strange about the new state of his body, he simply went to find pray, it did not take long to find a massive dragon to test his power on. By the end of the fight, Yunan understood something, even though his stats were still the same, he could extract much more from them, too much power in fact.

It was like Yunan just found out that his little well was much deeper than he thought it was, he could draw on much more water, it felt like as if his rope just suddenly grew longer, thus discovering the hidden reserves of water, he continued to fine-tune his control over his newfound power, it was all him, it did not come from the seed.

Unbeknownst to Yunan, this was a direct result from the seed feeding on his efforts, among the things it devoured, stress and trauma from old injuries, 'hidden injuries' is the best term to describe such a thing, it was mostly attributed to the loss of life earlier than normal, most adventurers live less than 90% of their life spans, as dictated by Constitution, what happened was that the seed of "effort" had also fed on the stress Yunan acquired.

The seed identified Yunan's stress as part of his experience and efforts, thus it consumed all those hidden injuries accumulated along the years, naturally, hidden injuries also have the effect of sealing away some strength, it may be unnoticeable for some, but to Yunan who always walked the sharp edge between life and death, it grew tremendously.

Living on the edge of life every day, almost dying all the time, that kind of relentless hard work also showed in how much his seed grew, if he had taken his time, fought safely, never met any form of danger, if he had that kind of nearly effortless life, his seed would have been much smaller.

With the seed seeming to stop its growth, Yunan added a few notes to his plan, he could more or less understand that having this kind of divinity seed was a trump card in itself.

His exploration of the 90th floor was eventfull, he estimated that he now could draw up to 30 times more power, his reflexes have sharpened by near 100 times, while his body seems to have become lighter, tougher and even more durable. Yunan did not know what to attribute his new gains to and decided he would not tell anyone about them.

Drogon who was by his side was silently lamenting the fact that his owner has suddenly become too strong, no matter how he saw it, Yunan had upgraded too much after a sitting of meditation, if he didn't know Yunan's strength like it was his own, he would have thought nothing about it.

It did not take long for the two to clear the 90th floor, thanks to all the dragons they consumed, Drogon's bloodline finally seemed to break free from the grasp of mana corruption, pity that all the dragons found on this floor were far too corrupted to be saved, losing both the ability to reason and the ability to evolve.

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