Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 396: Missions

Yunan is not your typical hero, he really is not, he is overpowered true, but he has no Deux Ex Machina to save him, each move he makes can end his life, he has his lucky moments, but most of the time, it is his own process that kept him alive, his scheming and strategic plans made him who he is.

He enjoyed the stun on the faces of the four deities, he did not explain any more, some things were not meant to be shared with others, still, he prepared a table and some refreshments, he slowly wiped away the stunned looks on the four gods, it did not take long, he shifted their attention from his ascendance to more urgent matters.

"You four have been idling about for too long, for the next ten years, each of you is going to have a mission, I expect you to focus on your mission and nothing else, even the paperwork has to be forgotten". The four were immediately on attention, Yunan always made trades, he ever asked for favours, for him to give missions was a big moment in history.

"Fortuna, your mission is to horde luck, I don't care how many people will lose their luck, how many charms will lose their effect, I want all the continent to have basic ordinary luck, no more good luck, no more bad luck, luck must feel like it has vanished from the world. When the mortals start to pray for luck, you crystalize the faith, anything else that requires your attention will be forgone".

"Hephaestus, I want you to build me containers that can hold and distil faith into crystals, you have the freedom of my stores, anything you need, just tell the genie, I also want you to start creating armaments that can be powered by faith, the more faith you put in, the more power they use up, make a few sets that are very cost efficient, and make some that consume too much faith for the output, just enough to be attractive, but not enough to put off customers"

He turned to Apophis, "soon there will be emotional instability, I want you to do the same, collect, store and distil those emotions, it would be helpful if you classify them as evil, good, or neutral, keep some samples in their raw form, finally, you are to shift as much of the emotions you can not store as possible, and let them loose in Dreamscape, I will grant you full access".

He turned to death "finally, Death, I want you to make sure your reapers start appearing before those who are destined to die, as a matter of fact, I want it to be known that all who see a reaper are going to die, one more thing, I want you to focus on those who have escaped death too many times, or successfully increased their age, I want the whole world to fear death and hope for life, if you can make your reapers look like angels for the good and devils for the wicked, it would be helpful"

"In the next decade, we must accumulate vast reserves of both faith and emotions, the bigger the stores the better off we will be, this does not clash with your neutral stance in the war to come, I hope you all can perform well, as for your rewards, in return for finishing your missions, each of you will gain a complete divinity of your choosing, if the results are not satisfactory, then you will be given a shard or a random divinity, depending on your performance".

None of the four could say anything for a while, the little boy who they once thought of as cute and interesting, was no longer that easy to read, he was now truly a king, his demands were as enigmatic as they were strange, they served a purpose that can only be guessed at, even if they knew the four missions he gave them, as well as the request to the creator, all of it merely leads to speculation.

Yunan himself had only a vague goal to reach, his path grew clearer with each plan, each time he acted in any way, it made the road he must walk a bit more tangible. Others may think he was driven and focused, knowing perfectly what to do next, but in reality, he was in the dark, as much as everyone else, his advantage was that, for him, feeling his way in the darkness was much more preferred, when others felt confusion and sought answers, he found his own solutions.

This quality, advancing even when everyone else stood still while looking about, this was his trump card, as long as he was not at a dead end, he can just keep going endlessly. That was why muddying the waters for the whole universe, became the only path which gave him a way out.

"Son, we all know that shit has already hit the fan, this universe is doomed, there are no visible ways to save it, struggle for the sake of struggle, there is no point in that, we all know that, so tell me, are you really going all the way?" Hephaestus spoke the words everyone wanted to say, he could not hold it any longer, for them, the end of the universe was not too far away, just a few more moments in the river of time.

"I will say this only once, the entirety of existence is a dungeon, the day I clear it, is the day I accept the end, so what if this universe dies, so what if the primordials disappear, so what if the entirety of existence dissipates, as long as I can try, I can keep making paths where no one has tread before, if this universe dies, I'll build my own, if the primordials come for me, I will consume them, if the entirety of existence stands in my way, I will restart all of it".

With endless patience, an indomitable spirit and a strong will, those were the tools he needed, everything else could be exchanged, everything else could be rebuilt, there was no other tool, other than the mentioned three, that would give Yunan better chances in his endeavour.

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