Delayed Transfer

Chapter 63

After a few more minutes of talking with Albert, Mark heard a knock.  When he opened the door, he saw Robert outside so he invited him in.  When Robert saw Albert, he asked his son to go to his room since he needed to talk to Mark.  When Albert said that he wanted to listen, Robert smiled and said that it was money matters so Albert promptly left.

“Mark, I want to talk to you regarding the payment for Albert’s cure and the ring.  I will give you 3 million dollars for what you did to cure Albert.”  Mark thanked Robert.

“As for the ring, we can’t really put a price on it.  It’s really valuable.  It can even cure broken bones!  So I decided I will give you 20 million dollars for it and if you need more funds don’t hesitate to contact me.  I will give you a line that will be able to reach me directly.  You also don’t need to worry about paying any  tax since my lawyers and accountants will be handling that for you.”

“Thanks!  I gladly accept.”  Mark smiled.  Now he had enough funds for his villa and whatever he might need.  He would make sure to use every last penny to get everything that he could before transmigrating.  He then told Robert that he would be returning to the states the day after tomorrow since he was planning to continue his tour of London tomorrow.  Robert then said to Mark that he of course would pay for any expenses and the guide would assist him with everything.  Robert then said that Donald and Elizabeth would probably join him the day after tomorrow in returning back to California.

The next morning, Albert joined Mark, Manuel and the guide in touring London.  They went to station 9 and ¾ but sadly didn’t find anything resembling magic.  While touring London, Mark showed some more magic to Albert when others couldn’t see like some tricks using Telekinesis.  When they got home to Albert’s mansion, Mark showed some of his spell to Albert like Void Bolt while pretending that it was the spell “expelliarmus” from the Harry Potter world.  He also pretended to ride a broom while doing Levitation.

The kid enjoyed the magic show so much that when it was time for Mark to go back home, he was actually teary eyed.  While on the plane back to California, Donald express an interest in purchasing a magic item as well and Mark said jokingly that he would sell him one once he was in the mood. 

Mark said goodbye to the couple and went home when they got back to California.  He called Sam on the way to inform him that he was back to check if he encountered any problem with the project.  Sam assured him that everything was going smoothly and that he hired a couple of people for assistance.  Mark then asked if he needed more funds and Sam said that he had enough money for now.  He also told Sam to not stress himself out since he already hired some people.  Sam agreed and said he would delegate most of the downloads since he missed playing their mmorpg.

Sam asked Mark if he would like to party and raid the boss of the dungeon in the game.  Mark declined and said he was busy on something but told Sam to prepare for the adventure of a lifetime.  Sam asked what he meant and Mark said that it was a surprised. It was already night time so Mark decided to rest. 

The next day, Mark decided to kill the boss of the 10th floor of the dungeon again since it already respawn, hoping that he would get some more good gear.  He then proceeded to the 10th floor.  When he arrived there, he saw the Orc King and its two minions, the archer and the shaman.  They were exactly the same as the first time he killed the boss.  He managed to defeat them in an hour and after that he looted the treasure chest that appear.  He leveled up twice earning two stat points and two skill points. Now he had a total of two stat points and fifteen skill points.  He decided to keep the points for now.  Sadly there were only two orbs that appeared.  They were both Magic Blue rarity items and were called magic iron scepter and magic Leather Shoes.  When he Identified the scepter it added five to Wisdom and had a 30 to 35 damage with 40 durability.  The skill was a new one.  It said that it’s Holy Light.  When used, a bolt of light would appear that would give 120 damage to undead but would only give 20 damage and stun regular enemies but when used on allies, it would heal them for 20 HP.  It also had 30 charges would earn one charge per 10 minutes.  Mark thought that the scepter would be the one for their support for the party that he was planning.

The magic leather shoes on the other hand was not going to be useful to the party.  It would give the wearer plus five to Agility and plus three to Vitality and had a 40 durability.  It’s skill was a bit curious.  Its called Haste and would give 100 percent run or walk for five minutes to the wearer when used.  It also had 30 charges and would earn 1 charge per 10 minutes.  Mark thought it would be useful for escaping in the dungeon but aside from the stat provided, that’s it. 

Mark suddenly thought of the idea of selling it to Donald since he expressed interest in buying a magic item as well and felt bad that he only sold an item to his colleague, Robert.  He called David and jokingly said that if he came to his house in an hour he would sell him a magic item.  Donald excitedly said to wait and ended the call.  After an hour, Donald arrived together with Elizabeth.

When Mark let them enter, Donald excitedly asked where the item was and Mark laughed and led them to the living room.  Once they sat down,  Mark gave Donald the leather shoes. 

“What is it?” Donald asked excitedly.

“When you wear it, your body’s reaction will be twice or more than a normal athlete you will also feel energized and it has a magic skill that will greatly enhance your running or walking speed .”

Donald was a bit disappointed but since it was still a magic item, he directly removed his shoes and  wore the leather shoes.

“So, how do you feel?” Mark asked.

“I felt good. It feels like my body is full of energy and that I can run forever.”  Donald said wonderingly.

“The magic of the shoes is called Haste and will greatly increase your run or walk speed by activating it.  To activate, you will need to think about it with intent and then you will be able to use the skill for five minutes.  It has 30 uses but the magic will re-charge one use per 10 minutes.”  Mark explained.

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