Delayed Transfer

Chapter 64

Donald went outside, wanting to test the magic blue item leather shoes.  Mark and Elizabeth went with him to watch and when they saw him preparing, it was actually obvious on his face when the skill was activated.  Donald then ran and his speed was abnormally fast.  His speed was much faster than Olympic sprinter. It was so fast that it bordered on the realm of the superheroes. 

Now Mark understood the additional three stats to Vitality since without it, people who used it with regular Vitality would not be able to handle the stamina consumption.  When Donald returned back to them he was exhilarated and the bodyguard that was with them was higly astonished on what he saw Donald did.

“I want this shoes!” Donald said, his face was still flushed with excitement.

“Let’s go back inside.  I need to explain to you some more things regarding the shoes.”  Mark headed back inside the house with Elizabeth and Donald following him.  The bodyguard remained outside.

“As you can see, the shoes will allow you to have incredible speed for five minutes but since you can actually activate it again with only a second delay if you want, it can actually last for 2.5 hours.  It will earned another five minutes after ten minutes but you will need to take care because it will consume your stamina greatly.  Although the shoes provide magic that alleviate that somehow, it still possible that you may die of exhaustion.  I know you know what I’m talking about!”  Mark advised Donald sternly once they were in the living room.

“I know.  When I was running using the skill of the shoes, it somehow felt that my body was enhance and that I can run forever.  So you’re saying that’s a false feeling?”

“It’s not false.  It did add to your Vitality but of course you will still be exhausted if you run for a long time and when your tired you could make mistakes like run into a cliff.”  Mark laughed.

Donald ignored the last part and Elizabeth laughed as well.  He then said to Mark that he would like to purchase the item as well and asked how much was he selling it for.  Mark honestly told him that he didn’t have any idea for the prices of his magic items. 

Donald directly then said to Mark that he would give him a million dollars first for the item and would conduct research on the shoes and if it amounted to any significant result, he would of course be compensated more.  Donald then asked if he would be alright if the shoes would be damage and Mark said that it would not matter to him anymore since he bought the item, he could do whatever he wanted with it.  Donald then told Mark that if he had anymore item, he could contact him first if he wanted to sell it.  Mark agreed then Donald and Elizabeth left together with the shoes.  He noticed that although Donald was disappointed at first that the item was not death defying like the ring that was sold to Robert Scott, after testing it out, Donald apparently changed his mind.

A few minutes after Donald and Elizabeth left, he received a notification from his phone that he received a one million dollars from Donald.   Then somebody from the bank contacted him offering him investment opportunities using his savings account.  He replied to the man that Donald Dren the land baron from California were already helping him with his finance.  The man from the bank paused, possibly thinking of the implication of Donald Dren’s advised to the young man.  Instead of discouraging the banker as Mark thought when he used Donald’s name, it actually vitalized him more and then Mark thought it might have been a mistake.  The banker kept on babbling about the services that he could provide.  Mark stopped the man by saying that he had a meeting with Mr. Dren and that he was late already.  The man apologized and ended the call.

Mark pondered his next move which was to call Sam and initiate the “Dungeon Dive with Friends” plan.  He had tens of guild mates but around 12 to whom he was close with.  The items that he could use for the party was the magic iron sword, magic iron bow, magic iron staff and magic iron scepter so that would mean four people.  He would need to select three people from his friends but first, he need to test if Sam and the others could enter the dungeon first.

Mark called Sam and asked him if he could come to the house alone.  Sam told him that Melissa heard and thought that maybe they were now gay and would do some steamy gay stuff.  Mark replied if its about the game guild stuff, yes they would.  He heard Sam laughed and Sam said that Melissa replied that it’s the same shit.

After a few minutes of waiting Sam arrived and Mark let him in.  They talked in the living room while drinking some ice tea.

“So what’s happening.  Is the client pulling out or something?”  Sam asked Mark, worried that the recent wealth that he had been getting from Mark would dissipate. 

“No.  This is about something else.”  Mark replied.

“Oh.  I did brought an expense report so the client can see everything we used the money for.”  Sam said while pulling up a file on his tablet.

“No. No, Sam. No need to show that to me.  I wanna be honest with you.  There is no client.  The person who asked you to do the download is me because I’ll need it a year from now and I can’t tell you the details why.  Just continue downloading the stuff and you and Melissa don’t need to worry about the funds.  We have enough.”

Sam got serious and thought for a bit.  Then he turned to Mark and asked him seriously where the money came from.  Mark told him that the money was from Donald Dren, the billionaire from California for services rendered that of course he couldn’t divulge the details for now.

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