Delayed Transfer

Chapter 62

“I’m sorry.  It was wrong and impulsive of me to offer it to Albert.  I just want the magic to continue in the boys life.”  Mark said to Albert’s parents.

“I understand Mark.  I know what you saw when the first time you saw Albert.  That’s what we have been seeing for the last few months.  Honestly, I’m interested in that item as well.  Can I take a look.”

Mark agreed and brought the ring out and gave it to Robert and his wife.  Donald and Elizabeth also came near to have a look.

“How does it work?” Robert asked while holding the ring.

“You wear it and then you should be near the person you wanted to heal, at least a foot near and with intent on your mind just will it.”

“It’s so small.  How can I wear it?”

“It’s magic.  Just try.”

Robert then tried wearing the ring and he saw it enlarge and he was able to fit it on his finger.

“It’s so pretty! Earlier, it was just a nondescript looking silver ring but when Robert wore it, it changed into something beautiful but befitting a man!” Elizabeth exclaimed.  Mark was surprised too.

“Can any of the women try it? Let’s check if it will change as well.” Mark urged.

Robert gave the ring to his wife and when Danielle wore, it actually changed into a delicate looking silverwork.

“Oh my!  It is really beautiful.”  Danielle said while admiring the ring.  She then removed it and gave it back to Robert.  He wore back again, went to the door and talked to someone.  After that a couple of people came inside and one of them was wearing a cast. 

Robert told Mark that the two people could be trusted and one of them was the doctor who performed tests on Albert.  Mark just shrugged.  He told Mark that the one with the cast was a gardener who fell and broke his arm.  Robert then talked to the doctor and asked him to remove the cast after the gardener agreed.

When the cast was removed, Robert pointed at the gardener with his hand with the ring and they could actually see the ring glowing.  The wound with the stitches on the arm of the gardener slowly disappeared and the thread used actually fell.  When he tested his arm, apparently the bone although was feeling fine was still a little sore.  Mark asked Robert to repeat the action and after a few seconds, the gardener tested it again for a few minutes and excitedly told them that nothing hurts anymore.  The doctor’s jaw dropped and Robert asked him and the gardener to leave reiterating to not tell anyone or the consequences would be severe.  The doctor and the gardener said they understood and left.

“Mark, this is an amazing thing.  How much are you asking for this.”

“Are you really sure you want to have it.  You saw it’s power.  It could bring danger to you and your family.”  Mark said.

“I understand.  I am incredibly wealthy Mark.  I know how to protect myself.  This ring will be very useful to the family and it will bring me peace of mind once I give this to Albert and he goes off gallivanting somewhere having an adventure once he comes of age.”  Mark saw Danielle agreeing with Robert.

“I don’t know the price.  Can you talk to Donald about this?”

Robert agreed and Mark, with permission from Albert’s parents, left to the room assigned to him so they can talk to Donald and Elizabeth in peace.

Mark went back to playing on his phone while waiting for the Robert and Donald’s talk.  He heard a knock on the door and when he opened it, he saw Albert outside.

“Mark are you doing anything?  Can I talk to you?”

“Sure.” He then invited Albert inside and they both sat on the sofa.

“Mark, honestly, is there such a thing as Hogwarts?”  The kid asked looking serious.

Mark laughed and told him that he didn’t know if there was a school for witchcraft and wizardry in England and if there was, it’s name probably isn’t Hogwarts.  Albert then asked if he studied in a magic school in America.  He told the kid that he was joking earlier when he said that he was from Ilvermony School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and that as far as he knew, and he could be wrong, that there was no school for witchcraft and wizardry in America as well.  This was when he started lying.  He told the kid that his magic was from his mother who was from a long line of witches in the Philippines called ‘Mambabalang”.  Unfortunately, when his mother died, there were no more “Mambabalang” in the family aside from him and didn’t know if any other line of witches were alive in his home country. 

“Do you think there are other type of magicians or witches in other parts of the world, Mark?”  Albert asked.

“Honestly, I don’t know.  There could be, but one thing I know, If there are any, they will be extremely dangerous.  Take me for example.  With my magic, I can wipe armies.”  Mark said to the kid seriously since he really wanted to impart to the kid the danger of looking for something as elusive as magic in the world and from what he knew from reading novels that those with power were extremely temperamental.  They could be kind or they could be really vicious.

“I understand Mark.  I will really be careful.”  Albert said seriously.  Mark laughed.  He thought of saying those things to deter the kid somewhat but the kid was honest, saying he would still continue but would be very careful.

“Can you show me some other magic?”

“Sure.” Mark promptly used Invisibility and the kid was startled when he disappeared.  He re-appeared behind the kid and said “boo”.  The kid was startled and then laughed.  He then said to Mark that he couldn’t wait to get the ring from his father.

Mark then said to Albert that if he found some other item with milder magic, he would definitely give it to the boy.  The boy got excited and said he would like to talk to his father’s lawyer so they could have it in writing.  Mark just laughed.

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