Delayed Transfer

Chapter 61

Albert saw Mark came in to the house and he ran to him excitedly.

“Mark, I’m cured!”.  Mark was very surprised when the boy hugged him fiercely. 

“Thank you so much.  You are a very powerful wizard!” Albert cried while hugging him which promptly made Danielle cried as well and Robert teary eyed.

“You’re welcome Albert.  Just remember to always be good because I’m on the side of good and you don’t want me as your enemy if you sided with the Death Eaters.”  Mark jokingly said.

“Side with Death Eaters! Does that mean I can be a wizard too?”  Albert replied with a smile.  Mark thought that the kid was very smart and he should’ve taken care not to run his mouth too much in front of the kid.

“I’m just kidding Mark.  I know you told me I can’t be a wizard but I know from a fact that with hard work nothing can stop you as taught by my father.”

Mark saw the determination in the kid’s eyes to enter the world of magic and he was quite sure that it was brought on partly by the wonder that the Forest Sanctuary imparted to the kid and partly due to the miracle of him being saved by the said spell.  He knew the kid already gave up and was waiting to die.  There was no more hope, no more magic in his eyes when Mark saw Albert but the hope and magic were rekindled when he saw the Forest Sanctuary skill.

Mark knew that once he’s gone, the kid, with his wealth, would probably not stop researching magic.  He decided to do one last thing for the kid.

“Albert, I know I told you can’t be a wizard but I have something that I can give you that will make you the best healer through magic.  Would you like to have something like that?  You need to think carefully because this artifact could bring danger to you and your family.  You also need to talk to your family first.”

Albert stilled and everybody could see that he was thinking very carefully which impressed Mark. 

“I would like to have something like that but I would talk to my father and mother first.”  The kid replied after a few minutes of thinking it through.

“Good man.  Okay go ahead and talk to your father and mother and lets talk after an hour.”  Robert looked at Mark questioningly and Mark just shrugged and pointed at the kid silently telling him to talk to the kid.

Mark went to Donald and Elizabeth to talk to them a bit.

“What do you mean by that Mark?” Donald asked.

“It was an impulse.”  Again, Mark just shrugged. 

“Do you really have something like that?” Elizabeth asked.

“I do and I just want to make sure the boy will not lose his belief in magic and hope the way that he did when I first saw him.  I’m also quite sure that his father, who by the way is extremely rich as Google said, will pay me.”  Mark snickered.

“I would pay you greatly for something like that.”  Donald said, indignant with the fact that he was not offered something like an artifact by Mark.

“You’re not a kid! Don’t tell me you’re also yearning to enroll in Hogwarts?”

Donald snorted and they all went inside the mansion to have a meal.

Mark was playing with his phone in the room assigned to him by Robert when he heard a knock on the door.  When he opened it, he saw Albert and then the kid invited him to go to the living room to talk with his parents.  Earlier when he was in the room alone, he also didn’t  forget to get the Magic Iron ring from the 1st Floor of the dungeon.  He was planning to give it to one of his friends who would act as the priest in the party but he thought he could just take the mantle and let the others fight the mob.  He was quite sure that that would bring them the most excitement.

When they got to the room, he saw Albert’s parents together with Donald and Elizabeth.  Mark guessed that they were curious of what the item he was planning to give to the boy.  He and the kid sat down near his parents.

“Before you give Albert the item, can you tell us more about it?”  Robert asked.

“It’s a very powerful ring that will allow him or anyone wearing it to heal someone of wounds up to 30 times.  Although I say it’s 30 times, its actually unlimited because every 10 minutes, the ring will earn another healing capability.  That means that if you heal somebody once, after 10 minutes you can use the ring up to 30 times again.  As for the severity of the wound it can heal, as I said its very powerful but I haven’t tested the limit. “

“Oh my God!  That’s a very powerful artifact.  I imagine that can save thousands of soldiers in a war.” Robert gasped.  The other three adults in the room was flabbergasted as well.  They couldn’t imagine something like that exist and that Mark was willing to part with something like that.  But then again, he did have skills that was much better since his skill could cure disease and based on what Mark was saying, the ring only heal wounds. 

“I imagine so as well but I don’t want to get involve with the government or something like that. I can give it to Albert or to you if you pay me.” Mark said directly, looking at Robert and Albert.

“I want it!”  Albert shouted.

“Albert, you can’t have something like that!  Maybe when you reach your maturity.  For now go to your room and we will talk to Mark about the ring.”  Robert said to Albert sternly.  The kid grumbled but obeyed.  He knew that realistically, he wouldn’t get the item since it was very powerful but the fact that his father said that he could get someday made him content.

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