Delayed Transfer

Chapter 60

Robert and Danielle Scott got excited when they heard Elizabeth described her experience when Mark cured her.  Robert then turned to him.

“Can you cure our son now, please.  I’m willing to pay any fee you would like us to pay.”  Robert asked Mark directly.

“Let’s talk about that later.  Can we go to your son now?”

“Yes please, please.” Robert said and he and Danielle stood up leading him to presumably their son’s room.

When they arrived at Robert and Danielle’s son’s room, they knocked for a bit and entered.  They asked the nurse to leave the room first for privacy and they woke up their son.

Albert, Robert and Danielle’s son was an eleven year old kid.  He develop ALS when he was nine years old which was extremely rare.  He was extremely thin and pale.  He had his father’s dark hair and her mother’s green eyes.  Mark thought he looked extremely like Harry Potter from the books.

“Hello mother, father, good morning.  Who is he?”  Albert said politely when he saw his mother and father and Mark.  Donald and Elizabeth stayed by the door.  Mark felt pity for the kid even though he was one of the wealthiest child in the world. 

“Hi, my name is Mark and I’m a wizard from Ilvermony School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”  Mark said to the kid directly.

“I do love Harry Potter but I don’t believe in wizards.”  Albert said.  Mark could actually see the lost of belief in anything magic on the child’s eyes.  He was wealthy but he was dying.  He was dying before he would experience the world.

Mark lifted the iron rod that he took from his inventory and swirl it around like a wizard casting a spell.  Then he said some Latin sounding words to mimic spell casting from the world of Harry Potter and then he activated his skill, Forest Sanctuary.

Trees and flowers grew inside the room and sprites flitted between the glowing flowers.  Dryad came out of the trees giggling at them.  A white unicorn came out from the bushes still eating some berries.  Donald and Elizabeth was expecting the lone dryad but what they saw was different.  Elizabeth brought her hands to her mouth as if she holding herself from crying.  She was looking at the dryads trying to identify the first one that she saw.  Robert and Danielle looked around in wonder.

Albert tried to sit up wanting to see everything.  His eyes were glowing with wonder, returning to the eyes of a child who believed in magic.  Mark saw the child suddenly stilled, as if trying to see if he had the control back of the body who betrayed him.  When the forest and mystical creature disappeared,  the kid tried to stand up.  He was being assisted by his father but Albert said that he wanted to try alone.  After a few seconds, he successfully stood up by himself and was able to walk without any problem.  Robert and Danielle cried when they saw their boy walking like a normal child.  The went to him, hugging him until the kid said that he couldn’t breathe.  Albert parents laughed and they released him.

Mark said to the parents that they should have the doctors test him for more conclusive report.  When he saw that he was being ignored since Robert and Danielle kept hugging and touching their son, he excused himself and walked to Donald and Elizabeth.  Donald said to him that they should go out to the living room and wait for the other couple there.

They sat in the living room drinking the tea that the butler had serve them waiting for Robert and Danielle.  After about an hour, they saw them come in together with the well dressed Albert.

When Albert saw Mark, the boy ran towards him and said, “You really are a wizard!”. 

The butler saw the boy running and the tea set that he was holding fell down and crashed into the floor.  Robert said to the butler to leave the room first and have the dishes cleaned at a later time. 

The  boy sat beside Mark and asked him several questions.

“Are you really from Ilvermony?  Can I go to Hogwarts?  Do you have a connection there maybe I can go there through the back door?  My father will  surely pay you.  I really want  to be a wizard”. 

“I’m sorry Albert.  Since you haven’t received an invitation delivered by an owl, It would be impossible for you to join.   But you don’t need to worry.  At least we can be friends and you will be one of the few muggles who have a wizard friend.”   Albert muttered and said to himself that he wouldn’t give up.  Mark got a little nervous and thought maybe he shouldn’t have done that. The boy had wealth and he could use it to search for a path to magic and it could go wrong in so many ways.

While Albert was concocting plans to infiltrate Hogwarts, Mark turned to Robert and asked what the result of the test was.  Robert said that they would go to the hospital later to have Albert run a full body check up then they would know for sure.  He asked if Mark could stay until the results were out.  Mark agreed since he was curious of what the result would be too. 

Mark then said to Donald and Robert that he would like to tour London and the kid said that he would be his tour guide.  Mark said to Albert that he would need to go to the hospital to do some tests first.  The kid muttered and said he didn’t need some test.  Mark thought that maybe since the kid was feeling healthy, he was now entering his rebellious phase.   

Albert said that since he is a wizard, maybe they could see the entrance to the train station 9 and ¾ .  Mark indulged the kid and said that he would go there once he had return from the hospital.  In the meantime he would probably tour some other boring places like Big Ben.  Robert then said that he would have someone guide him.

After several hours of touring London with Manuel and the guide assigned by Robert,  Mark came back to the mansion.  Once he got there Robert and Danielle talked to him and said that the test came out and Albert was fully cured.  Danielle hugged him and said that they could never repay what he had done for her family and Mark thought, actually you could.  With money.

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