Delayed Transfer

Chapter 48

When Mark arrived back at his apartment, he asked Manuel to remain since he might still need his help.  Manuel happily agreed and waited by the car as instructed.  When Mark entered his apartment, he checked what he could bring with him and realized that he didn’t have anything in the apartment that he would like to bring to the new house. 

Although his old equipment looked new since he restored them using his Inventory Item Restoration skill, they were still cheap equipment and he wouldn’t want to mar his new house with cheap things.  All the important things that he had, like his parents memorabilia, was already stored in a box that he put on the First Floor of the Dungeon for safe keeping. Even the new laptop that he was using was already on his Inventory.  So after a few minutes of silently saying goodbye to the apartment that he had been living since his parents died, he left.  It was just an apartment with no important memory.  It was dingy and broken down, with the ceiling leaking if there was any rain.  All the important memory of his parents were in in the old house that he sold, and the last time he checked, there was a happy family living there.  How did he knew? He went there and saw a family and he just hoped they were happy.

Mark walked towards his new Lambo and then asked Manuel to handle his old apartment like returning the lease to the landlord and throwing the things inside away.  Manuel said that he would be happy to do it.  Mark tried to tip the guy but he said that he was already receiving a very generous salary from Mr. Dren.  He then said to Manuel that he changed his mind about his old car and was planning to give it to his friend.  Manuel then left using Uber and Mark decided to call Sam first to check if they were home.  He planned to invite the siblings to his new house for a celebration but first he asked Sam and Melissa to go to his apartment first and as a joke he said it was an emergency. The siblings agreed and since they wouldn’t take long, Mark waited by his new Lambo.

When Sam and Melissa arrived, they saw Mark by his new car leaning. 

“Oh my God! Whose car is that!” Melissa screamed.

“Of course it’s mine.  It’s the only thing that will fit me and my  new look.”  Mark said smugly.

“You do look good, Mark. Like a young k-pop star with your get-up and all.”  Sam said.

“So why did you call us?  You even said that it was an emergency.”  Sam asked while Melissa ignored them and kept taking pictures of the new car with her phone. 

"It’s just a joke sorry.  Since I’ve a new car.  Would you guys like to have the old one?”

“Really? Yes thanks! No more uber haha. “ Sam laughed.

When Melissa heard Sam laughing she asked what it’s all about and he said that Mark just gave them the old car. Melissa then shouted, “Yey, no more Uber,” which prompted Sam to mention that he already said it.     

“Aside from that, would you two like to come with me to check my new house?”  Mark asked.

“You bought a new house?” Sam asked.

“No.  My client gave it me for a service I rendered.”

“What kind of client who will give a new house?”

“The very rich kind.”

“What kind of service did you do?”  Melissa asked curiously.

“Sorry, can’t tell.  I signed an NDA.” Mark bullshitted.

Mark then asked the sibling to bring the old car with them and just follow his new Lambo, but Melissa insisted to ride with Mark on his new sports car.

When they arrived at the new house, the siblings can’t believe how luxurious it was.  They inspected everything; the three bedrooms and their attached bathrooms, the gym, the kitchen, the study, the backyard with the Jacuzzi, the garage and even the basement.  They were impressed with all the new modern appliances and even the basement was very clean.  Melissa then asked since he was going to live alone on the huge house, if he would like to rent out one of the bedroom to her.  Mark decisively denied her and said that he wanted to be alone in the house for now.  Melissa pouted a bit but she knew that her request was unreasonable.

Mark then asked the siblings to go the living room to check out the entertainment system so he could prepare the meal for their house warming celebration.  The siblings agreed and went to play on the living room.  Mark then replicated some meals from his Inventory and laid them out beautifully on the dining room table.  He then called Sam and Melissa to the dining room.  When they arrived, they were surprised at the meal laid out on the table and they happily sat down.  After a few congratulatory remarks, they started devouring the food.

After they ate, Mark, Sam and Melissa went to the living room to rest their bloated stomach.  Mark then asked Sam to bring the laptops and the hard drive storage units to him tomorrow so he could inspect the content downloaded so far as requested by the "client”.  Melissa then asked if she could try out the Jacuzzi and the three of them went at the back to try it out.  They turned it on and saw bubbles forming on the Jacuzzi.  The three of them went to the nearest bathroom for privacy and changed to their swimming attire.  Fortunately there were some new ones located inside the bedrooms.

When Melissa saw Mark came out wearing his swimming shorts, she whistled and said that he was “looking good”.  Mark smiled and posed.  They all laughed and jumped on the Jacuzzi.  They stayed there for an hour and talked about silly things.  Melissa was actually relaxing but Mark and Sam kept talking about otaku things like the latest release of their favorite anime live action series or the new raid on MMORPG they were on, that would happen tomorrow, Saturday, which Mark forgot and about what happened to their previous manager’s daughter.

After trying out the Jacuzzi, the Siblings went home with their new car and Mark went to the primary bedroom.  He tested out the shower and then finally laid down to the new bed.  It was soft but not too soft.  Mark thought that it was perfect then he slept.

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