Delayed Transfer

Chapter 49

Mark woke up the next day and was confused for a bit since he was looking at a different ceiling but then he remembered immediately that he was now living in a luxurious house.  He felt the softness of the fabric in the bed and knew that it had high thread count.  He stood up and put the whole bed on his Inventory to use Inventory Material Restoration to clean it.  He decided to clean and restore the whole bed together with the bed cover, blanket and pillows each and after every use so it would be totally fresh every time he would used it.

Mark then went to the dining room to eat breakfast.  He thought of purchasing some basic ingredients that he could use so he could cook simple things if he wanted to eat something like that instead of the lavish meals that he had on his Inventory.  After breakfast he went to check out the gym but when he got there, he actually didn’t know how to use most of the equipment.  He decided to just use the treadmill and follow the One Punch Man exercise set.  100 kilometers run, 100 push ups, 100 sit-ups and 100 squats.  After that he took a shower and went to the study so he can set up his laptop and play some games on his computer.  He was waiting for Sam to arrive so he could Replicate the laptops and hard drive and store a copy on his Inventory for safe keeping.

Mark knew that he probably wouldn’t be able to dungeon dive, not until later in the day since after Sam arrived, they would still need to do the raid the group planned today on the MMO rpg that they were playing.  After playing for a couple of hours, he then checked some design websites so he can plan on how to design the safe floor.  He would need to solve a lot of things like the smoke that would come from the generators that he was planning to set-up.  He also would need to solve the bathroom design because he really didn’t want to stink up the whole Safe Floor of the dungeon.  He couldn’t really had a complete design since he would need to finish the 10th Floor for him to check out the 11th floor which was the next safe floor since the 1st floor wasn’t big enough for his purposes.  More than likely, the Rune Engineer section would solve most of his problem when it came to the Safe Place environment.  He remembered reading in a web novel once where runes were prevalent in a fantasy world and it was used for everything: heating, cooking, producing water, destroying waste, purifying air and a lot more. 

While trying to set up a possible design on his Safe Floor house, he received a text from Melissa that they were about to arrive.  Mark stopped what he was doing and went outside to wait for the siblings.  When they arrived, he helped them bring some of the devices inside which were not really a lot.  Just 4 laptops and 4 hard drives.

They sat in the living room and Mark inspected what the siblings had downloaded so far.  He was happy with everything they had downloaded so far and the way the organize them so Mark asked for Sam’s bank account number so he could transfer funds to him.  Sam questioningly looked at him and said that he usually just gave cash but he mentioned that he didn’t want to be questioned by the IRS for using cash a lot.  Mark was really thankful for the legitimate money that he earned from Donald Dren since now he could avoid the suspicion that could potentially land on him from the government for using duplicated cash.   

After looking at the files, Mark said to Sam that he would need to leave the things for today and get them back tomorrow to continue the download project.  Sam just agreed and after that they both prepared two laptops for the raid that would occur in an hour.  Melissa just snorted and they could her mutter “nerds” before she went to the backyard to soak in the Jacuzzi again.

After five hours of doing the raid, Sam went back home. Melissa actually left much earlier than Sam since she said she couldn’t just wait hours for Sam to finish.  Mark prepared himself for running the dungeon since it was only 5 in the afternoon and still had a lot of time to complete he 8th floor.  He went to his bedroom after securing his house for the night and summoned the portal on his bathroom door.  After equipping his dungeon items, he went directly to the eight floor.

When Mark arrived on the 8th floor of the Dungeon, he immediately cast his Space Shield and Bark Skin.  Then he cast Levitation and Invisibility and floated forward.  The 8th floor was still a forest and Mark knew that it would probably continue as a forest up until the 10th floor.  

The first group that he encountered were different.  There was a new monster in the midst of the group and it was a Kobold Arachne.  A half kobold half spider monster.  It was talking to the group of three kobolds riding a spider.   When Mark was near enough, he immediately cast Glacial Void to freeze the enemies.  The three kobold immediately froze but the Arachne was somehow able to dispel the ice surrounding it.  It actually didn’t matter to him since he immediately summoned the Space Tower to check its defense.  He allowed the Space Tower to grow to about 10 feet, him standing at the top.  Then he let the Arachne complete its spell so he can check out the effects of the tower’s defense together with his Space Shield and Bark Skin.

The Kobold Arachne actually casted a lightning spell and when it him, it just dispersed in the surrounding.  The Space Tower completely nulled the damage of the Lightning.  Mark then hurled a Glacial Void again to keep the other three monster frozen and to slow down the Arachne who wasn’t able to dispel the slow this time.  He then threw a Void Chain Lightning and Space Slash to the monsters.  He repeated the casting of Glacial Void and Void Chain Lightning never forgetting to cast his MP renewing spells, the Floating Sunflower and Bed of Daisies and then the enemies died.  He looted the dungeon items and store them on his inventory to Identify later. 

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